Lifting Sanctions and Building a Meritocracy

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Sanctions and Economic Development

Iran must lift sanctions to develop and build a robust economy. The country is currently experiencing a severe economic crisis and widespread poverty due to a lack of resources for education and productive infrastructure. It must also build a strong civil society and implement a meritocracy. It must also establish a free press and fight corruption. Here are a few tips for Iran: (1) Lift the sanctions, and (2) Build a robust civil society, fight corruption, and implement meritocracy.

The Iranian Revolution

The Iranian revolution began with the overthrow of the Shah in 1979. The mullahs played an important role in mobilizing the people against the regime. But they were eventually pushed out of power by the Islamic revolution. And the mullahs were not the only ones responsible for the revolution.

Protests and Uprising

The protests began with a general strike in October, which paralyzed the Iranian economy. On November 5, riots broke out in Tehran, targeting westernised businesses. The Shah, who was weakened by cancer, vacillated between concession and repression. At first, he interpreted the protests as part of a conspiracy by foreign nations. But he was unable to stop the uprising, and by December 10 there were hundreds of thousands of protesters in the streets of Tehran.

The Iranian left was divided, however, and most of its leaders had been killed. As a result, the rank and file was inexperienced and lacked leadership. The Shah’s repressive measures had led to sectarian divisions, which exacerbated the discord among left organisations.

Iran’s Nuclear Programme

The international community remains concerned over Iran’s nuclear programme, and is trying to keep tabs on its progress. Every quarter, the IAEA releases a report detailing the country’s nuclear programme. The report highlights Iran’s efforts to increase its uranium enrichment capacity, which is now at 4.5 percent. The report also notes that Iran has continued to comply with additional monitoring measures and IAEA safeguards.

In addition to Secretary of State Pompeo’s announcement, the UK announced that it would help redesign Iran’s heavy water nuclear reactor in Arak, which would reduce its plutonium production. In the JCPOA, the United States committed to limiting the plutonium byproduct produced by Iran.

Prison Conditions in Iran

The conditions inside the prison are harsh. For example, there is no functioning clinic in Rejaishahr and the nurses do not have the necessary training to provide intravenous injections. Furthermore, the clinic has been closed down for six years because of rumors of the sale of prisoner’s organs. It is unclear when the clinic will reopen. There are also problems with medical care outside the prison. Prisoners are often transported to hospitals in degrading conditions and are chained to their beds.

KHRN has documented the grim conditions inside the Iranian prison system. Former detainees describe being pushed down the stairs, blindfolded when walking between rooms, being deprived of fresh air, and spending hours in solitary confinement. A report from KHRN documented three deaths involving torture in detention facilities in Iran.

Religious Minorities in Iran

Iran is a country where religious minorities are often persecuted. The government is notorious for targeting dissenting religious groups and practices with vague charges of espionage and national security. As a result, people who practice dissenting religions are often forced to leave Iran and seek asylum in another country. In particular, the Baha’i community has been targeted for persecution. Baha’is follow the teachings of a prophet known as Baha’u’llah.

Despite this, there are some Iranians who are working to support the religious minorities, both individually and collectively. One such person is Mohammad Nourizad, a prominent journalist and political activist. He launched a campaign to clean the face of humanity and met with a Baha’i prisoner. During his visit, he kissed a small child.

Human Rights in Iran

The Iranian government has stepped up its crackdown on human rights defenders. They have opened new cases against activists who had been previously sentenced to jail. Human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh was released in November after serving a twelve-year prison sentence. In a separate case, activist Amirsalar Davoudi was sentenced to thirty years in prison and 111 lashes for publicly criticizing the government’s human rights violations.

Human rights in Iran are severely compromised by the government’s harsh crackdown on protests and its use of the death penalty. However, the Special Representative has highlighted progress made on human rights. In addition, he points out the need for further improvement and the existence of prevailing international standards.

October 05, 2022



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