Lendlease Privacy Policy

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Copyright act is an act that ensures the protection to properties of the owners. Some of these properties include textual material, compilations, computer programs, dramatic works, artistic works, musical works, cinematograph films, broadcasts, sound recording, published editions, ideas, styles, concept, technique, and information (Australian Copyright Council, 2018).

c) An Introduction to Copyright in Australia

According to the Australian Copyright Council (2018) indicated that the copyright protects all types of intellectual property; however, it does not protect concepts, ideas, information or techniques. For instance, some of the concepts that people write about film scripts and another individual use general ideas from similar concepts, this information are not protected although it might be affecting industry practices. In the context of Landlease, the Copyright in Australia may not be applicable and protecting general information such as company services, expertise, careers, and commercial services. Another company able to draft similar ideas but in their own context, the company can operate normally without any cases of infringement.     

Lendlease is an Australian company, which provides advanced and sustainable property and infrastructure for the next generations. Lendlease has offered content, logo, images, videos, and audios on the website, which are according to the Australian copyright law, automatically protected. Moreover, the Copyright does not cover the website general contents, but written materials such as a report owned by the company are covered and protected against any redistribution.

d)  Areas covered by copyright legislation

1. Each content (structured and unstructured) and material provided by the Lendlease is covered by copyright legislation. And this copyright law is applicable to each member, user, and visitors equally. This policy is imposed on each member by the proper team, which examines and take care of everyone so that no one can deny or disrupt the services in any case. The technical staff continuously monitors the compliance with this policy to ensure its effective implementation.

2. Lendlease has a logo on its main website, which is registered to it. For any change in privacy, the user must have to read the policy regularly. Landlease prohibits any staff of user in downloading, copying, republishing, transmitting, posting or displaying the logo without the prior consent of the copyright owner.

3. The feedback policy which manages the information sent to the company website as comments, questions or suggestions. This information is considered as non-confidential; hence, the staff members are free to reproduce, exhibit, disclose, adapt, modify, or distribute the feedback to others (Landlease, 2016).

e)  Recommended Changes

There is a point that user must have to agree with the third party terms and services before its usage. This should be changed because if someone belongs to a specific company, if he/she is using third-party services to increase its user’s faculties, then the company should be responsible for all the actions performed by the third parties.

f)  Logo on the website meets Copyright law

Lendlease has registered its website logo in different areas of the world so that no one can use this logo to misguide the people (Lendlease, 2016). The trademarks used in the logo are either owned by the company or third party; hence the company copyright rules on the websites indicated that no user is allowed to use the logo or the trademarks without informing the owner of the trademarks or Landlease Corporation. Any staff member is allowed to use company online images or videos to perform tasks associated with the company upon assignment of duties or prior communication. Any infringement of this policy is subject to legal actions depending on the country the staff members are serving. However, the penalties imposed on employees who violate the laws of copyright is not publicly stated but penalties are dependent on the intent of the violation and the context.

g)  Distribution of new Policy

Whenever something is changed in the policy, it should be emailed to all the new staff members, existing staff, management, and external stakeholders. Besides, the new policy is published on the company website to ensure all members could access the revised in all platforms including an internal organizational memo for all branches across the world.

Part 2 – Privacy

b)  Introduction to Lendlease Privacy

Lendlease collects the information from its user. It collects various information from its customers and website visitors. This information consists of personal information, financial information call recording, CCTV images, job applications, cookies and IP addresses (Lendlease, 2018). According to Landlease (2018), the company treats personal information provided to them with integrity and respect. The Privacy policy provides a guideline on how personal data is used, stored and shared by the company and staff. On the other hand, the privacy policy for the company is applicable globally with its central offices located in Australia. The company also provides a clear highlight of what information they collect, what they do with the data and reasons for respective actions. Personal data may be disclosed to third-party members including professional advisors, suppliers, mergers or others subsidiaries based on the UK Companies Act 2006 (“Landlease Group”) section 119 (Landlease, 2018).

