The Importance of Human Resource Management in British Petroleum Company

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Human capital, knowledge, and skills of the employee are considered an essential feature for successful organizational performance. Scholars specify that Human Resource Management is a vital element in getting successful organizational operation. The growing significance of human resources has resulted in increasing attention in making staffs management to be more, strategy-driven an essential activity in the organizations. Therefore, the most prosperous businesses emphasis on strategic employment of human resources activities associated with general organizational, goals, objectives and plans. Strategic personnel management method has critical measures. It needs the personnel management to be combined with company strategic plans. This incorporation has suggestions for the participation of different people in modelling the structure in which personnel management guidelines are established. Scholars specify that the decisions made in senior management levels of organization form the corporate and personnel management policies and guidelines for lower levels of the organization.

Empirical research has established that organizational performance is influenced by how personnel management activities are connected with the organization plan and provides contributions to the general organizational objective. Eriksson, et al (2016). specify that a business achieves a lot when it implements recruiting and selection structures which match its competitive plans, such as the reward systems which reflect effective performance appraisal strategy enactment and staff training, compensation, as well as the development plans directed by the performance management coordination and business goals. Additionally, High-performance business value HRM since they observe it as a strategic partner which helps achieve the desired outcomes. The paper will evaluate the British Petroleum company by looking at how the company enhances employee performance, and how the company recruit and selects the workers, the project will incorporate Harvard Holistic model to further analysis the human resource management in the company, the project finally focuses on the occupational health and how it can be improve (Descanso, et al, 2009,pg 14,15)

British Petroleum

British petroleum company is the world’s largest gas and oil corporation; it is amongst the third biggest corporation in the world (BP,2017). The company is a well know name in international market, and also in business territory it is much denoted to as a firm which has been taking part in the vertical integration method in every division of the fuel business, its major operations comprises of diggings of oil, mining and the production and distribution, buying and marketing, currently the British petroleum is promoting green energy through the launch of other energy sources(Bryan,2015,pg 34). British petroleum company runs a business in eighty different countries and mines roughly four million barrels per day; the company is headquartered in the Houston United States (BP, 2017)

British petroleum recruitment and Selection plans

Company’s overall plans and human resource policies must be carefully matched with selected recruitment plans to attain the required results(Dell,1993) . Company looking for culture transformation may support external staffing decisions while those who need commitment and excellence may support internal recruitment or a suitable mixture of both choices. Selections may alternate over time, reflecting the requirements of the firm at various phases (BP,2018)

Recruitment strategies

External recruitment option

When employing externally, British petroleum uses external recruitment associates to help with the employment of the high-ranking management workforce. These associates offer BP an array of services appealing to applicants, managing applicant answers, screening and selecting, or operating recruitment hubs on behalf of BP’s. (BP, 2017) BP has a structure in place to guarantee its recruitment associates forms a better understanding of the BP as well as its employment process. This is important because agencies and employers who are committed to co-operative corporations are likely to attain positive results (Cervixes al, 2014, pg. 31-35)

Employer branding

The employer image tends to work internally and externally while strengthening the company’s overall look to attract talented people join and stay in the organization. The company brand works as an identity (BP, 2017). BP has continuously focused on paint its image as environmental conscious cooperation looking into the future as well as the alternative fuel. In the year 2001, the company was renamed it also adopted “Beyond Petroleum” tagline to focus beyond oil trade. Which is a far-sighted and motivating method of pushing the brand into a positive path, building purpose as well as add value? This appeals top-talent in various areas, sharing the company dream and the viewpoint (Mathe, 2011,pg 5).

Internal talent pool

BP mainly supports internal staffing of high-ranking executives by concentrating on inner talent group which is within the organization. This is displayed with the high-ranking management selection in BP in past years. The company normally trains the workers from the various positions and equip them with proper leadership skills which will enable them to produce the needed result in their area of work. The training programme for potential leaders is usually carried out in collaboration with various training and recruitment agencies (BP, 2017)


British Petroleum uses e-recruitment methods through the intranet as well as through the internet. Networking sites, e.g. LinkedIn where high-ranking management works are despatched, has been regularly utilized as the BP’s company job website. (BP,2017). Similarly, gradually being utilized as part of staffing course are associates sites which identify the needed experiences. Watkin (2010, pg. 4) states that Skill-based employment methods offer a golden chance to build and shape the recruitment network based on expenses have been recognized in the firm as vital for the accomplishment of the task.

