effect on aging of Modifiable behaviors

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This book has integrated a number of research experiments using animal models to focus on the many dynamics of healthy brain aging (mouse models). The author provides a thorough analysis of effective aging, age-related cognitive decline and the corresponding structural and functional brain changes, as well as how these brain changes are influenced by reproductive aging, throughout all of the chapters. Additionally, the effects of aging on memory systems are examined in the book. Furthermore, the author has scrutinized some of the psychiatric disorders that are most common in aging individuals. As well, the book identifies and evaluates some of the impacts that both physical and mental activity has on cognitive aging. In addition, the author has focused on the potential benefits and limitations that favorable environments and cognitive ability have on age-related. Most importantly, the book scrutinizes some of the potential treatment trials in the elderly as well as on mild cognitive impairment.

The contents of this particular book are relevant and effective for this particular study. Generally, we will be able to understand and interpret how one’s behavior impacts on aging. Most important of all is that through the information from the book I will be able to evaluate how mental and physical activities affect cognitive aging, the various psychiatric disorders associated to aging and above all, how to diagnose as well as treat such issues. Likewise, I will be able to scrutinize the conditions and characteristics of a favorable environment for healthy aging.

Umphred, D. A. (2012). Neurological rehabilitation. St. Louis, Mo: Elsevier Mosby. Retrieved from: http://www.worldcat.org/title/neurological-rehabilitation/oclc/779244455

This particular book includes the study of the topic of research from a neurological rehabilitation view. It covers various aspects associated with the rain and relevant to the topic of study. Across some of the chapters, the book provides studies on the foundation for clinical practice in neurological rehabilitation, health, and wellness of brain rehabilitation as well as studies on dementia and disorder of the cognition section (the brain). At the same time, the author identifies the various inflammatory and infectious disorders of the brain in aging persons and how pharmacological intervention affects neurological rehabilitation. Measures and complementary therapies associated with neurological rehabilitation in the elderly have also been evaluated.

While considering the contents of this particular book, I ought to say that the studies will be relevant by helping us understand the need for a healthy brain even in the aging. Well, the information from the book will as well be used evaluate the disorders of the brain among the aging, the impacts of pharmacological intervention on brain rehabilitation and most importantly, the information will help me understand possible therapies for brain disorders among the elderly.

Segal, D. L., Qualls, S. H., & Smyer, M. A. (2011). Aging and mental health. Chichester, West Sussex, U.K: Wiley-Blackwell. Retrieved from: http://www.worldcat.org/title/aging-and-mental-health/oclc/680079615

This book offers an extensive evaluation of aging and mental health and in relation to psychology and gerontology. In some of the chapters, the book offers a comprehensive analysis of replicas of mental health and mental illness, and the same time, it evaluates their inferences for treatment of the elderly. As well, the book discusses the development and implementation of evidence-based treatment procedures relevant for mental health. It also analyses cognitive impairment and how it relates to functional behaviors.

The contents and information contained in this book are relevant for the study in that the information equips me with knowledge on how to identify mental illness in aging individuals and possible home-based ways to diagnose the disorders.

Gibson, H. J., & Singleton, J. F. (2012). Leisure and Aging: Theory and practice. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. Retrieved from: http://www.worldcat.org/title/leisure-and-aging-theory-and-practice/oclc/730254065

The book has focused on global perspectives on leisure and aging and the influence of leisure on the discourse of aging. Generally, the book studies leisure in the context of aging in that it evaluates leisure and the one’s psychological well-being and relates it to the health of aging persons. Still, the book discusses the role of the society in health brain aging among the elderly.

This book equips one with knowledge on the relationship between leisure and psychological aging in the elderly. Through the contents of this book, I will be able to evaluate, understand and interpret the impacts leisure poses on the life of older people.

Arking, R. (2006). The biology of aging: Observations and principles. New York [u.a.: Oxford Univ. Press. Retrieved from: http://www.worldcat.org/title/biology-of-aging-observations-and-principles/oclc/218788259

In this book, the author begins by introducing aging, in fact, he describes it as well as evaluates the various dynamics associated with it. He goes further and does a comparison of how behavior affects aging but in different species and models of animals. Across some chapters, he concentrates on human aging and some of its possible clinical and demographic results. The book generally provides an overview of a drastically changing environment, assess the changes, the disputes and then relates it to aging particularly in older persons.

