Analysis of Leadership Skills of Richard Branson

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Branson’s Leadership Approach

Branson has headed the discovery of required changes, which has come up with the idea of bringing change by encouragement. The workers’ pledge has brought change. Branson has transformational leadership skills, and he uses several approaches to drive the confidence and work of the employees. Richard Branson maintains a good leader-employee-relation. Branson works with peacefully and respects his employees. He positively accepted employee’s response as well as innovative ideas before giving them the freedom to present their ideas. Virgin Group’s production happens to be low because there are no particular procedures for completing tasks. The essay discusses the various leadership skills, personal attributes, history, contribution and the positive and negative impact of Richard Branson on the Virgin Group company.

Leadership Styles Used by Richard Branson

Richard Branson uses various leadership styles. Firstly, Richard Branson adapts to variations quickly. For example, when he finds out he has failed in a competition comprising other groups he is quick to adapting to new strategies (Branson 2014). Besides, Richard Branson also creates fun environment at work. Another leadership style Richard Branson used is cheering up workers. Encouraging workers helps them carry out assigned tasks confidently. Encouraging employees to get into different areas of work, gives employees to work in different organizations. In addition, helps employees show skills in particular areas of work to the employers (Burnes 2012). Another leadership style shown by Richard Branson is the style of appreciation, sensor of appreciation from a business leader comes out when individuals in business involve the employees in decision-making. Involving the employees in solving business problems makes employees feel how valuable and appreciated.

Richard Branson’s Business Attributes

Richard Branson portrays the following business attributes. Firstly, there is the use progressive behavior. Progressive behavior creates the ability to be in touch with the work all the time. In addition, it also enables individuals in the market to project their companies as a casual substitute. Richard Branson also portrays the attribute of not losing money. Employers are encouraged by the attribute despite the fact that individuals in business are after making money. The money-loving attribute helps build a good relationship between employers and employees (Burnes. 2012). Another attribute is the spirit of seeking and self-assurance, which helps individuals, have success. Leading by example, Richard Branson also leads by example, as leader individuals in business need to be role models for their employers to emulate (Dr.Niphadkar. 2017). Another leadership skill of Richard is the skill of communication. Mode of communication between employers and employees and even other business people matters a lot. Sharing idea among employers and employees concerning the business company helps in coming up with the appropriate solution to a given task. Listening is another leadership skill portrayed by Richard Branson. Paying attention is one of the most important factors that bring understanding among business people. In conjunction, listening also makes people in the market know the mistakes that come along to achieve success. Lastly, education is also another leadership factor. Leaders who have education knows how to handle workers on different occasions. In addition, education yields respect between the employer and employee.

Positive Impact of Richard Branson

Richard Branson has the following positive impacts on the society and people in the business. Firstly, there is looking for advice concerning business ideas. Advice on the business idea helps individuals in the market know where to start. In addition, it also guides business people the steps to take before handling any business idea. (Internet, 2017). Another positive effect is leading by example. Leading by example helps build good relations between the majors and minors in business. Guiding the employees helps on what is right and wrong matters a lot in business entities (“Richard Branson Analysis Leader Critique a Critique Research Paper - 1687 Words by Paper due”, 2018). In addition, there is creativity. Individuals in the market have become creative and great thinkers, which help, find the solution to the problems affecting the business market. The last positive effect shown is that Teamwork should be the driving force behind everything (“Richard Branson’s Leadership Style - 962 Words | Bartleby”, 2018). Working together yields quality results. Teamwork helps individuals in the market to accomplish the tasks within the specified time and get the products on the market within time.


In conclusion, according to the essay, individuals in a market should practice good leadership skills. Good leadership maintains a good relationship between employers and employees. Being a leader individual has to show concern for the employees, encourage, motivate and maintain good behaviors. Individuals in the market should not put money as a number one prior agenda, loving money in business leads to failure in what is planned for a business to grow. Knowing that success has to be worked for, individuals should to work hard and seek advice from individuals who have already gone through such business situations. Successful individuals tend to give reliable information on how to handle business matters at hand. Upcoming business individuals should emulate good characters and leadership qualities from prosperous and successful business people, which helps young entrepreneurs, gather skills to run own business. Leadership is a life lesson to a businessperson. Employers who cannot lead the employees well definitely cannot lead the company. Good leadership creates a conducive working environment for workers, which leads to high production. As a leader, one has to be innovative, coming up with new ideas in business matters a lot whether a businessperson has leadership qualities. In addition, the current world is based on innovation hence business people need to be creative to suite into the society. Business people who do not have leadership qualities tend to fail most often in business.


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Richard Branson Analysis Leader Critique A Critique Research Paper - 1687 Words by Paperdue. (2018). Paperdue. Retrieved 21 April 2018, from

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Burnes B. (2012). Leadership and Change: The Case For Greater Ethical Clarity. Journal of       Business Ethics 108(2), 239-252.

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Dr.Niphadkar C.(2017). The New Age Transformational Leader: Richard Branson. International    Journal Of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 8, Issue 6, 542-547.

November 13, 2023


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