Comments on an Essay

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The essay perfectly complemented the query and addressed every necessary detail. In-depth research has been done on the various definitions of what it means to be an adult in various parts of the globe. A child is defined by international organizations like the United Nations as anyone who is younger than the age of 18, but this definition only applies to ideal societies. Practically speaking, the passage from childhood to adulthood is defined by a variety of factors in real society. The economics is a key factor in low-income countries. On the other hand, developing and wealthy countries use education to delineate the point at which a person becomes an adult. Despite these differences among societies, banning child labor has seen the emergence of consumerism that has revealed a common trend among nations despite their economic power. Children from poor and rich backgrounds are equally affected by consumerism, a trend that is less likely to change soon.

Age should be the best determiner to be used in drawing the line between childhood an adulthood. The reliance on rituals, actions, and economic activities only results to inconsistencies across cultures in the contemporary world. Regardless of the society being focused on, the transition to young adulthood after the adolescent age should biologically entail mental development that results to role transitions and new responsibilities. The convergence of ideas on the best definition of a child, an adolescent, a young adult and an adult is agreed upon to be the age of the person, regardless of whether a researcher is a cognitivist or a behaviorist. Besides, the biological definition does not vary in pastoral, agricultural, feudal or hunting and gathering communities.

June 26, 2023
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