Selection strategies

The company uses Psychometric evaluations involving both quantitative and qualitative models to measure the level of experiences and talents of potential high-ranking staffs. However, the managerial interview and the face to face assessments disclose attitudes and the personality characters of these applicants. These approaches allow the personnel managers in the company to pick applicants with abilities, skills and the personal talents to perform efficiently. (BP,2017).

Additionally, role-playing applied by the company whereby potential senior candidates are monitored and given numerous task in the groups(Cook,2008,pg 4). The method, delivery of applicants and time-completion of every task is watched. Employment will be based on team performance as well as individual assistance. This safeguards the picking of an applicant with the needed talent to produce outcome irrespective of the difficulties in the place of work

The methods used by BP to increase the firm performance and develop competent staff

It is commonly approved that growing emphasis on personal development delivers growth in productivity, improves competitiveness and improves organizational development. (Watkin, 2010, pg. 21) BP has systematic and calculated activities approaches to give the company’s top managers the necessary talents to meet present and future work demands. (BP, 2017). The company has a noble method of building its managers, a method which is centred on the key behaviours which are essential to attaining high performance in the organization(Kumar, Ranjit 2011,pg 7) The company follows a single, familiar management outline, with strong and focused specific expectations. This concept is applied throughout the company to help pick, assess, grow and reward management team (BP, 2018)

Continuous Expert Development

British Petroleum runs a sequence of development packages known as the Managing Essentials to assist management team to apply leadership agenda in their groups; in UK and US, the company continues to function strictly with approximately twenty or so groups to enhance leadership (BP,2018)

Continuous Expert Development

The company runs chains of expansion programmes known as Managing Fundamentals to assist managers to relate the management agenda in their teams; in both the UK and the US, the organization also works strictly with about twenty cores following constant progress in performance(Baugh, James A., Starke, Mary 2010, pg 23) CPD in British petroleum consists of mixed events which include, conference, course, seminars, work-based activities, courses, and self-directed natural learning. The company operates three types of progress programmes considered to form excellence in the three significant functional parts of processes, finance and personnel management. The Procedure established an organization with MIT, gives the organization’s senior bosses with rigorous and efficient attitude to handle safe and well-organized operations (BP,2018)

Senior management development programmes

The Supervisory Agenda permits high-ranking leaders to maintain the differences set by the operations-level administration, demonstrable changes within the organization, create guidelines which helps push the organization forward. The chief organization management, his management team, and about ninety members, and presentation unit leaders, have joined the programme (BP, 2018)


Similarly, the company also offers training for high-ranking leadership. For example, Angola branch has functioned strictly with the I-coach conservatory to deliver and design a training programme to function with management growth initiative expected to back and improve the Leadership. Various coaches are deliberately selected to give various approach and style of training, here every single participant are matched with the fitting coach. Members are also given an opportunity to grow knowledgeable society around their unit which provides support and test throughout this programme (BP, 2018)

Positive results have been noted about the company’s training program. Many participants admit it offers the required learning interferences which accomplish the desires for actual transition into senior management sites including feedback skills, influencing skills, performing management and stakeholder management (Baugh,2008, pg. 45)


E-learning inventiveness as HRD way enhancing performance for its high-ranking bosses. Since the year 2006, the company has embarked on its primary global security and operations on e-learning exercise. Kino e-learning key training tool was designated in the year 2007 at beginning of the curriculum expansion to top the combined strategy of technical elements.(BP,2018). Operating Essentials, programme determined by safety procedure group, Health, Safety, is planned to improve acts and upkeep Leaders to successful teams and operates successfully, within the British petroleum worldwide business (Dell, 1993)

