The Importance of IT Disaster Recovery for Banks

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The article talks about the best Information Technology practices that US banks can use during disaster recovery. The article tails of the importance of disaster recovery as approximately 60 % of US enterprises lack IT disaster recovery approaches (Kadlec & Shropshire 1). It is important for Institutions such as banks to have disaster recovery techniques. The authors Kadlec & Shropshire aim at educating banks and other relative institutions the importance of ensuring that the institutions have plans for disaster recovery in the operations of the firms.

Steps in IT disaster recovery planning

            The fists step is that the institution needs to admit the possibility of a disaster for the institution to make recovery plans. The next step is analyzing and knowing the strengths of the institution. The next step is the preparation and organization the Company’s IT assets to ensure that the firm can undergo disaster recovery. The next step is making contingency policies and contingency plans relatives to the susceptible disasters that the firm faces. The last step is the evaluation of the plans to see the best disaster recovery plans for the firm.

            All these steps are vital in planning as they ensure that the firm has a consummate IT disaster recovery plan in case there is a threat of disasters. Besides, risks and disasters are unwished and unplanned for in business settings. However, institutions need to make adequate plans that would help the institutions to counter risks and disasters. Based on the above reasons, institutions such as banks need to make adequate Planning for disaster recovery. Disaster recovery plans help institutions return to their functional positioning fast irrespective of the disaster that might happen.

Work Cited

Kadlec, Christopher and Shropshire, Jordan. Best Practices in IT Disaster Recovery Planning          Among US Banks. Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, Vol. 15, No.1, 2014. 1- 11.

September 11, 2023




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