c) The aim of the Privacy Policy

The privacy policy is located on the website; anyone can access this policy before providing any personal information to Lendlease. This the privacy policy is intended to be read by all people needing Landlease services as well as procuring contracts with the website. Basic aim of this information collection is to constantly engage with its clients, and provide information according to their interest. Additionally, the availability of the privacy policy on the website is aimed at showing openness of the company transaction.

d) Protection mechanism of the data

Lendlease stores its data in computer systems and in databases to make it secure.  Databases and computers are operated by the company or external service providers. However, the company uses strict methods to secure the data (Lendlease, 2018). Integrity is maintained based on the compliance of the UK data protection rules by adjusting the company legal obligations accordingly in all its dealing involving personal data exchange. Personal data is protected in both hard copy and electronic form (Landlease, 2018)

e) How data is accessed

The customer can send a request to access the personal data. The customer can also send a request to rectify its data to make it correct (Lendlease, 2018). On the other hand, Landlease uses strict procedures and features of security to ensure user data is not accessed by unauthorized individuals. Additionally, the company uses efficient security procedures to enable only legitimate users to access the data for business purposes. Customer has the right to access their personal data by making a request.

b. Intellectual Property and copyright

            Copyright act is an act that ensures the protection to properties of the owners. Some of these properties include textual material, compilations, computer programs, dramatic works, artistic works, musical works, cinematograph films, broadcasts, sound recording, published editions, ideas, styles, concept, technique and information (Australian Copyright Council, 2018).

c) An Introduction to Copyright in Australia

            Lendlease is an Australian company, which provides advance and sustainable property and infrastructure to the next generations. Lendlease has offered content, logo, images, videos and audios on the website, which are according to the Australian copyright law, automatically protected.

d)  Areas covered by copyright legislation

Each content (structured and unstructured) and material provided by the Lendlease is covered by copyright legislation. And this copyright law is applicable on the each member, user and visitors equally. This policy is imposed on each member by proper team, which examines and take care of everyone, so that no one can deny or disrupt the services in any case.

Lendlease has also established contacts with third parties, if any member wants to contact with those parties, he/she must have to review the privacy policy because Lendlease is not responsible in any illegal work performed by the third parties[AB1] .

Lendlease has a logo on its main website, which is registered to it. For any change in privacy user must have to read the policy regularly or  after a regular interval[AB2]

e)  Recommended Changes

            There is a point that user must have to agree with the third party terms and services before its usage. This should be changed because if someone belongs to a specific company, if he/she is using third party services to increase its user’s faculties, then company should be responsible for all the actions performed by the third parties.

f)  Logo on the website meets Copyright law

            Lendlease has registered its website logo in different areas of the world, so that no one can use this logo to misguide the people (Lendlease, 2016).

g)  Distribution of new Policy

            Whenever something is changed in the policy, it should be emailed to all the new staff members, existing staff, management and external stakeholders.

Part 2 – Privacy

b)  Introduction to Lendlease Privacy

Lendlease collects the information from its user. It collects various information from its customers and website visitors. This information consists of personal information, financial information call recording, CCTV images, job applications, cookies and IP addresses (Lendlease, 2018).

c) Aim of the Privacy Policy

Privacy policy is located on the website; anyone can access this policy before providing any personal information to Lendlease. Basic aim of this information collection is to constantly engage with its clients, and provide information according to their interest.

d) Protection mechanism of the data

Lendlease stores its data in computer systems and in databases to make it secure.  Databases and computers are operated by the company. However, the company uses strict methods to secure the data (Lendlease, 2018).

e) How data is accessed

Customer can send request to access the personal data. Customer can also send request to rectify its data to make it correct (Lendlease, 2018).

f) Difference between privacy and APPs

APPs apply to organization

Shortfall between APPs and Organization Policy

Policy that exceed the requirement of APPs

Open and transparent management of information

Lendlease doesn’t clearly mention which security features it is using to secure the customer information.

