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SMS Shortcuts and their Processing in Sentential Contexts: An Eye Movement Study

Sending a short message via Short Message Service has grown more frequent in today's environment. The messages are prefixed with a variety of abbreviations, such as dr. or msg. The use of short abbreviations is intended to increase speed and accessibility. They may, however, result in a stylistic device reflecting a relationship with a particular collective group. SMS has found its way into the sphere of education. For example, in 2010, the General Certificate of Secondary Education in English test in the United Kingdom exact featured measures measuring knowledge of shortcuts. Words and text messages are typically simple to write and interpret. Conversely, the use SMS entails short words which in turn ease their processing. In this venture, the more concise messages are processed faster as compared to longer words. The short messages entail the use of spelling to sound affiliation. The aspect is highly uneven in the SMS shortcuts. For instance, the word he is used to signifying high. Most of the shortcut words used in the SMS are equivocal. For example, number 2 can be used to represent two, to as well as too. The aspect implies that words used in the SMS are usually ambiguous for the other party to comprehend. Different researchers have developed explored whether the short messages are processed faster than regular words.

Article #1: Processing words and Short Message Service shortcuts in sentential contexts: An eye movement study by Lesya Y. Ganushchak.

The main theoretical issue developed by the author is instigating whether the Short Message Service shortcuts are more complicated to process as compared to regular words in a sentence context. The shortcut words should be treated faster than longer words. Ambiguity characterizes the SMS shortcuts, routine incident in a short message and the spelling to sound affiliation is mostly uneven. The author implies that such aspects make it difficult for SMS shortcuts to process faster as compared to regular. The regular words are usually characterized by correct spellings and large text messages in a sentence context.

The purpose of this purpose of this study was to show that processing of SMS shortcut sentence contexts is more difficult to process than larger ones. The incidence was accrued by extensive reading times and more significant numbers of reversions to prior portions of the sentences. The modern studies conducted by the researchers advance Lesya's research in various ways. First, their results conclude that SMS shortcuts are more complicated to read and process as compared to longer words. For instance, the whole fascination duration was double as long for short messages as compared to spelled-out equivalents. The authors point out numerous shortcuts subsidized more difficult in each sentence. For instance, the users apply phrases such what r u doing? Instead of what are you doing?

Besides, the study objected to obtaining extra info about the roots of every processing complications ascending from shortcuts. Reading and comprehending the precise meaning of a sentence entails aspects such as recognizing the words used in a text message individually and merging their syntactic and semantic possessions to create the message portrayed in the sentence. Moreover, the study conducted an eye undertaking learning to discover in what manner the incorporation or combination of words and short message into a sentence context varied regarding processing.

18 participants attended the experiment. They were students from the University of Birmingham. The objectives entailed 37 SMS shortcuts in English. Some examples of the shortcuts that were tested include gr8 for great. The sentences were tried for expectedness and credibility, by ballpoint and paper questionnaires. The outcomes of the cloze mission or undertaking revealed that the contributors infrequently foretold the aims, granting the objectives were marginally more predictable in plausible contexts. The plausible had the higher probability to transpire in the real sphere than implausible sentences.

The procedure that was followed in the experiment involved personal testing. Prior the trial, a standardization process or technique using a nine-point grid was conducted. The eye trailer was recalibrated when the transformer reckoned indispensable. The participants were required to answer yes or no questions on SMS. The primary objective of this experiment was to determine whether the participants comprehended the meaning of those sentences. Some of the methods used to test plausible and implausible sentences include skipping rate, fixation duration gaze duration.

The results obtained from the study showed that participants who understood the questions amounted to 87.3%. The experimented exemplified that readers or participants required a lot of time to read and comprehend SMS shortcuts as compared to regular words. The aspect was demonstrated by considerably extensive first fixation, gaze durations and higher amounts of reversions for short messages as compared to words. The findings obtained from the research relates to Ganushchak's study which suggests that readers consumed a lot of time in reading and SMS services. Therefore, it is more challenging to process shortcuts than words.

Is it a letter? Is it a number? Processing of numbers within SMS shortcuts

The main theoretical issue of this research is the incorporation of the letters and digit shortcut effects. The efficiency reasons result in the creation of an electronic message through letters and digits. For instance, words such as g8 for great. The combination of letters and numbers resulted in numerosity effects. Besides, the use of SMS shortcuts has dramatically increased in the current world. The users employ the use of abbreviations and acronyms which involve a double combination of words and letters. The issue implies that there is the need for more researchers to be performed in order to determine the effects of the SMS shortcuts on the use of language and the development of diachronic language.

The research was conducted to instigate the effects of words and digits incorporation used in the creation of electronic messages. The purpose this article is to determine whether the combination of these effects results in numeration effects. Besides, the report also exemplifies the impact of the SMS shortcuts in language development. Besides, the research targets at investigating who readers processed sentence contests composed in SMS. The practice was conducted through eye movements of the contributors by reading SMS shortcut sentence contest. Finally, the research was undertaken to exemplify that processing shortcuts are a more demanding slow task as compared to words.

