Marketing plan for Amazon

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Amazon Improved Marketing Plan Current online marketing situation As a crucial strategy for luring customers to its online market transaction procedure, Amazon’s products and services leverage the marketing mix (Friedman, 2004). The mission and goals of the company have helped it to rise to the top of the global e-commerce teams, and the idea behind the company is that it should be the best. As a strategy for carrying out the company’s comprehensive marketing plan, the corporation focuses on the product, place, promotion, and price. Using the strategy, the company meets its broad target by focusing on the pricing, product, and promotion of goods and services in the marketing matrix.The company has become the biggest e-commerce company in the world making it experience numerous challenges in the market, which can decrease the corporation’s market portion and international development potential(Friedman, 2004). To address the challenge the organization needs to come up with a suitable marketing plan about the contemporary marketing programs.

An effective marketing starts with a considered marketing technique that helps the organization define their vision, purpose, and business objectives, and outlines the procedures they need to take to attain these goals. Marketing strategies will affect how an organization runs its business (Friedman, 2004). Therefore, it should be developed according to the needs of the organization and the workers. Marketing strategies affect how an organization is managed. These procedures include a broad range of strategic planning that includes business and its products, position and the role of the outputs, profile the customers, and the competitors, identification of marketing techniques the organization uses. These procedures allow the company to develop a marketing planning and it will assess the marketing techniques(Friedman, 2004). In this case, an Amazon service provides business solutions by taking the business to the next level of Internet marketing and selling techniques. The company has been doing online services for years and offering online services to its customers. The article will develop an improved marketing plan for Amazon service providers.

According to Chasten (2001), the success of any marketing depends on the identification of competitive advantages, which can be used to distinguish an organization from other competitors operating on the same market. The use of virtual markets reduces the cost of information and allows the organization to improve its operations. Furthermore they also open opportunities for profound changes in how the organization works (Amit and Zott, 2001). Therefore, marketing techniques used in the organization needs to be different. Therefore, companies like the Amazon service providers need to improve their online marketing techniques to adapt to the changes that affect the business and technology changes.

Internet marketing includes the use of online services to offer information, to communicate and to carry out transactions and allows the organization to interact with the clients on the process of commodities as they conduct operations (Amit and Zott, 2001). Therefore, the company can act as a local leader or speed leaders in the marketing space. To achieve the oral goal of online marketing techniques the organization can set the following categories. To attract, To engage, To retain, To learn, To relate. Furthermore, in a more competitive environment, it is important for the organization to base successful marketing strategies on the following categories Creation of consumer franchise, which includes end-users becoming superior offers (Friedman, 2004). Another category is the strong customer franchise, which includes companies that would want to do business with the organization because of their benefits. Finally, Under-pinning supply chain effectiveness, which offers superior service at less cost (Amit and Zott, 2001).

Marketing techniques that can be used by the organization

The organization needs to conduct a marketing assessment plan to assess the current market situation of their team (Gillespie, 2007). It is important for the team to determine what is happening in their market area as well as what it can do to improve its marketing plan. The organization needs to identify the challenging marketing areas by using an analytical instrument to establish the facets of their marketing strategy that are not working(Friedman, 2004).

Amazon service providers can use online auctions, and the sale can be categorized in two ways eBay,, and Yahoo that auctions goods for others and direct auction vendors who generate their sales online through their business websites(Friedman, 2004). Various companies are taking advantage of these deals to sell their products across the world (Amit and Zott, 2001). The benefits of auctioning include access to international customers that can easily buy products at a reduced price and sometimes premium price. Even the old abandoned products can be out loaded. Additionally, new marketplaces are created, and a business’s customer center can be inflamed. The development in outsourcing has also committed to the development of online sourcing. It is important for the organization to transfer information to the customers because the information helps in gathering more customers to the company (Amit and Zott, 2001).

The organization can implement technological ship marketing where company customers are considered more independently, and merchandises are consumer defined and client specific (Amit and Zott, 2001). In this perspective technology, continue to influence marketing making it develop and evolve. Use of one to one strategy deem to be valuable in identifying customers, differentiate customers, interact with clients, or even separating them (Wang and Liu, 2003, p. 55). The internet opens a venue for core sharing which entails information competence and exchange of information. Information competency can be regarded as the ways that corporations practice and manage Information they have increased. If data management system cannot be managed, then the organization can only get meaningless information or information that they company cannot use for decision-making purposes (Friedman, 2004). The information obtained through sharing can be used to improve the needs of the customers. Information Technology has also allowed companies to tailor their products to the needs of their clients in different regions.