Nothing is exceeded from APPs requirements.

APPs apply to organization

Shortfall between APPs and Organization Policy

Policy that exceed the requirement of APPs

Open and transparent management of information

Landlease doesn’t clearly mention which security features it is using to secure the customer information.

Nothing is exceeded from APPs requirements.

Information use and disclosure 

Landlease discloses personal information to third-parties including professional advisors which is likely to affect the confidentiality of the data and patient privacy especially in customer financial and contact information.

Landlease disclosure exceeds APPs requirements especially involving any member.

Right of people accessing and correcting their personal data (Australian Government, 2018).

APPS do not provide a clear description on how the entities should control this practices.

Nothing exceeding.

g) Recommendations

The company should use the correct security methods or algorithms to secure the data, and it should be mentioned in the privacy policy. Right now it is not clear which method is using to avoid the security breach. The company requires to design a better framework for the exchange of data across all its subsidiaries especially data transferred to other countries. Additionally, Landlease should change the approach of sharing personal information to any member associated with the company especially the advisors and suppliers. Sometimes, these stakeholders who might not be bound with the policy regulations hence may use the customer personal data for personal purposes or uncontrolled by probably sharing the same data to other external members thus exposing the customer data. This should be minimized by educating all members accessing personal data about the privacy requirements and constraints to be observed.

h) Distribution of Policy

Changes in the policy are sent to stakeholders in their email. The policy will be updated on the website and entities can also request for policy in the contact section of the policy. Change in security methods also updated on the website. The company can seek feedback through the comment section below the new policy published on the website.

Review and monitoring

Regular assessment of the compliance with the new requirements shall be administered. Also, the feedback shall be employed as a major tool of insight to determine the levels with which the respondents agree with the new requirements.

Review of work practices

Scheduling of monthly meetings which checks on the compliance of the staff members and other stakeholders with the required security standards as well as the system adjustments to meet the new security policies.

Part 3 – Ethics

    Part 1

1. Australian Association of social workers

2. The AASW act individually and collectively to support the society through its dedication to achieving inclusion, social justice, and well-being. The organization comprises of 11,000 members of

Australian social workers. Since its establishment, it has supported members in their professions changes and developments. Its vision is ”working together for professional excellence and social justice” (Australian Association of Social Workers, 2010). Australian Association of social workers (AASW) mention the human respect, cultural competence, commitment to social justice, commitment to practice in the code of conduct (Australian Association of Social Workers, 2010). The organization code of ethics is informed and guided by the AASW’s Code of Ethics 2010 (the code). The code is used to express the responsibilities and values which are characterizing the profession of social work.

3. Comparison

a. Differences include: AASW emphasizes social justice, well-being, and inclusion while ACS emphasizes dignity, honour, and professionals being good citizens as well as acting within the law. Key similarities: Both support social justice through the need for IT professionals to protect and promote people whose safety and

health are affected by our practices, both support an increase in the feelings of personal satisfaction (wellbeing).

b. I’ll prefer Honesty because it can increase its competition by enabling the IT professional (Me) to represent skills, knowledge for effective diligence in service delivery (ACS, 2018). Honesty enables me, to implement professional decision making and actions which vital in the daily practices.

c. As an IT professional I can work with the given code of ethics because they support, due diligence

through honesty, competence, professional development, professionalism, and improved quality of life. Possible suggestions are; the AASW should provide clear guidelines for effective professional development to enhance skillset improvement and the AASW to

adjust its code of ethics to include matters of data privacy.

Part 2

    Code of Ethics

1.    Transparent working process

Each and every work should be clear and transparent so that there should be no doubt in the customers’ mind.

2.    Respect to the customer

In all the organizational dealings, the staff members act with due diligence while respecting the customer, including the use of professional language.

3.    Priorities to the customers

Always give priorities to the customers work while showing concerns of the organizational interests to maintain both stakeholders happy.