The Performance Management Role in Attaining Higher Performance in BP

Companies need to be dedicated to the effective management of individuals and groups to attain high-levels of structural performance. Which is the main target for performance management? The company strives for performance-driven values, with a perfect arrangement amongst the team, personal performance. (Baugh, 2008, pg. 45-98). British petroleum business has a proposal aimed to achieve fundamentals of the society’s general plan. Aims and signs for every worker are then fixed in accordance with team proposal (BP, 2017). Additionally, workers are satisfied and agree that it is true that they have accomplished the sets goals besides specific goals. Environmental performance is a significant aspect of present assessment for senior bosses. Contributions of the environmental exhibition are utilized as the number of proposal audits made. Performance and target measures are emphasizing on constant development (Baugh, 2008, pg. 45-98)

360-Degree Evaluation

Managers, peers and team members are appraised with the assistance of a 360° response tool, classifying their top 3 relative weakness and strengths. These views are filed in a report. Workers are targeted for selection for leadership (BP, 2017)

Balanced Scorecard

British petroleum likewise joins a composed scorecard attitude in its performance quantity schemes in evaluating senior bosses. This technique established by Norton and Kaplan propose that human personnel managers amount performance evidence concerning the high-ranking workers with a general opinion of key presentation pointers centred on four key parts; learning, internal process perspective and the Growth Viewpoint (BP,2018)

A Holistic Model of Human Resource Management

Human resource activities applied in BP Company imitate the Harvard investigative structure. The model pulls mostly from the human relations institute which highlights interaction, collaboration and the use of the personal ability. It focuses on a soft feature of human resource. In BP, staffs are observed as equally important as other shareholder groups. Therefore, their desires and securities must be reflected. Worker securities are recognized and connected with the organization goals. The firm also identifies and considers the environmental influences which will assist in shaping HR plans selections. It also identifies various shareholder interest which impacts on worker performance and behaviour (Beer al,1984, pg. 23).

Model functions one premise that employees must be, committed,

congruent, competent, and cost-effective (FOUR Cs). To reach this desired outcome

Personnel management flows into firm are applied for selection. Reward system must be planned to appeal and encourage keeping staffs. British Petroleum is placing a specific value on deep specialized skills and the technical knowledge, and are employing and building the excellent specialists required to guarantee a sustainable future. BP has also reshaped the way the firm handle and reward workers to increase performance. The company is simplifying their firm and allowing an individual to perform their jobs. (Baugh, 2008, Pg3). Employee Impact is custom-made on organized authority, the empowerment as well as decision making. Work structure is made in a way that benefits the organization (Beer, 1984)

British Petroleum has been prosperous in forming the right team with the right abilities to handle the task. BP’s administration acknowledges the effect staffs’ commitment as showed in the year 2009 (BP, 2017). British petroleum’s performance talks volumes about the company’s motivation and talents. The outcome from the 2009 worker survey found that worker morale is going up as the company’s operational performance advances. The long-term outcome has been constant momentum on the business growth and also gives better life through dependable, safe-supply of energy as well as share the benefits of the project with people around the globe which truly signifies significant human progress (Watkins, 2010, pg. 4)

Adapted from Beer (1984). The model pulls mostly from the human relations institute which highlights interaction, collaboration and the use of the personal ability. Generate.. The Harvard explanation sees staffs as resources. On the other hand, they are observed as being basically different other organization resources and therefore cannot be handled in the same manner

Different authors modified the Harvard concept (i.e., Warwick concept) which reduces the narrow feature while lengthening the systematical feature of the concept. It tries to assimilate personnel management problems with a full range of outside societal impacts such as the socio-economic, competitive, political, legal and mechanical problems. Warwick HRM concept centers on plotting the context, recognizing (organizational) and broader external context while discovering how HRM take into account the transformation in this particular context (, Beer, 1984, pg. 24).