Marketers can also use this information to process valuable products for their customers in different areas(Amit and Zott, 2001). Therefore, the company can use the shared information on the internet to attract customers to purchase the offered crops, increase purchasers’ loyalty, and make the long run, communicating and helpful relationships. The process will allow the organization to protect the markets and enhance their market share in the marketplaces. For the company to achieve information competency will create intellectual marketing strategies because the body of marketing is continuously developing and marketing knowledge will be created through intelligence through their markets(Amit and Zott, 2001). Mental skill will allow the company together useful information from customers, competitors and marketplace then it can express an effective promotion strategy (Amit and Zott, 2001). Information marketing is understanding what the competitors are up to and ensuring that the company is one-step ahead of them obtaining actionable info about the participants and perfectly, using it to short and long objective stated in the strategic planning (Wee, 2001). One significance source of information that the company should manage is the information obtained from the customers, and it should be managed to attain competence. Therefore, customer knowledge is a valuable asset for all businesses and getting information from the client can be translated into business knowledge and client information. Amazon can use this information to convert customer information into customer information (Friedman, 2004).

Increase use of the Internet by the organization will allow the customers to take a growing role in the contentment process, directing the co-creation process(Amit and Zott, 2001). The process entails both consumers and dealers cooperating in aspects of project, manufacture, and utilization of the creation or service. The co-production that needs integration of information technology leads to improved marketing. Apart from this, the company will implement Relational competency, which is the use of internet the use of Internet technology for starting, preserving, and supervision customer association. The competence can be attained by developing the long-term relationship with the clients. These relationships only contribute to the positive relationships in the market. These relationships are usually based on trust and loyalty between the organization and the customers, which in turn builds a relationship with the general population. Relational sources are intangible and difficult to measure therefore making them difficult to nature (Friedman, 2004).

Amazon product and services will implement Informational competency, which is the application of Internet for collecting info about client’s behavior, constructing customer outline and catalog, and management of customer awareness(Amit and Zott, 2001). Informational competency is acquired when the company is aware of the market status. The organization has a strategic and informational problem facing the market and the customers’ demands. This information can be obtained through market orientation which requires systematic achievement, distribution, and use of intelligence to influence strategy expansion and employment. In this case, the company will identify a promotion techniques whit involves identifying and choosing market parts, developing suitable offerings and manufacturing the resources needed to create and deliver the contributions, which will, in turn, make the company compensate more on time energy and money to create detail knowledge about the customers’ needs. As a result, Transactional strategies will be implemented, where the organization will use information technology to reduce the cost of the products and services. Relational strategies will be executed, and they include the use of Internet to achieve a relational competency, which is based on how the company will make a long-term shared and helpful relationship with its consumers (Friedman, 2004).

Profile- based strategies will also be implemented in the organization, and it entails use e-tools such as data mining, cookies to create the company profile (Amit and Zott, 2001). The customer profiles will be used to conduct marketing activities and respond to the needs of the customers efficiently. Implementation of Knowledge-based strategies will be undertaken, and it entails the organization responding to the needs of the client. The formulation of Knowledge-based strategies requires customers’ profile, and the team will ensure that they create customer profiles. Finally, Customer-oriented strategies will be implemented in the company based on the needs of the client (Friedman, 2004).

The company would implement word of mouth communication between customers. Excellent customer service customers trusted Amazon and these customers talk about the company making it know all over the world. The interaction will spread on the website making it known by all clients in the market. Furthermore, a Customer Relation Management Strategy will be developed to make the customers aware of the products and services the company offers in the market(Friedman, 2004).

The prices of a commodity are important in marketing plans most of the organizations are currently trading (Amit and Zott, 2001). The price most of the time does not refer to the actual price of a commodity but the perceived value of the product. Customers usually choose one product over the other because the value attributed to them that result from personal experiences, economic conditions, and personal preferences (Gillespie, 2007). Therefore, cost alone is not a determining factor in a commodity, and Amazon product and services will consider evaluating the cost of their products, the value of the product to the consumers, the competitor’s prices, discounts and incentives they can offer, and the tradeoffs for the customers. Additionally, the organization will also look at the place of selling the product. A place not only means the location of selling products but the method used to sell the products. The company will consider the following situations while looking for a place for their products. The position of the medium where the customers will find information and obtain the products, The location of the stores where to purchase the products in case the store is needed, the feasibility of online services, distribution channels the organization will use and requirement of sale services.

The organization will implement different strategies used to promote their products and services. Promotion of goods is all the techniques an organization uses to make the product known to the consumers (Amit and Zott, 2001). Different kinds of development that the team will use include advertisement, branding, public relations, as well as sales. The promotion implements can have a significant impact on the products sold by the organization. Sound promotional techniques will be attained through awareness of the public or customer knowledge, development of mediums used to get to the audience. The organization will also allocate time they will use to attract or promote their clients. Moreover, Amazon will ensure they continue implementing internet marketing techniques to promote their products are services(Friedman, 2004).