4.    Truthful & sincere

Staff should be sincere and honest to the organization and its clients.

5.    Careful use of personal information

Never disclose personal information about anyone without any permission.

Distribution of New Code of Ethics

The new code of ethics shall be distributed in different forms. First, it is forwarded to all stakeholders through an email. Second, the current code of ethics published in the website shall be updated to ensure all members vesting the website are updated about the changes. Third, creating an internal memo with all the new policies and finally holding a meeting to clarify the changes with all the staff members.    


1.    Examples

a.    By creating a virtual environment for the understanding of the new code of ethics.

b.    All staff training on the requirements of the new code of ethics.

2.    The feedback shall be collected through a form input in one of the pages within the company website for the new code of ethics as well as conducting a survey to inquire about suggestions.

3.    The new code of ethics shall be reviewed, monitored and rescheduled by planning for regular meetings to discuss matters concerning the codes and integrating new changes suggested.

Review and grievance process

a. Specific forms can be created both in hard and in also web form.

b. The human resources department should establish a customer relationship grievances management in the organization that should be responsible for dealing with security breaches and customers’ complaints.

c. The client fills the form and submits. The newly established section in the HR department checks the form and analyse it. Then make a correction if there is anything wrong in either side. If the client is not happy with the feedback, the complaint is forwarded to the assistant HR manager for further investigation before being forwarded to the head of the department.

d. By creating a questionnaire and online surveys to gather users’ perspectives.

e. By monitoring complaints of both staff and clients.

Company should use the correct security methods or algorithms to secure the data, and it should be mentioned in the privacy policy. Right now it is not clear which method is using to avoid the security breach.

h) Distribution of Policy

Changes in the policy are sent to stakeholders in their personal email. Policy will be updated on the website and entities can also request for policy in the contact section of the policy. Change in security methods also updated on the website[AB3] .

Part 3 – Ethics

            Part 1

1. Australian Association of social workers

1. Australian[AB4] association of social workers mention the human respect, cultural competence, commitment to social justice, commitment to practice in the code of conduct (Australian Association of Social Workers, 2010).

1. Comparison

a. Mainly both have the same code of ethics, but AASW also giving importance to provide social values to its customers.

a. I’ll prefer Honesty, because it can increase its competition (ACS, 2018).

a. As an IT professional I can work with given code of ethics because it shares the responsibilities of both AASW and clients[AB5] .

           Part 2

            Code of Ethics

1. Transparent working process

Each and every work should be clear and transparent, so that there should be no doubt in the customers mind.

1. Elegant body language[AB6]

Elegant body language should be used to please and for the respect of the customers.

1. Priorities to the customers

Always give priorities to the customers work instead of organization interest[AB7] .

1. Truthful & sincere

Staff should be sincere and honest to the organization and its clients.

1. Careful use of personal information

Never dthe disclose personal information of anyone without any permission.

                        Distribution of New code of Ethics

                                    By sending in email, and by calling meeting[AB8] .                 


1. Examples

a. By creating virtual environment for the understanding of the new code of ethics.

a. Both client and staff should be available in meeting[AB9] .

1. By involving both client and staff in the environment. And for feedback there should be form, which both client and staff can fill.

1. By calling meeting in every month, with both specific staff and client to improve it.

Review and grievance process

a. Specific forms can be created both in hard and in also web form.

a. Specific department should be established in organization that should be responsible for dealing with security breaches and customers’ complaints.

a. Client fills form and submits. Specific department check and[AB10] analyze it. Then make correction if there is anything wrong in either side.

a. By creating questionnaire and online surveys to gather users’ perspectives.

a. By monitoring complaints of both staff and clients.


ACS. (2018, 8 september). ACS Code Of Ethics.