The experiment was conducted by forty students from the University of Birmingham. All students who participated in this study were native English speakers. The experiment entailed a schematic demonstration of the presentations revealed on match and mismatch. She shortcut word used in this performance was gr8. The experiment involved matches and mismatch trials. The number of dots on the match trials contained even numbers while the mismatch contained both odd and even numbers. For instance, in the experimented, the gr8 match trails contained two or four dots while the mismatch contained one or three dots. The end of the experiment, the researchers recorded equal numbers of match and mismatch trails. The ends results were 88 matches and 88 mismatch trials. Besides, in the experimental trails, 12 exercise trials were presenting the four objectives, everyone obtained three times together with double shortcuts and pseudoshortcuts that failed to appear on the experimental trails.

In the collection of research, the involved participants were required to read and write the SMS shortcuts per week. The shortcuts that lacked a solution in the experiment were eliminated in the experiment. The latency analyses were conducted on the appropriate trails. Some of the latencies that were excluded from the trial include 300msec and 1, 500msec. Besides, the study accrued a substantial chief consequence of contest and a significant contact of basic form and match. The analysis identified in the research indicated that there was substantial match impact for pseudoshortcuts and not shortcut. The results exemplify that the numbers actuated the allied number perceptions individually and affected the classification of dots the moment they seemed in pseudoshortcuts. However, this was converse to what acted in shortcuts. The results obtained in this study is divergent to the literature has revealed that words and numbers entrenched in supplementary disputes are stimulated at least concisely.

Electroencephalographic responses to SMS shortcuts

The primary theoretical issue developed in this research is increasing the number of users using the SMS. The authors suggest that such increment should also promote the inevitability of conveying messages more efficiently. The study conducted on the article is essential because one way of accumulating competence is through abbreviation of words as well as the combination of letters and numbers. Also, the research is important because it targets at increasing the use of acronyms such msg. for the message. The integration of letters and numbers, as well as abbreviation into language, is significant since most of them are instituted in poetry and verbal communication.

The research was carried out to explore how SMS shortcuts were handled by relating to the pseudo-shortcuts. The Electroencephalographic (EPRs) were documented while contributors were executing a lexical assessment. The response times exemplified that SMS shortcuts were characterized slowly as non-words as compared to pseudo-shortcuts. The current shortcuts and the traditional spelled words exemplify major differences. For instance, the shortcuts are characterized by short words, few orthographic and phonological neighbors, less recurrent and few semantic relations as compared to words.

The research entailed twenty-two participants. The items comprised of 72 shortcuts and pseudo shortcuts as well as 144 words. The shortcuts contained 24 letter-digit short texts and 48 unadulterated letter shortcuts. The final set of stimuli contained 30 pieces such as msg. for the message and 18 inclusive-letter short messages such as lol which standards for a loud laughter. Every experiment began with the performance of a fascination part in the center of the display for a period variable between 500 and 1000ms. The participants were instructed to English words such as cat and abbreviations such as BBC extremely fast and accurate. Subsequently accomplishment of the ERP, the participants were required to compose all shortcuts comprised in the experiment as well as their meanings.

The results of the experiment showed that there are no marginal variances between processings and pseudo-shortcuts and short message text up to approximately 270ms after stimulus inception. Therefore, there is no difference between pseudo-shortcuts as well as shortcuts in regards to either orthographic or phonological dispensation.

Article #1: Processing words and Short Message Service shortcuts in sentential contexts: An eye movement study by Lesya Y. Ganushchak.

Ganushchak et al 2010 are justified making the conclusion that short messaging shortcuts are quiet hard to recognize, however, after they are recognized, they could be integrated in sentence contexts as easy as normal words. A major reason that makes their conclusion valid and justifiable is that it aligns with initial studies from other scholars. Additionally, they also conducted an experiment that they vividly describe and prove it followed the right procedures, methods, and apparatus to provide an accurate and credible result. However, there is a major reason of conducting some future research. This is due to the factor that, Ganushchak et al (2010) findings quite differed with various conclusions from different scholars. Particularly, the findings contradict with Sereno et al (2003) study by implicating that issues arising during early process of word recognition do not have a significant effect for the semantic integration process. Therefore, a future research will aid in selecting the most credible finding.

A significant study that aligns wit Ganushchak et al (2010) study should examine the effect of textisms on literacy aiming university students. The study will examine the textual traits of text messages provided by young adults. The participants will be based in Ireland since existing data proves that it’s one of the nation with messaging communication is prevalence among the young people. At an individual level, the study aims at analyzing: the length of the message with respect to words, characters, sentences; types and prevalence of nonstandard spellings; message and sender traits influencing the spelling choice; word frequency. Data retrieved from the study will be analyzed through codding. From the study, a major result expectation is that language used in text messages is standard an often uses existing informal writing conventions.

