A Case Study of Anemia

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Indeed, Ms. A seems to get affected by challenges associated with Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA). Her preliminary and circumstances work up according to the prevailing medical decisions made. IDA typically progresses whenever the iron deposits within the body fail to enhance the production of red blood cells. Hence, the preliminary symptoms associated with IDA may subject to descriptions such as weakness and shortness of breath as well. At the same time, Ms. A could experience symptoms related to increased patterns of breath shortness and low energy levels. These symptoms would indicate the probable nature of IDA’s development. Acute dizziness which Ms. A experienced gives attribution for the further manifestation of IDA in its non-specific form (Greer, 2013).

            Geer (2013) mentions how the contention of reduced levels of hemoglobin and hematocrit becomes responsible for enhancing the attribution of IDA’s diagnosis. Ms. A’s hemoglobin and hematocrit levels of 8 g/dl and 32% fall below the standard therapeutic values. Such circumstances lead to an instant medical decision making where IDA subjects to an inevitable diagnosis. Loue and Sajatovic (2008) advocate for the possible existence of IDA as it relates to anemia where the loss of blood tends to arise from gastrointestinal bleeding as well as heavy menstruation among females. Moreover, when the above-noted scenarios get exanimated physically, it would become easier to identify valid symptoms associated with IDA. Hence, patterns such as low blood pressure and tachycardia subject to exposure as evidenced in M. A’s case study.

            Low erythrocyte count has relevance in the overall evaluation of IDA (Geer, 2013). Even though, the effect drawn from other distinctive factors like altitude, stress, dehydration, and medication needs careful investigation during the process of evaluating IDA’s patterns affecting the predisposed individuals.  Meanwhile, Greenberg, Glick, and Ship (2008) point out that bleeding tends to associate with the constant use of aspirin. Therefore, such a circumstance attributes to the overall development of IDA.

            Typically, excessive loss of blood becomes the preliminary reason responsible for the development of pathologic Iron Deficiency Anemia among its patients. The hemorrhage issue noted, in this case, may have different sources, including menorrhagia. Indeed, bleeding may reduce the iron content bound to the human body. Such an effect would then lead to an episode identified as the post-hemorrhagic anemia. However, the activation of the bone marrow helps to compensate for the loss of hemoglobin responsible for reducing the overall content of iron within the body. The mechanism defect associated with hemoglobin synthesis provokes the production of microcytic erythrocytes and hypochromic that are noted to become evident through RBC smear findings.

            The iron-deficient erythropoiesis patterns always tend to become responsible for causing a sustained serum hemoglobin reduction below the required standard concentration. Indeed, from a clinical perspective, Ms. A portrays similar manifestations patterns whose effects relate to the iron deficiency anemia condition. The heavy menses pattern resulting from menorrhagia typically gets regarded as the possible cause of IDA among most females bound to the reproductive age. Hence, the symptoms of dizziness, palpitations, nervousness, shortness of breath, and fatigue that follows after the occurrence of heavy menses which typically require the extension of immediate medical attention. Such procedures help to track the effects of iron deficiency anemia among the predisposed persons. Indeed, young women affected by mild IDA tend to exhibit no symptoms. Even though, when IDA becomes severe or moderate, its manifestations of tachycardia and tachypnea become prevalent among the affected individuals.


Geer J. P. (October 17, 2013). Wintrobe’s clinical hematology: Thirteenth edition – University of   Utah. Retrieved on April 25, 2018, from, https://utah.pure.elsevier.com/en/.../wintrobes-         clinical-hematology-thirteenth-edition

Greenberg, M. S., Glick, M., & Ship, J. A. (2008). Diagnosis and Management of Oral and      Salivary Gland Diseases. Burket’s Oral Medicine. 11th Ed. Hamilton, Ontario: BC       Decker Inc, 235-70.

Loue, S., & Sajatovic. M (2008). Encyclopedia of aging and public health. Springer Science &       Business Media.

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