Most businesses are stuck in outdated methods of marketing that affect their sales in the market (Gillespie, 2007). However, old techniques can affect business sales. The organization should maintain its online marketing skills and conduct research to determine various loopholes that can expose them to new ideas for improved marketing. Some of the hop places to emphasize on are the use of social media, as well as other social networks. In addition to this, the organization needs to remain constant and persistent on the techniques they use in marketing, and this can be attained by ensuring the content developed can be viewed across different social platforms. The method can only be accomplished using Responsive design, which organizations use for their businesses to find the right channel for marketing(Friedman, 2004).

The organizations will develop techniques that will allow then understand the different customer experiences (Amit and Zott, 2001). These methods used will allow the customers to encounter different experiences posted on the site by the organization, which in turn will allow the team to understand the client’s journey and putting them in locations they want to be in the future. Additionally, the organization will make it easier for the customers to get what they are looking for on the website. The only users should easily navigate around the site and find what they are looking for without experiencing problems. Unique content will also be developed to ensure the customers quickly identifies with the organization. The team will avoid copy-pasting information from the company profile. Furthermore, the website will be refreshed after every three months. Therefore, the information presented on the web page should spread information about the products and services offered by the organization(Friedman, 2004).

The organization will align their business strategies because what works for one business organization may not work for other teams (Amit and Zott, 2001). Amazon products and services will ensure that it aligns its marketing techniques with the objectives of the organization. Next, it will develop projects for functioning areas within marketing that support the advertising strategy. Alignment not only gets everybody on the same contact and spreads competence, but it also significantly enlarges their odds of serving the corporate to encounter or exceed its objectives(Friedman, 2004). In addition to this, the company will conduct an analysis of its competitors by contacting the customers’ views to find their opinions on how they feel about their competitors. Consumers will get motivated and provide responses, which help in selling their products (Jackson, Joshi, and Erhardt, 2003).

Twenty-four percent of the consumers believe that companies take not of the opinions presented on the website (Amit and Zott, 2001). Therefore, the organization will focus on providing value to the customer will increase their sales, which will gain significant difference between the competitors. Therefore, the more valued the customers feel, the more the products are sold in the market(Friedman, 2004). Furthermore, the company will focus on building relationships based on faith that earns them the brand favorite, repeat commerce, and brand representatives, and this makes social media a powerful tool for marketing its products (Amit and Zott, 2001). Therefore, the organization should at making their marketing exertions as private as possible, and to frequently employ their customers’ needs and deserve. They should show their customers that they care for their needs as wants.

The organization will offer training and workshops of products they offer to consumers through community colleges in the region. They can also join local business organizations and increase their networks of activities in the area. The group can penetrate into the local markets, and the move the company’s occurrence before other great online trade firms take root, which in turn gives the organization stronger advantage compared to its competitors. The organization also has an opportunity to open other shop outlets in different regions, and the improved marketing techniques will increase their sales (Bernroider, 2002).

Personalization of emails will help the organization improves its marketing plan and ensure they add more worth and are more advantageous to their customers(Gillespie, 2007). These Personalized emails function well because they are custom-made to the distinct requirements of the client. Therefore, the organization will continue implementing the Cart abandonment emails, which includes emails, send to customers that goods and services have been added, but they have not completed the business transaction. These emails usually request the customers to check other products they offer which in turn increases sales in the organization. Moreover, the team will continue sending special offer emails custom-built to a client’s interest, which includes sending customer accurate information concerning the needs of the consumers based on the research conducted(Friedman, 2004). Finally, the Transactional emails will also be reinforced, and these messages are thank you messages sent to customers after purchasing their products.

Exceeding customer satisfaction is another important marketing technique that can be used to improve marketing in the organization(Amit and Zott, 2001). The team will continually find ways of interesting clients for them to continue buying their products. For instances, the company will continue offering free returns of goods in case it does not fit them. They also offer fast delivery of goods to the consumers, which make them the sale, more products. Most of the time the company guarantees customers that they will receive their goods on time without delays.

The organization will continue using print and media advertisement to link its marketing significance to the members of the target customer fragment. Use of television commercials will increase consumer awareness of their products meant to connect the brand appearance with qualitative values of their products (Bernroider, 2002). The company will extensively use the print advertising with magazines, periodicals, newspapers, and posters. Viral marketing will also be used to promote the products offered by the company (Bernroider, 2002). Sales promotion used through coupons and codes will promote some of their products.

The company will build innovation into the culture and business structures as an essential condition for determining the value of a commodity or service offered by the organization(Amit and Zott, 2001). The following components of the organization will be implemented to ensure the creation of innovation into culture and business structure. A measure of everything, keep development teams small, people should not be afraid of wired thoughts, open to outsiders, and finally, watch customers and not competitors (Amit and Zott, 2001). Technological advancements should be enhanced to allow the organization to compete with other agencies like Apple iTunes. Thus new trends in marketing lie the introduction of e-commerce will increase the sales of their products. The company can also open brick-and-mortar stores to improve attractiveness against big stores with meaningful brick-and-mortar occurrence. The continued sale of inferior products provides an opportunity for the organization to advance its technological procedures and organizational strategies to address phony sales. As an example, the automatic manner for customer opinions and product evaluation could help lessen the amount of counterfeit commodities sold on the website (Bernroider, 2002).