The results derived from the experiment will make it vivid that short messaging often uses short forms of full words and this is highly prevalent in the youths and teenagers. This proves that short messaging service short cuts only hard to recognize but are easily the use once understood. Some of the expected limitations include: concerns and issues of the predicting settings as well as biasness in selecting participants.

Article #2: Is it a letter? Is it a number? Processing of numbers within SMS shortcuts by Lesya Y. Ganushchak, Andrea Krott, and Antje S. Meyer

Ganushchak et al, (2010) study shows that the use of digits in short messaging shortcuts does not really have a suppressing effect on the digits meaning. Therefore, it could the authors allegations are justifiable since he vividly shows the whole study process which makes it credible and accurate. Additionally, his study also coincides with studies from other scholars hence making it credible. However, there is need to conduct a future study that shall examine the impact using digits on word shortcuts used in messaging service. The significance of this research is that it shall provide a better insight on the relationship or interdependence between digits and short forms in messaging.

A major study that aligns with Ganushchak et al, (2010) study would focus on the influence of language used in texting on executive functions and grammar in school children. The objective of the study would be to evaluate the impact of use of messaging shortcuts which includes letters and digits on grammar and executive function. This shall be obtained through testing receptiveness on vocabulary, performances on grammar, different tasks assessing executive functioning. The data retrieved from the study shall be analysis suing regression. The expected outcome from this study is that the use of text messaging has no significant effect on executive functioning.

The significance of these results on the theoretical issue in Ganushchak et al, (2010) study is that it makes it evident the use of words and digits have no significant effect on the intended meaning. However, a major limitation of the study is that it focuses on using primary school teenagers. However, this could be resolved through extending the research to the higher educational levels as well as adults.

Article #3: Processing words and Short Message Service shortcuts in sentential contexts: An eye movement study by Lesya Y. Ganushchak.

The author justifies the study by discovering that SMS shortcuts are more complicated to practice in a sentence as compared to spelled-out term equivalent. The integration of letters and numbers, as well as abbreviation into language, is significant since most of them are instituted in poetry and verbal communication. Further research is required to determine appreciation for the shortcuts, and semantic incorporation utilized more time as compared to corresponding processes for words. New research is necessary because the study does not show a justifiable reason(s) for this difference. The regular words are usually characterized by correct spellings and large text messages in a sentence context.


The motive of performing this operation was to examine how readers access the connotation of shortcuts, particularly if lexical contact is inevitably arbitrated by access to demonstrations of the equivalent filling procedures. The research will also instigate whether SMS shortcuts can be retrieved straight from their orographic performance.

Twenty students from the University of Birmingham took part in the trial. Contributors handed transcribed knowledgeable accord prior to partaking in the trail. All participants were eloquent native speakers. They were awarded course acknowledgments for their contribution. The experimental stimuli entailed 50 words of objective and 50 pseudo-word objectives. Most of the pseudo words were obtained from the English Lexicon project. Sixteen targets seemed in a modest short state. They were merged with four primes. The primes involved related shortcuts such as 2day for today and unrelated shortcuts such as ppl for people. The experiment involved individual tests. The stimuli were recorded on the computer screen. Every experiment began with the performance of a fixation fractious in the midpoint of the computer monitor for the period of 500ms followed by 300ms respectively.

The experiment implies that there is no difference between pseudo-shortcuts as well as shortcuts in regards to either orthographic or phonological dispensation. The theoretical issue developed in this research is increasing the number of users using the SMS. The research suggests that such increment should also promote the inevitability of conveying messages more efficiently. The study conducted on the article is essential because one way of accumulating competence is through abbreviation of words as well as the combination of letters and numbers.

A table showing Prime features: average measurement of the prime

Prime type

Length of the prime



3.3 (1.1)


6.1 (2.4)





9.5 (3.3).

The major limitation of the study is that Electroencephalographic (EPR) responses that were obtained were not noteworthy variances in processing SMS shortcuts in the absence of numbers. Furthermore, the results acquired in the research do not give justifiable reasons why shortcuts were more challenging to classify as non-words as compared to pseudo-shortcuts, signifying that they stimulated deposited lexical demonstration. The research could be extended through the use of other secondary sources developed by different researchers.



Ganushchak, L. Y., Krott, A., & Meyer, A. S. (2010). Electroencephalographic responses to SMS shortcuts. Brain Research, 1348, 120-127.

Ganushchak, L. Y., Krott, A., & Meyer, A. S. (2010). Is it a letter? Is it a number? Processing of numbers within SMS shortcuts. Psychonomic bulletin & review, 17(1), 101-105.

Ganushchak, L. Y., Krott, A., Frisson, S., & Meyer, A. S. (2013). Processing words and short message service shortcuts in sentential contexts: An eye movement study. Applied Psycholinguistics, 34(1), 163-179.

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