Retrieved september 8, 2018, from acs.org: https://www.acs.org.au/content/dam/acs/acs-documents/Code-of-Ethics.pdf

Australian Association of Social Workers. (2010, September 8). About AASW.. Retrieved December 10, 2018, from Australian Association of Social Workers: https://www.aasw.asn.au/about-aasw/about-aasw

Australian Association of Social Workers. (2010, September 8). CODE OF ETHICS. Retrieved September 8, 2018, from Australian Association of Social Workers: https://www.aasw.asn.au/practitioner-resources/code-of-ethics

Australian Copyright Council. (2018, September 5). An Introduction to Copyright in Australia. Retrieved September 5, 2018, from Copyright: https://www.copyright.org.au

Australian Government., (2018). Australian Privacy Principles. Retrieved December 10, 2018, from Australian Government: https://www.oaic.gov.au/privacy-law/privacy-act/australian-privacy-principles

Landlease. (2018, May 25). Retrieved September 6, 2018, from Lendlease: https://www.lendlease.com/privacy/

Lendlease. (2016, May 12). TERMS OF USE. Retrieved September 5, 2018, from Lendlease: https://www.lendlease.com/terms-of-use/

Lendlease. (2018, May 25). WHAT DO WE DO TO HELP PROTECT PERSONAL DATA? Retrieved September 6, 2018, from Lendlease: https://www.lendlease.com/privacy/

Lendlease. (2018, May 25). WHAT RIGHTS DO YOU HAVE? Retrieved September 6, 2018, from Lendlease: https://www.lendlease.com/privacy/

(2018, May 25). Retrieved September 6, 2018, from Lendlease: https://www.lendlease.com/privacy/

ACS. (2018, 8 september). ACS Code Of Ethics.

Retrieved september 8, 2018, from acs.org: https://www.acs.org.au/content/dam/acs/acs-documents/Code-of-Ethics.pdf

Australian Association of Social Workers. (2010, September 8). CODE OF ETHICS. Retrieved September 8, 2018, from Australian Association of Social Workers:

Australian Copyright Council. (2018, September 5). An Introduction to Copyright in Australia. Retrieved September 5, 2018, from Copyright: https://www.copyright.org.au

Lendlease. (2016, May 12). TERMS OF USE. Retrieved September 5, 2018, from Lendlease: https://www.lendlease.com/terms-of-use/

Lendlease. (2018, May 25). WHAT DO WE DO TO HELP PROTECT PERSONAL DATA? Retrieved September 6, 2018, from Lendlease: https://www.lendlease.com/privacy/

Lendlease. (2018, May 25). WHAT RIGHTS DO YOU HAVE?

Retrieved September 6, 2018, from Lendlease:

[AB1]What does this have to do with copyright – it’s more of a privacy issue

[AB2]Do they have any policy in place that monitors that the logo is not being misused – are staff allowed to use it and for what purposes

[AB3]Identify separately how you will notify the relevant parties ie internal versus external stakeholders

You have also not addressed the following:

b  review and monitor work practices to ensure that recommendations become part of normal business practice

 c. review work practices, including scheduling review meetings, to ensure that system security meets the policy requirements.

[AB4]Give a more detailed summary of the organization and the code of ethics.         

[AB5]You need to give more thought to this answer - As an IT professional could you work with the code of ethics that you have reviewed? Provide reasons and suggestions about changes you would like to see. You have not explained what the responsibilities are and how they will be applied

[AB6]In your code of ethics you should not use the terminology of Elegant body language –

Respect for customer – ensure that in all dealings with the customer you are showing due respect.

[AB7]Your organization will not be happy with this – you need to Prioritise the customer’s requirements while showing concern for the organisation’s interests.

[AB8]Give specifics – as for privacy policy

[AB9]Your code of Ethics training should be for staff only – your clients are entitled to know what the code of Ethics includes but should not be in the meeting.

Identify how you would train staff on the code of Ethics, where you would put it in the organization so that they can see it – how you will send it to them – both for existing and new staff

You should also have a copy on your website and in the office for clients to see.

[AB10]Which department – does it go to the manager where the complaint was made – if the client is not happy then where does it escalate to.

September 04, 2023



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