Trifles by Susan Glaspell feminist approach

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Trifles by Glaspell depicts a woman, Mrs. Wright, as an alienated lady from society who suffers under her spouse’s domination. The play depicts how men view women in society and the many roles they play on a daily basis. The play depicts pioneering feminism through a variety of actors, including Sheriffs and their wives, Mr. and Mr. Hale, who were neighbors, and Minnie, who hides behind the board and is never seen, but is the main focus of the scene. Therefore, the research paper entails how men perceive women in society; how the author brings out revolutionary feminism, and finally, the nature of men and female as portrayed in the play.

The play “Trifles” by Susan Glaspell illustrates the common traditional overview of a female gender by 1916. While male gender in the play demonstrates the present image of the masculine world domination. The play exposes that, women are able to perform anything; however, they are able to collect things such as what Minnie Wright demanded when she was in prison (Susan, 154). On the other hand, Susan Glaspell brings out the feminine theory by making women the major characters in the play. Susan brings out men as the scared individual by women’s empowerment and hence limits them to traditional roles of the society. She recounts a number of situations where male gender is always self-confidence and they overlooked female gender. Thus women came out as radicals as they upset men’s expectations in society.

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In Trifles, Susan Glaspell contrasts differences in functions that are undertaken by men and women in reference to a crime scene of Mr. Wright’s murder. Susan Glaspell manages to put up a massive importance and potential of women in the equipped society which had been ignored for a long time in the society. By so doing, it resulted in men’s experiencing unnecessary tragedy and failure. To develop Susan Glaspell’s feminine theory further, she betrays the factual beliefs of men on women. Women in Trifles are reserved within their kitchens at the same time men are set out to upstairs for clues. Thus this demonstrates the most insulting attitude which men had towards a position of women within society roles by such a time (Susan, 200).

To illustrate and bring out revolutionary feminism in Trifles, Susan Glaspell used prominent symbolism. For example, women are restricted to their kitchens whilst men are free to stroll in and out. This explains the real life which Mrs. Wright had but ultimately as she was exposed by making a formal ruptures. Additionally, cage symbolizes life that Mr. Wright damned the wife by isolating her; and furthermore, shedding her individuality on her. The lifeless canary is figurative of Mrs. Wright when she wedded and since then, she is depicted by Mrs. Hales as “type of a bird herself – real pretty and sweet, but a brand of timorous and fluttery” (Susan, 214).

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John Wright is a victim of the homicide, committed suicide and was found upstairs in his bedroom having hanged with a rope around his neck. While the wife was in her bed in her deeper sleep not knowing the event of the husband’s death. Thus the bedroom against kitchen demonstrates a typical domination of the world by male gender; indicating that, ladies belong to the kitchen. As the men come on the scene, there happens to have a discussion of demeaning commentary, however, it is not discussed for Minnie Wright but on other ladies within the scene. The attorney of the county shows Minnie to have a messy kitchen at all times. However, Mr. Hale affirms that women have the tendency to worry a lot about “trifles”. Therefore, such comments brought all women together to assist Minnie; as a way of seeking out their position in the society and it illustrates revolutionary feminism in Trifles.

Similarly, to illustrate revolutionary feminism in Trifles, women as a team moved to reconstruct the kitchen so as to uphold the sad life of Minnie. However, by so doing, women noticed a number of insignificant elements which men never thought that they are of any significance. Consequently, they become a united force such that Minnie is not the victim like John Wright. On the other hand, Mrs. Peters signifies a lady who tries to perceive things from an intellectual sight sans emotions; her motions were also involved with the logic she had (Jobbery 67). Regardless the notion that, ladies should always abide by the rule of law, Mrs. Peters acknowledged nothing is white and black.

In addition, a bird confine sits unfilled in a secret. The door is ripped by the hinges. An attractive pack seized the body of the bird by its neck warped. Together as one, ladies recognized that such bird represents Winnie’s strangulation in her marriage. As per this reality, all women bit together with the misdeed. Women solved the felony, not for Minnie alone; and this indicates the sisterhood of the women and illustrates revolutionary feminism in Trifles (Jobbery 44).

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On the other hand, the play reflects author’s concern with the culture-bound philosophy of sex and gender roles. The concerns of female gender are considered to be measly trifles, insignificant issues which bear little magnitude to factual work of the society. Men in a play loom towards the house of Wright, where the murder of Mr. Wright occurred as a crime scene, whereas ladies who went along with them by the time of the investigation, they approached that house as a home. Thus it is acknowledged that, women and men possess very diverse reasons for being there. For men, are there to carry out their roles as law professionals while women, are there to organize their personal effects to go with to the captive of Mrs. Wright. As a result of adopting women’s way of life, they are capable to achieve power as being diminished for having low status in the society. Since men never expect women to take part or any role in the investigation, they are impartial in the women’s judicious impressions and important findings which solved the murder case (Makowsky 423).The feminist perception in Glaspell’s Trifles is exposed through symbolism, as Jobbery wrap up with, ”symbolism used is at the call for equal rights for men and women, and the responsibility men played in squashing their delusion” (Jobbery 18). Trifles are as well figurative; they reflect on how men perceive women. Since a ”trifle” is a small item of little significance or something that lack consequence” (Jobbery 7). However, men’s dismissal of women results in a strong womanly bond which symbolized within the play. It is the most imperative application of symbolism in Trifles since women’s bond became strong as they search for their position in the society; they eventually made a decision of keeping incriminating awareness Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale have discovered a furtive. In conclusion, Trifles by Susan Glaspell is regarded as fiction work of feminist literature. The plot depicts the life of a lady who has been concealed, subjugated and oppressed by the patriarchal and oppressed husband. Susan dramatizes the insincerity and ingrained prejudice of male dominance of the society at the same time speaks out the dangers of women who submit to such hierarchies (Makowsky 421). Since Mrs. Wright follows responsibility mapped by her spouse and is directed by the limits of the social order of the society’s patriarchal expectations, Mrs. Wright’s identity is lost at some point on the way. On the other hand, Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale quietly affirmed on preservation on their own identities by shielding Mrs. Wright from men who seek out to criminalize her due to her act of murder (Makowsky 422).

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Work Cited

Makowsky, Veronica. ”Susan Glaspell’s Poetics and Politics of Rebellion by Emeline Jouve.” Comparative Drama 51.3 (2017): 421-423.Jabboury, Latifa I. ”The Significance of Symbolism in Conveying the Feminist Perspective in Trifles (2017)

Susan Glaspell’s Trifles.” The University of Mustansiriya College of Arts Department of English, n.d. Web. 15 July 2014.

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