Introducing a New Product (Linux)

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The various operating system (OS) groups provide users with more options for selecting the best. The primary goal of this research is to comprehend the dynamics that influence operating system selection. Until deciding on an operating system, a user should weigh five factors: recovery, stability, capability, interface, and convenience. Based on surveys and research, these models and components should provide a rich perspective on obtaining an OS for a person or a business. Meeting the demands of customers is a market development strategy that can be accomplished through a variety of means. The mechanisms consist of security, support, simplicity, prices, and education. Ideally, these factors most evaluated and reveal numerous insignificant bases founded on people’s incentives and corporation beliefs. The results inform the decisions of the people on OS and propose some thoughts to facilitate average users to be aware of the viewpoint from the designer’s standpoint concerning the OS. To this regard, the piece provides a general point of Linux, which is the most famous OS, taking into account both the merits and demerits as compared to other operating systems.

Keywords: Interface; Linux, Performance, Operating system


An operating system (OS) is regarded as a link between the ways hardware responds to the commands of a computer user. It is perceived to be necessary software that interrelates with simple equipment installed in the toys of children. According to Ackerman et al., the OS works by responding to a human command, and the act is referred to as intelligent operating (797). As a consequence of the various OS invented, one can command them to undertake specific tasks; the focus is on how the OS applies to computers both the personal computer and the mainframe computer (Chiba et al. 1133). A computer science student by the name Linus Torvalds is the founder of Linux, which is the new OS product. Torvalds is an alumnus of the University of Helsinki in Finland where he graduated in 1991.


There are many OS developed globally; some to be used privately at home or school, while the government uses others, while the rest are dispersed on an extended range to be utilized in the business environment (Li and Lan 4599). The most popular released OS are Linux, UNIX, Window, and Mac. The users can choose the OS they desire founded on specialist’s proposal, their background knowledge, and their requirements. The OS is usually classified in different sub-layers because of the provider, and therefore, each of the OS has its limitations, as well as high points. As a consequence, each OS has turned out to be diverse and unique whereby such little components of diversity differentiate them from their rivals (Li and Lan 4601). However, some aspects play a crucial task that affects the denervation of the people. Notably, such dynamics include confidentiality, support, cost, availability, capacity, integrity, cost, and user-friendliness (Martinovic et al. 613).

Linux operating system is a member of the Unix-like family. The family comprises different collections of OS, with essential sub-categories, such as Linux, System V, and BSD (Torvalds and Read By-Diamond 24). The Open Group refers to “Unix” as its brand which mandates it to use any OS that has demonstrated to conform to definitions that they have cooperatively developed through licensing. The UNIX systems are applied dramatically as server systems in commerce and workstations in academic and engineering settings and operate on different types of machine architecture. Furthermore, Free Software UNIX modules, for example, BSD and Linux, are progressively more popular globally. For this reason, they are highly applied in the desktop bazaar mostly by lobbyists. The computer animation and scientific modeling are in the present day dominated by Linux-base, although they were once the provinces of IRIX and SGI’s. Also, the Linux OS was founded on the C++, the C, as well as the UNIX programming language (Centioli et al. 476). When Linux launched, the plan was that it should be an open source operating system, but it eventually attracted a large number of developers worldwide to contribute to the development (Herder et al. 4). To this regard, the Linux OS has turned out to be the most outstanding open source and free software, which implies merely that every one of the necessary basis codes can be redistributed, unreservedly customized, and utilized by any person. Additionally, the libraries and utilities of the system originated from the GNU operating system, which also referred to as the GNU/ Linux. Furthermore, one does not require a license to install Linux, and it is also available to download readily. The reason is that the OS is free of charge for any individual who wishes to use it, although a company must pay for Linux organization fee if they want to have it.

Linux is of the Unix-like operating systems which derive the basics of its foundation from codes generated in the 1970s as well as 1980s (Goeckelmann 479). To this regard, the model utilizes a monumental kernel that holds periphery, access to file system, and handles process control. The separate projects that edge with the kernel are what provide Linux with most of the high functionality. A significant part of the Linux system is the GNU for the reason that it gives the OS, the UNIX and the shelling tools that carry out the numerous fundamental tasks of the operating systems. Additionally, one or more text-based command lines can be used to control Linux. In the second place, it can also be controlled through the device itself, which the user can implant on the machine. The systems in Linux usually use a shell to offer a command line interface. Also, the Linux distros for a service might only use command line interface. The command line interface is mostly suited from automation of tasks that are delayed and repetitive, which, hence, offers an inter-process communication in which in a Linux desktop, the command line interface is accessed through a graphical terminal (Goeckelmann 490).

Through the development of the Linux, the significant differences between it and other OS systems are based on the kernel that is found in it. Different variations are linked to the fact that the related dynamics of Linux are usually open source software and are free. Also, the projects of the free software developed collaboratively are time and again created independently of one another. Linux has a distribution project called distro which manages a remote of Linux based software as well as facilitating the installation of a Linux operating system. Furthermore, the distro is made up of applications and software in the packages form. The distro leads to the global integration of the various software packages, system security, as well as the default configuration of the Linux (Herder et al. 5).

For the most part, Linux is managed by its developer. However, it is also driven by the user community for the reason that some of the vendors establish and develop their distros on a volunteer basis while others sustain their commercial based distros. In many countries and cities, the Linux User Group association promotes Linux and other free software. Some of the online communities tend to offer support to the Linux users and developers. The majority of the Linux distros maintain the different types of language program for the reason that a universal utility collections for structuring the applications of Linux and the plans of the OS are found within the compiler collection of the GNU and the builder system of the GNU. The GNU compiler collection provides for Ada C, C++ and Java and two most significant models that develop graphical applications which are the KDE and the GNOME.

