Genocide in Darfur

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The Role of the Book “Genocide” in Highlighting the Genocide Event

The writer of the book, ‘Genocide’ plays a great role in highlighting the genocide event that happened in the 20th century. Springer’s book seeks to discuss the grave humanitarian crises in Darfur such as rape, murder and mass destruction of homes. In her book, Springer seeks to make the young reader understand what genocide is, the people who are at risk to be affected by genocide, as well as the adverse effects of killing masses of people in a given area.

Illustration of Social Injustices and Comparisons between Genocide Episodes

Springer seeks to illustrate social injustices through her collection of genocide events all over the world, in that, individuals who engage in grave acts of killing masses of people are never prosecuted, while someone who murders an individual has high chances to be sued and probably executed. The book compares and contrasts the relationship between different genocide episodes, while at the same time, it provides the way out to prevent genocide acts in the future (Springer 53). On the other hand, Springer builds an understanding that every person plays a role in propelling genocide in the community, except people who fall victims of the same. In this respect, genocide is still happening today, and the world does nothing about it.

The Role of Drug Influence in Escalating Genocide

Genocide against humanity escalates in an environment where the perpetrators are under drug influence. This book narrates how underage children brutally looted Congolese due to drug influence. As the Rwandan government struggled to stop genocide, the militia groups escaped through Congo, causing the Rwandan government to follow them (Gangi). Consequently, the fight against genocide perpetrators resulted in Africa’s first war. Notably, conflicts in the society led to the looting of economic resources and humanitarian crisis. Also, the economic wealth of Congo predisposed it to escalated genocide period as neighboring nations sought an opportunity to loot those resources. Springer’s book illustrates how the need to be superior and more powerful overshadows the right to equal access and use of economic resources. The need to express superiority is evident where the militia groups from Congo’s neighborhood killed masses of people to curb any opposition from them while they extracted minerals and overthrew the government (Jean-Luc). Moreover, genocide perpetrators manipulated the weaker and marginalized generation to meet their malicious plans, such as children. From Springer’s narration, children were forced to use drugs and loot the community, while women were forced to cook for the militia groups and consequently, sexually harassed.

Humanitarian Crisis and Impunity

At Bunia, displaced women suffered from hunger. Parents struggled to feed their family, and therefore they became malnourished every day. More deaths were registered due to poor diet and reduced accessibility to health centers (Jean-Luc). The looting exercise was unstoppable because no economic activity activities were going on; neither did a functional government exist to prosecute genocide perpetrators. The external judicial system, the ICC (International Criminal Court) also could not sue the individuals who were guilty of the massacre since this process presumably could hinder government reconstruction in Congo. Nevertheless, this was not enough reason for the ICC not to prosecute but rather a way of impunity.

The Importance of Being Knowledgeable about Genocide Events

Springer emphasized that people need to be knowledgeable about the ongoing genocide events in society. Eventually, they can use this information and experience as a tool to fight against genocide. Until people are informed about the causes of genocide, they will never have the power to counteract it. Individuals and members of the community should speak out loud about all human atrocities in public and condemn them. According to Springer, genocide in the modern world presents itself through sexism, racism, persecution, and discrimination (Springer 104). Therefore, people are responsible for shunning away from propelling their vices and talking about them openly. Moreover, individuals should make personal decisions not to engage in acts that promote genocide.

Discussing Genocide Events through Generations

According to Springer, genocide events need to be discussed through all generations. The primary purpose of doing this is not just to pass on history from one generation to another. On the contrary, sharing the genocide events enables people to understand the underlying causes of animosity against human beings (Springer 92). Through this understanding, people will take the initiative to change the vices that prevailed in the past to prevent the recurrence of genocide in present generations. Moreover, remembering past genocide events helps people in the community to benchmark their morality and consequently realize that there is a need to rebuild trust and cohesiveness in the city. She further states that remembering and discussing the genocide events will help people who were victims and survivors of the genocide to overcome their trauma.

The Start of Genocide as a Hate Crime

Every genocide starts as a hate crime. As Springer highlighted the cause of genocide in the modern world, she established an understanding why all genocide events begin as a hate crime. In this context, hate crimes are evidenced in societal discriminations against a specific group of people. For instance, racism exists because a particular group of people considers the other to possess qualities that make them inferior. Due to the persistent belief that a specific group is superior to the other, hate escalates between the two groups, while the superiors may oppress the inferior ones. Consequently, other forms of genocide such as persecution, bullying, and sexism are a manifestation of hatred.

The Depth of Human Atrocities and the Need for Rebuilding Trust

Conclusively, Springer’s work has highlighted crucial events that affected humankind in the past as well as the present. Through her book, one visualizes the depth of human atrocities that claimed so many lives across the globe in the past. Moreover, she equated past events to current occurrences that equally cause intense suffering to the victims. She insists that everyone in the community plays a role in escalating genocide except the victim in that they fail to condemn and turn away from the very acts that bring suffering to the human race. Nevertheless, there is a difference between the causes of genocide in the past and present days. For instance, the perpetrators of genocide in Congo were motivated to take over the economic resources that were abundant and unexploited.

The Need for Proper Planning in Fighting Against Genocide

Moreover, the reason why genocide perpetrators killed people in the masses was to reduce the number of people in Congo to avoid opposition. On the other hand, moral decay is the cause of today’s genocide. Individuals discriminate against a particular group of people due to the lack of social cohesion that leads to social disparities.

The Importance of Social Reconstruction in Preventing Genocide

There is a need for proper planning in fighting against genocide in Syria, Darfur, Congo, and all other nations where genocide is prevalent (Rwembeho). Notably, genocide is still widespread in these nations because the community upholds genocidal ideologies. There is a need to train social construction agents, who will impact positive thinking on genocide perpetrators. Doing this will help the perpetrators regain their confidence and uphold human rights, thus reintegrating them back into the community. Social reconstruction will foster a more productive community that prioritizes peace and social coherence.

Works cited

Gangi, Jane. Genocide in contemporary children’s and young adult literature: Cambodia to Darfur. Routledge, 2014.

Jean-Luc. “Ripples of Genocide.” Scribd, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Accessed 22 Nov. 2018.

Rwembeho, Stephen. “Genocide: Why remembering is important.” The New Times, 7 Apr. 2013, Accessed 22 Nov. 2018.

Springer, Jane. Genocide: A groundwork guide. Groundwood Books Ltd, 2006.

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