Social Contract Theory: Justice-related

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Justice-related issues:

In a just society, resources are distributed fairly. All members of society have equal access to and use of national resources, regardless of their social standing, gender, age, physical capabilities, or ethnicity. For instance, the distribution of land is based on the size of the household. Moreover, the creation of public educational institutions, where students can study for free, expands access to educational opportunities for everyone. Equal opportunities for all people promote inclusive growth, which allows for the equitable use of public resources. A just society implements natural laws on its people. This is done by ensuring that people’s opinions and perceptions about social matters are sought before the rules and regulations are created. Often, laws usually affect the civilians directly. As such, giving them an opportunity to air out their concerns is essential for their welfare, and it depicts that the government is ready to cater to their needs. In making sure that laws are applied equally, all the citizens are expected to follow the required procedures when carrying out activities. People who engage in corruption and bribery among other crimes face similar charges. Disobedience of the law prompts investigations about the issue and the perpetrators of the crime. Depending on the causes of the crime, they can face legal charges or counseled especially if they are mentally unstable. Those people who cause protest social or war policies are allowed to air out their views to the leaders in peaceful ways. After a thorough consultation with the authority and the people’s representatives, inclusive decisions are established.

Issue of Public Interest:

In this just society, the government has developed institutions that deal solely with the concerns of the less advantaged citizens. They have representatives who present their concerns to the leaders of the country. Additionally, the constitution has outlined laws that apply when such citizens are being treated in different institutions in the society. To ensure that they participate and are included in the national growth, most of them are seeking leadership positions. As part of their responsibility to fulfill the general interests of the society, citizens are expected to pay taxes based on their income. This money is used in developing the infrastructure of the country which further causes economic growth. In some instances, they are asked to participate in national events such as tree planting and other conservational activities. The government gives welfare to the helpless. The recipients of this aid include the homeless, the poor, the unemployed and victims of national disasters and domestic violence among others. The government is obliged to serve the people. Therefore addressing the public interests shows that the leaders are also concerned about the welfare of the people. This promotes justice in a sense it allows for all the people to participate and benefit from national growth.

Issue of Duty:

Some of the duties that the law demands citizens to carry out include paying taxes, strict observance of the law, protecting the constitution and serving on the jury. Other responsibilities that they can do out of their free will include voting and support the helpless. For justice to be achieved, the citizens have to help the government by carrying out these responsibilities. Failure to this, the government will not be in a position to meet their interests or ensure that resources are distributed evenly.

Issue of Rights:

For justice to prevail in the society, the citizens have a right to vote, worship in the manner they want, express themselves and even demand a fair trial. The universal rights include those of social security, marriage, property ownership and the access to essential commodities. Rights cause justice in several ways. First, they enable equal treatment for all people regardless of their gender, age, race or physical ability. Additionally, they promote human dignity whereby people treat each other with respect. Ultimately, this leads to harmony and peace in the society. Most importantly, citizens can determine and enforce the leadership they want. The right to vote allows them to choose their preferred leaders and this helps in doing away with bad leadership.

Issue of Freedom:

Citizens are entitled to the freedom of speech, expression, religion, and freedom of public assembly. Personal freedoms are limited when they pose threats to other people. Freedoms allow citizens to live without fear. Just like rights, freedoms enhance the establishment of a just society. Justice is strengthened because they can carry out activities they want in the context of the law. Without freedom, the community would not grow, through the liberty of speech and expression; citizens’ concerns are heard and addressed. The freedom of religion enables one to worship without being interfered with.

Issue of power and influence:

Power is influenced by the citizens and their needs. They affect laws and social policies by being allowed to choose their leaders. This is done through voting for the leaders of their choice. This means that the people in authority are fit to address the concerns of the people. In the case of power, justice is enhanced by the ability of people to choose their leaders who represent them in the governance of the nation.

The society described above falls under the social contract theory of government.

According to this approach, the citizens submit to the governance of the country. As a result, the state protects their rights and freedoms as a way of ensuring equal treatment. Therefore both the individuals and the government’s interests are met (Friend). Aforementioned, the society described is one whereby justice is promoted. This is enabled by both the government and the citizens. The roles played by the government include ensuring equal distribution of resources, fulfilling public interests, establishment, and enforcement of the law, ensuring that the less disadvantaged are treated well and protecting the rights and freedoms of the citizens. On the other hand, citizens play the roles of obeying the law, defending the constitution, paying taxes, serving on the jury and voting for the leaders. This shows that, if one party fails to meet its obligation, it can be challenging to achieve justice. The government creates upon which citizens can be treated fairly regardless of their gender, age and physical ability among other aspects.

The social contract theory insists that people no longer rely on their power but submit it to the government.

It further recognizes that the behavior of any human being is guided by their conscience and their intrinsic power. This explains the reason why human beings allow certain people in the society to control them. If the government did not exist, conflicts would arise. People would treat each other with little dignity as they compete for power in unfair ways.

Works Cited

Friend, Celeste. Social Contract Theory. The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. n.d. Accessed 16 November 2017

March 23, 2023

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