Attention Getter English

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Attention Getter has and remains an important part of uniting America, which is an ethnically mixed country built on the unity of a language; English.

General Introduction—The proposal of English as an official language in the United States has split the country with minorities feeling oppressed by it, whilst others see it as an affirmation of a generally acknowledged fact.

Thesis Statement: In their respective papers, Miller and Citrin used similar reasons for and against the officialization of the English language. They do, however, disagree on the positions to be taken with Citrin in favor of the English Officiating, while Miller is opposed to that. “Talk the Talk” is an article by Eric C. Miller focused on shedding light on the topic of advocacy behind making English language the official language in America.

In “Language Politics and American identity” Citrin explores how the English language has been integral to the unity in the United States in which many of the first citizens were ethnically diverse.

Both articles agree on the reasons behind the call for officiating English in America which is a fear in rapid immigration.

2. Sentence stating the synthesis

a. Both articles address the issue of making English the official language in the United States, citing similar perceived advantages and disadvantages of such a move would have on the multi ethnic American society.

b. The writers do not share similar positions with regards to making English the official language in American States; Miller is of the opinion that language has never and will never be a threat, while Citrin disagrees and views multiculturalism as a threat to unity and stability

II. First Body Paragraph: Summarize the first article listed in the 1st sentence of the Thesis

“Talk the Talk” is an article by Eric C. Miller focused on shedding light on the topic of advocacy behind making English language the official language in America.

The author argues that the law is unnecessary since presently an overwhelming majority use English as a means of formal communication making the reforms unnecessary. By citing historical figures such as President Theodore Roosevelt who had proposed language reforms, the author demonstrates that these reforms are as a result of a xenophobic mindset (Eric).

The author quotes Roosevelt saying English “turns our people out as Americans, of American nationality, and not as dwellers in a polyglot boarding house” which was mainly driven by the influx of German immigrants. The author questions the validity of the notion that when immigrants learn to speak English they will be integrated into American society. Miller demonstrates this by explaining that urban English dialects associated with black Americans are viewed with suspicion as opposed to Midwestern dialects.

The authors accepts that English as a language has a big role to play in uniting the nation as it has always been since the founding of the nation, but stresses that minority languages must also be recognized to enhance unity.

III. Second Body Paragraph: Summarize the second article listed in the 1st sentence of the Thesis

In “Language Politics and American identity” Jack Citrin explores how the English language has been integral to the unity in the United States in which many of the first citizens were ethnically diverse.

The author argues that minorities should not feel threatened by the language reforms since after a few generations their descendants will be monolingual English speakers. He explains that the bilingual program introduced in the 1980`s was a failure since it led to further alienation of immigrants on the basis that they spoke a different language.

Citrin explains that “those proposing the bill cite historical evidence in explaining the divisiveness and that will arise out of linguistic diversity which would mainly affect the political climate of the country (Citrin, 109).”

For immigrants to fully integrate into the American society they should drop their individual languages and use English just as the founding fathers of America did.

IV. Third Body Paragraph: prove the similarity as stated in the 2nd sentence of the thesis exists

A. Both articles address the issue of making English the official language in The United States citing similar perceived advantages and disadvantages such a move would have on the multi ethnic American society.

B. The author argues that the main reason for the policy is to prevent immigration from exerting influencing on American culture and life that is seen as a threat to the stability of the country.

C. Citrin argues that English is a uniting factor that is essential for one to progress in America which is the reason many third generation immigrants are monolingual English speakers.

D. Both authors agree that the language reforms are as a result of immigration concerns whereby citizens feel threatened by minority ethnicities that have mainly migrated into the country. In this respect Citrin offers the better argument since he offers a better explanation of the reasons why some feel it’s urgent to push for language reforms.

E. Though Miller expresses similar sentiments they focus primarily on the negative aspect of what seems like well-intentioned reasons for the reforms. Citrin explains that preservation of the American culture which is the unifying factor of the American nation which was built on a common language which is English.

V. Fourth Body Paragraph: prove the difference as stated in the 2nd sentence of the thesis exists.

A. The writers do not share similar positions with regards to making English the official language in American States; Miller is of the opinion that language has never and will never be a threat while Citrin disagrees and views multiculturalism as a threat to unity and stability.

B. Miller explains that “In truth, for many English-only advocates, language has become a stand-in for less palatable sentiments, the fear of changing racial demographics among them.”

C. In his article Citrin states “most citizens regard English as a symbol of American nationhood that must be defended” (Citrin, 96).

D. The authors do not share a similar view with regards to the importance of institutionalizing English; while Citrin views it as integral to ensuring unity Miller sees it as being divisive and wrong. Miller provides the better argument since he examines the history of the topic in depth; which has always been to counter immigration from influencing American culture.

E. Though both authors can agree on the reasons why language reforms have become a concern; while Citrin views this as an opportunity to enhance unity in a common identity Miller sees it as an opportunity to ensure immigrants do not thrive.

VI. Conclusion

The importance of the English language in America`s history cannot be understated given that Europeans of different ethnicities were integrated into one nation. Reforms for making English the official language have drawn different reactions; authors like Miller view this as an act of intolerance while Citrin welcomes it for the unity it will bring.

For both articles, it is true that xenophobia is driving the calls for the reforms, but for Citrin this is due to the uncertainty that a multilingual American society brings in terms of stability. Miller on the other hand views this with suspicion and states that it shows great intolerance and will divide an already diverse country. Overall, Miller provides the better argument by invoking the past and demonstrating that language reforms are unnecessary since the once feared Germans have fully integrated into American society.

C. In summary, English is the most important language in America and was integral in uniting what was then a very diverse society which has been blended and unified into one.


Citrin, Jack. ”Language politics and American identity.” The Public Interest 99 (1990). Pg 97-109.

Eric Miller. “Talk That Talk .” Ericcmiller, 2 June 2015, Accessed 30th August 2017.

October 13, 2022

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