The organization benefits from political stability because the situation creates an opportunity for the business to increase or diversify its corporate in different countries. As an example, the company can expand its brick-and-mortar bookstore operations in the United States to balance its e-commerce business. The company will use the government support of e-commerce to market their goods and services to different consumers across the world. Markets can be expanded using the government assistance. However, the support increases many chances of competition in the market (Bernroider, 2002).

The company’s performance depends on the economic status of the given country. Theses financial stability increases the likelihood of success for the organization. The state minimizes economic issues in the private or macro- atmosphere, thus reducing risks to the corporation’s online retail, commercial expansion (Amit and Zott, 2001). The organization could increasing disposable income in developing markets to increase the company’s monetary execution. Apart from this, the social conditions determine the team’s performance across the world. Societal issues influence the sales of products through the internet (Amit and Zott, 2001). Therefore, the team should increase increasing wealth disparity between the rich and the poor in a given region. The gap is a significant potential unproductivity of disposable earnings aligned and the same stagnation of the forgotten or macro-environment of online direct business.

Business activities in the organization are mainly online and thus can be subjected to the impact of the situations of the physical environment (Amit and Zott, 2001). Therefore, the company will rising interest in environmental programs whereby, Amazon’s business social accountability approach could significantly lead to rewarding the attention. For instance, the group could perform higher sustainability standards to enhance its strong brand image as an e-commerce organization. Furthermore, the increasing attractiveness of low-carbon existences provides chances for the team to develop and expand its market. The company could also apply comprehensive energy-saving strategies in its functions to boost its corporate image (Gillespie, 2007).

The organization can raise product regulation, which is a result of societal stresses on business organizations (Amit and Zott, 2001). The external factor creates an opportunity for the organization to strengthen its efforts in decreasing imitation sale on its accessible marketing website. Apart from this, the company has the possibility to develop based on the external factor of reducing import and distribute guidelines(Marcus, 2004). As an example, the company can expand its global procedures to misuse the increasing power of vendors to approach overseas sources. Furthermore, the company has chances to reinforce its product image through suitable business social concern policies that tackle rising environmental protection rules, which in turn will increase market attractiveness in the isolated or macro-environment (Friedman, 2004).

Amazon can use e-tools such as data mining, cookies among others to develop a profile for consumers (Amit and Zott, 2001). Customer profiles can be used to conduct marketing techniques and provide a response to customer needs and satisfy them efficiently. Apart from this, the organization should continue implementing the Low-cost structure to avoid incurring any cost associated with running material retail breaches, which are usually very expensive (Amit and Zott, 2001). Online markets also possibly allow for marketing more components exclusive of any increase in minimal costs. The company will continually keep invest in both new satisfactions centers and to current centers to allow a decrease in order completion times and distribution costs (Marcus, 2004). Therefore, these period and price savings contribute to lower rates that are delivered on to customers. Apart from this, the organization will increase their supply power because a reliable supply will quickly drive the prices of commodities and services.


The organization believes in establishing the long-term relationship with the customers and encourages recurrence visits as well as the acquisitions depend on the power of its consumer encouragement and service procedures and workforce. The company also seeks to obtain frequent communication with the customers to improve the Amazon products and services. Some e-mail address is offered to clients to enable consumers to request communication and to inspire feedback and recommendations. Through the emails, the customers can easily purchase what they want without ant challenges.

Numerous site management strategies will be implemented to improve customer interaction with the company using technological devices. The company mainly focuses on expansion efforts on generating and enhancing the specialized, privately owned software that is exclusive to the industry and to warrant or obtain commercially established knowledge for other presentations were obtainable and suitable. Use of e-commerce allows the organization to save many transaction costs since most of the products are sold through the internet. Business values can also be enhanced using the internet to sell goods and services. Apart from this, the organization implements the Customer Relationship Management and Information Management to support the organization’s business strategy. Moreover, the team will continue employing a multi-level e-commerce strategy by concentrating on Business-to-Consumer associations between itself and its consumers, and Business-to-Business relationships between those as mentioned above and its dealers. It also incorporates Customer-to-Business dealings as it achieved the worth of purchaser evaluations as part of the merchandise reports. The company also helps buyer to buyer with the establishment of the Amazon open market, which act as an intermediate to facilitate customer-to-customer communications. More research should be conducted to elaborate on the challenges the organization will experience while using online marketing techniques. Moreover, research should provide recommendations that the organization can use to improve its sales as well as marketing techniques.


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