The Mathematics of Love

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Hannah Fry's "Mathematics of Love"

Hannah Fry takes a very Cartesian approach to passion in her "Mathematics of Love", a Marabout publication in her new Ted collection: ideas that change the world. However, it is hard to imagine that there may be any relationship between mathematics and love. Mathematics is indeed a field of scientific research, while the concept of love is apparently rather unpredictable and irrational. Nevertheless, according to the mathematician Hannah Fry, love could indeed be governed by mathematical models. With this understanding, Fry is looking for the best way to highlight the beauty and relevance of her knowledge, to spread the joy of mathematics to the general public. Mathematics is the language of nature and Fry hopes to make people discover that they can decode models, formalize the laws of the universe that boil down to equations. From her contacts with the general public, comments, often enthusiastic, and always very useful, that she collected, she was able to offer tips to illuminate a person's love life.

Tips for Love and Relationships

Among the numerous tips she offers, the major tips include how to seduce using scientifically verified schemes and models, how to choose the ideal person as a spouse, and how to do some mathematical trickery to make wedding day a great success by intervening the mathematics of the optimization, separate the enemies, and get the table plan of your banquet as safe as possible, and how to avoid a divorce. These tips attempt to define the supposed "elusive essence of beauty" while proposing that individuals should turn to advantage the laws of human perception where beauty is truly in the eye of one who sees her. Altogether, Hannah Fry tries to educate people on how to use mathematics to find soul mates. She believes that mathematical models can be used to show individuals that happy relationships are those whose threshold of negativity are relatively low. Therefore, this video can be of benefit to individuals in relationships and those looking to get into one since mathematics can transmit a positive message about our relationships and confirm the very old biblical wisdom that the sun does not should never fold on our anger.

Work Cited

Fry, Hannah. "The Mathematics of Love". Ted.Com, 2018,   Accessed 6      Mar 2018.

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