The firm evidently understands the connection between external background issues such as the socio-political issues (operational safety guidelines) technical and economic challenges; and internal contextual elements (structure, culture, structure and firm output) on both companies plan content and the HR results. These numerous contextual matters impact HRM plans in British petroleum across group’s various companies as a whole (BP,2018)

British Petroleum is a worldwide firm which functions in various areas where the challenges may vary significantly. Thus, the company considers the problem in the external context which affects HRM plans and activities in these regions. The human resource activities are determined through examining several external contextual features and their connection with culture, plan of the firm and this, therefore, impact HR strategies, and results are adapted for the various nations it operates in.

As BP North Sea manager Marty states: ”Our workers are now motivated and are determined to deliver even improved performance in the next few years.” In the meantime, the culture of continuous advancement in the North-Sea mining team assisted in moving mining performance from 4th quartile in the year 2007 to 1st quartile in the year 2008 and created additional mining capital efficiencies (BP,2017)

BP Health and Safety professional

International Labour Organization, (ILO) mining is considered as the world most dangerous sector and has been declared as hazardous and dangerous. Employees working around the oil mining filed are exposed to numerous chemical, physical, mechanical, psychosocial and biological risk factors (

Arnold,2005, pg. 3)

The BP is concerned about the worker’s safety and has put measures in place to ensure that they are not exposed to any health risk. They employee various safety officers who are equipped to tackle hazardous emergencies; they are ready for and have detailed plans in place to deliver an instant response to emergencies. The officer has no room for satisfaction and is continually looking to enhance the way they can deal with possible emergencies(BP,2017)

The officer delivers crisis and continuity management (C&CM) course for a physically bounded group of properties (BP, 2017). This entails typically leading yearly business continuity valuations and guaranteeing that possible C&CM threats are identified, evaluated, prioritized and alleviated. As well as creating and reviewing annual fuels value-chain response plans, another role was to provide teaching exercise and specialist expertise to support business readiness while creating the team capabilities to counter to any essential operational disturbance (BP,2017)

How BP recruits and trains occupational health officers

The company mainly recruits its health and safety officers through employment agencies. The officers are assessed by the agencies and sent to the company for further assessment. The company based recruitment evaluation is mainly based on the group work. Here a team is given work to perform and ranked on the time and team performance.

Training Trainers

After the recruitment exercise the officers, are taken for further training in areas related to mining occupational safety. The officers are equipped with updated knowledge on matters related to work safety in oil companies. After successful training, the health officers are tasked with implementing the safety practices in their areas of work (Arnold,2005, pg. 3)

Small group approach

Small group method is educational method that centres on the individuals teaching in small clusters and is different from organizational learning .These activities entail the learners to collaborate to attain the learning objective. In BP the team of senior officer acts as group leader the leader organize a group of five people and educate the on occupational risk and how to avoid them the student of this program then implement what they have been taught in their specific area of work. In addition, the group function and the learning that takes place needs to be assessed and evaluated.

Involvement of management team in occupational health Occupational safety

Occupational health systems are planned to recognize and minimise dangers at the workstation. The efficiency of such structures also influence business performance, both in a adverse way if the systems are burdensome or rigid, or in a positive way if the structure is well designed and works efficiently. To bring positive impact, the systems must function efficiently, in line with the overall leadership of the firm and delivery of the production objectives and goals.The BP company involves the management team in occupational health through offering effective leadership in the company, the top leaders tend to have a clear picture of the risk involved in the work and can offer clear structure to mitigate the identified risk, and in order to do so there must be a proper leadership in place. This what the company offers, it trains the leaders and equip them with the needed knowledge to enable them to offer proper and clear guidance in matters related to work risk.

The issue of occupational safety in the mining segment is growing due to the growing demands of mineral. The incident for organizations and workers is that occupational injury linked disabilities and deaths are rising. This affects workers’ attitudes and goals toward their business. Occupational health plans are therefore recommended for BP in order to help the company prevent the ill health which arises from workplace environments, the safety programs will work to deal with accidents and minimize the subsequent loss and destruction to workers lives and assists (Anrold, 2005, pg. 13).