This book will enable me to be able to understand and evaluate how certain changes in the environment affect aging. Also, through the contents and sample experiments, I will able to understand and interpret how behavior affects aging but not only in humans but also in other species and models of animals.

Prohaska, T. R., Anderson, L. A., & Binstock, R. H. (2012). Public health for an aging society. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. Retrieved from: http://www.worldcat.org/title/public-health-for-an-aging-society/oclc/939759687

The authors focus in this particular journal is to assess public health for an aging society. It concentrates and assesses the general health of an individual (mental and physical) in relation to aging. The book gives a comprehensive understanding of nature, factors, and consequences of behavioral risk elements on aging. At the same time, the authors have tried to evaluate various evidence-based strategies that are capable of facilitating health-promoting behaviors that are crucial improving public health and aging research as well.

The information laid out in this book will help me evaluate how one’s general health impacts on his aging. As well, through the book, I will be able to understand how nature and its constituents influence one behavior and health and above all, how nature directly or indirectly impacts on aging.

Stillman, C., Weinstein, A., Marsland, A., Gianaros, P. and Erickson, K. (2017). Body–Brain Connections: The Effects of Obesity and Behavioral Interventions on Neurocognitive Aging. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 9.

The main focus of this particular article is the effects of obesity and behavioral intervention on neurocognitive aging. Actually, this journal article identifies and summarizes the various proofs associating obesity and modifiable behaviors with the brain, its functions and with the cognitive function in the elderly.

The contents of this article will help me understand the how a balanced diet or exercise is important to the elderly. As well, from the article, I will be able to understand and evaluate the relationship as well as the impacts that obesity has on the brain and above all, how they account for aging.

National Research Council (US) Committee on Future Directions for Cognitive Research on Aging; Stern PC, Carstensen LL, editors. The Aging Mind: Opportunities in Cognitive Research. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2000. E, Health Effects of Cognitive Aging. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK44823/

This particular article focuses on the health effects of cognitive aging. The article first provides an outline of various diseases, associated lifestyle and biological factors that generally have an impact on one’s cognitive thinking. Moreover, the article discusses how hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases are related to the brain.

Information from this particular article will be useful since it will be used to evaluate the impacts of lifestyle and other biological factors on cognitive thinking. From the article, I will be able to understand and learn on how to prevent disorders such as hypertension since it poses a threat to the one’s cognitive health.


Arking, R. (2006). The biology of aging: Observations and principles. New York [u.a.: Oxford Univ. Press. Retrieved from: http://www.worldcat.org/title/biology-of-aging-observations-and-principles/oclc/218788259

Gibson, H. J., & Singleton, J. F. (2012). Leisure and Aging: Theory and practice. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. Retrieved from: http://www.worldcat.org/title/leisure-and-aging-theory-and-practice/oclc/730254065

National Research Council (US) Committee on Future Directions for Cognitive Research on Aging; Stern PC, Carstensen LL, editors. The Aging Mind: Opportunities in Cognitive Research. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2000. E, Health Effects of Cognitive Aging. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK44823/

Pardon, M.-C., & Bondi, M. W. (2012). Behavioral neurobiology of aging. Heidelberg: Springer. Retrieved from: http://www.worldcat.org/title/behavioral-neurobiology-of-aging/oclc/755698486

Prohaska, T. R., Anderson, L. A., & Binstock, R. H. (2012). Public health for an aging society. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. Retrieved from: http://www.worldcat.org/title/public-health-for-an-aging-society/oclc/939759687

Stillman, C., Weinstein, A., Marsland, A., Gianaros, P. and Erickson, K. (2017). Body–Brain Connections: The Effects of Obesity and Behavioral Interventions on Neurocognitive Aging. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 9.

Umphred, D. A. (2012). Neurological rehabilitation. St. Louis, Mo: Elsevier Mosby. Retrieved from: http://www.worldcat.org/title/neurological-rehabilitation/oclc/779244455

Segal, D. L., Qualls, S. H., & Smyer, M. A. (2011). Aging and mental health. Chichester, West Sussex, U.K: Wiley-Blackwell. Retrieved from: http://www.worldcat.org/title/aging-and-mental-health/oclc/680079615

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