The Linux OS is a dominant and a more exceptional OS in comparison with the many existing OS, for example, the Windows OS. Also, during its installation in a computer, it tends to be more straightforward and more uncomplicated as compared with the other OS. Some programmers have relied mostly on the projects which are Linux based for an extended period since it was developed. The developer connotes that the Linux OS provides a conducive setting to working and also when one writes application codes by the use of a reachable network. For that reason, it does not necessarily need the most modern computer machines, so that it can set up as well as bestow the existence of the old devices. Apart from that, large numbers of individuals who programme, have been attracted to the use of Linux operating system because it supports multi-processing (Narayan et al. 663).

The establishment of the Linux has led to the development of a variety of enterprises and institutions which produce more advanced versions denoted after Linux name and supplies their software packages in the late 1990s (Chengjun 354). Some groups have been noticed which include the following; Gentoo, Debian, Turbo Linux, Ubuntu among others. Apart from those, proper names of institutions and companies help Linux in carrying out its operations such as Oracle, Intel, Informix, Silicon Graphics, Sybase, Netscape, Compaq, IBM, AOL, and Dell (Huan at al. 7). In the demand and supply arena, initially, the dominant OS was not densely used among ordinary individuals in comparison to other Operating as a result of numerous factors. For instance, for it drives any application it needed programming capabilities because it relied on directives that are referred to as command text. These days, the OS (Linux) has found its way of posing an intense competition to other OS like Windows as a result of many organizations developers implementing and improving the Graphic User Interface (GUI). As a result of these improvements, The dominant OS has been perceived to be much more comfortable for a user with no capabilities of programming by enabling them to associate and be familiarized with computer graphics much as compared to the commend lines.

Being the most stable and productive operating system, the OS also tends to be a more straightforward that can operate on a machine that doesn’t need a robust process (Jasiunas et al. 392). Another comparison of Linux with Windows that make it more efficient is that the OS has a very minimal chance of crashing which is commonly experienced in other OSs that sometimes lead some machines to retard down or even hung as a result of task overload (Jasiunas et al. 392). Moreover, other than paying a large sum of money to safeguard crucial information from being exposed, being vandalized by adversaries and maintaining confidentiality and safety users can obtain that free in the market of Linux (LePine and Wilcox-King 506) In contrast to that, with Windows one needs to pay for it. Ideally, the reason is that Linux has a robust and stable protective platform which makes it challenging to outdo regarding attacks as it has an outstanding platform for minimizing virus activities. Also, the rate of virus attack is minimal Linux in comparison with other OS such as Windows because the makeup was focused on attacking a large number of system machine users. Apart from malware that was established for Windows OS, it tends to reduce the speed as well as consequently the functioning of the operating system (Goeckelmann et al.478)

Goeckelmann et al. further pointed out that the make-up drives have been integrated to the latest version of the dominant OS to set up significant components of machines such as secondary devices as well as monitors (479). The secondary elements include printers, scanners, and other things which tend to be same as those in different OS which are known as “plug & play” that offers sometimes offer merits. For instance, users can save money and acquire more applications free which are much more straightforward to incorporate programs. Moreover, users of this kind of OS also experience challenges as it also has some disadvantages most of the applications are not made to operate in this OS or does not exist at all in the OS, for example, Microsoft program (Martinović 620). Hence, it has been perceived as a barrier to individuals who have much concern about this relevance and tend not to aim at substituting their entirely to have a specific application they cherish. Sometimes it consumes much time for individuals to familiarize with and be knowledgeable about the merits of this OS and its bottlenecks (Cui et al. pp. 205)

The Linux operating system operates on a broad avenue of computers architecture than the rest of other OS (Cui et al. 206). In most cases, there tend to be small ports for some OS, as well as the programs related to Microsoft, for example, desktop publishing, whereby they are more equivalently and accessible to Linux (Cui et al. 207). Most of the Linux distros have programs for browsing through free software applications that are configured for the specific distro. From past, the OS got much utilization as a server OS which eventually ended successfully as a result of its relative stability and long uptime (Cui et al. 212). Also, the OS is the pillar of server software combination which became famous among inventors and being a common platform for website hosting.

According to Alhassans evaluation, the outcome demonstrates that the best part of the user’s desire the Windows operating system while there are new options for operating systems (3). Besides, Microsoft is doing well in the advertisement. The reason is that majority of individuals are persistent in the utilization of Windows even though clearly in mind they comprehend its instability and safety concerns.

When some people decide to dig in depth and gaining more capabilities in managing OS, usually they search for more upgraded advanced components. It occurs when they desire to be drawn closer to the programming language and eventually one will plan to adopt assembly language and as a result leading to the use of Linux OS reason being that it is flexibility when compared with the rest of the OS.


OS are invented to minimize individual’s effort and also enhance time consciousness. The primary concentration on OS is in consideration to hardware computer utility in which the outcome scrutiny demonstrates invalidity and the validity of an OS. When the concerns about safety and stability are driven, the OS can be the excellent alternative based on their safety rates. When users are apprehensive regarding the up-to-the-minute machinery of a computer, the Linux OS fits the group. Furthermore, the individual understanding of a machine enhances cautiousness when assessing the leading organization or institution, and in conclusion, the principal determinant in selecting an OS is the user’s necessity and the intention of the OS. Based on the personal comprehension of computers and after cautiously evaluating the leaders of the industry, it can be concluded that the primary decisive dynamics in deciding on an OS are user needs and their anticipated utilization of the OS itself.

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