Moreover, supervisors are usually observed as the main component in safety administration at the place of work in guaranteeing safety acquiescence. Arnold (2005, pg. 3) noted that staffs obeyed safety guidelines and measures when they observed that action of the supervisor is fair and congruent and fair with the business program on safety. Hence supervisors should be retained in order to help the company enact the safety guidelines in place.

My involvement

I was majorly involved with coordinating safety training among the workers. To be successful, health and program must have meaningful involvement of workforces as well as their representatives. Employees have a lot to receive from the fruitful program The program equips them with the needed knowledge also that they habitually know more about possible hazards related to their occupations. My task as the health officer and the head of the training team was to recruit and enlighten works about the program. I worked for hand in hand with the various departments to coordinate the trading programme.


Even though BP is a multinational company with operations over 80 regions, the company has not invested more resources in the employment and training of the health and safety officers, this can create significant challenges especially during disasters, therefore, it is recommended that the company employees more health and safety officer and invest more in training of the health officer (Baugh, 2008, pg. 45-98)

Implementation theory

The theory in most cases applies concepts and opinions to define a causal transformation of events which produce the needed outcome. ‘Implementation’ is defined as a sequence of action which if put to use an idea, procedure, decision or program. The concept of the implementation, hence, uses ideas and opinions to forecast or clarify how paths of action engaged to put a notion, decision, technique or a program into proper use. It has been noted that organization usually tend to thrive where there are constants change and improvement in leadership, and work-related activates (Baugh,2008, pg. 45-98) The improvement usually comes about as a result of the implementation of practices which have been identified to enhance the performance. For successful implantation of the organization practices, there must be proper planning put in place to ensure that the implantation plan goes on successfully (Dell,1993, pg. 12)


Organizations are created for specific objectives and purpose, people join organizations to content their desires, and in doing so, they donate to organizational act to attain the goals of the organization. Hence, it is the concern of each and every leader to form an organization that will be focused on both individual and firm success, because the level at which individual succeeds depends on significantly on assistant’s and preparedness to corporate among other things, it also depends on the degree of congruency amongst the leadership style approved by the leader and the opportunities and requirements of the subordinates.

Therefore, to apprehend the objective of the BP company, the management should be ready enough to identify the desires of the workers, employ suitable motivational tools like skills, provide a good working environment, raise of staff built on merit and to guarantee free run of information, individual recognition as well as investigation and development.

Hence, this project concludes that there is a constructive relationship between organization performance and effective leadership as supposed by the employees in the BP office. Also, there are no management problems that hamper structural performance in the BP. However, factors such as good office space, insufficient assets, and bad work atmosphere are some of the factors that hamper the activities of the work of the organization. Also, there are ways of improving the BP firm. This can be made likely through the establishment of the essential tools, financial sustenance office tools, favourable work environs and the enthusiasm of the staff by collaborating with the head office so that all the items needed is given (Baugh,2008, pg. 45-98)


The cause the components of work performance are comprehensive, carry out further research on job decisions as well as job paths might offer the leaders sufficient resources to cut barriers and upsurge work performance. The commendations in this research might help managers’ abilities to advance worker performance, motivation, management relations, and organizations proceeds. The aim of career-decisions is to spread the responsiveness of personal identify and to build enthusiasm for inner emotional movement. Persons seeking work may use information of their occupation identity for every career connected decisions. Though no single philosophy completely defines all career conduct and experiences, the advantage of career decisions is that staffs gain motivation and self-confidence working and interrelating with different staffs in a more constructive environment.

On occupational health matters , we can say the danger of work related injury or illness differs both across industry and occupation , and employees’ contact with such dangers differs across the path of their lifecycle. Substantial investigation is recommended on pathological ,physiological, as well as functional impact of possibly harmful worksite contacts—physiochemical, biomechanical, biological, as well as psychosocial on oil workers. This study should include determine how these ecological exposures can affect trajectory of the normal human and organ work, including cumulative impacts of various previous workplace exposures, and gross impact on pathogenesis of work related chronic diseases .


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