The Impact of Mobile Marketing on the Aviation Industry

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Mobile Marketing and its Advantages

Mobile marketing refers to the two-way marketing communication that occurs via mobile devices between companies and their customers. Mobile marketing has created significant impact on several industries since mobile devices have proven to be the most influential tools for improving service marketing (Bosomworth, 2015). Using mobile devices in marketing increases the quality of operational capabilities for companies. This factor can be attributed to the numerous advantages of mobile marketing.

Expanding Market Reach

To begin with, mobile marketing reaches a broader market since tablets and smartphones are cheaper, more portable, and smaller compared to laptops and traditional PCs (Bosomworth, 2015). As such, potential customers are no longer restricted to be online by technological, geographical, or financial barriers.

Instantaneous Results and Easy Tracking

Mobile marketing also promotes instantaneous results because users are able to receive and respond to marketing messages at the very moment they are sent. Importantly, mobile devices are easy and convenient to use due to the small screen size that limits the scope of content displayed for users to keep their content basic and simple (Bosomworth, 2015). Moreover, mobile marketing makes it easy to track responses, hence effective in collecting user data.

Challenges associated with Mobile Marketing

The only notable disadvantages of mobile marketing include the diverse platform of mobile devices that come in many sizes and shapes, hence the screen size is never constant (Bosomworth, 2015). Navigation on mobile devices may also be difficult to mobile users due to the small screen size.

Mobile Marketing in the Aviation Industry

In the aviation industry, United Airlines has improved its operating environment thanks to mobile marketing. It has not only expanded its services but also increased its revenues as it can reach a wider pool of customers via mobile devices (Knoblich et al., 2017). Customers have also expressed their satisfaction as they can book flights online, hence improved convenience. Such factors have given United Airlines a competitive edge over other companies that have not embraced mobile marketing. Being that Dassault Falcon is a renowned aircraft manufacturer worldwide, it can potentially reap the benefits of mobile manufacturing just like other companies in the aviation industry. To benefit more from mobile marketing, Dassault Falcon use the platform to read potential customers and also to research on the weakness of its competitors and turn them into its strengths.


Bosomworth, D. (2015). Mobile marketing statistics 2015. Leeds: Smart Insights (Marketing Intelligence) Ltd.

Knoblich, S., Martin, A., Nash, R., & Stansbie, P. (2017). Keys to success in Social Media Marketing (SMM)–Prospects for the German airline industry. Tourism and hospitality research, 17(2), 147-164.

September 18, 2023

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