The Importance of On Job Training

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Most organizations today have realized the important role played by having a well competent labor force in the organization. This has made them to greatly invest in their employees especially on the training aspect to have them develop competitive skills Jaeggi et al, pg. 165)However, some of these training programs are ineffectively handled making these companies incur losses and wastage of time. Training and transfer training as well as on-job-training programs are some of the integral elements practiced in the training that are inappropriately handled by trainers.

Question 1

Incorporation of practices such as encouragement of errors with error management training, limiting guidance and provision of variable practice opportunities enable a leaner to develop a high level of cognitive interference which enables him to efficiently apprehend and possess a wide variety of skills which are integral in both individual development and organizational performance as exhibited in training transfer (Melby-Lervåg et al, pg.520). This being applicability of randomized training rather than blocked, the learner is able to be challenged on his cognitive and motor systems in dealing with interferences from each task on the next.It also allows retention and transfer of skills from tasks to another during training and transfer training due to the development of high demands on the active problem engagement and solving by the learner which makes the training process. Finally, this greatly fosters abstract thinking where whereby the trainee will be able to make and understand generalization, relating and connecting them from one task to another in the transfer training. Using random practice and encouragement of errors with error management the trainee is able to appropriately understand, elements that are integral in ensuring that the learner develops a permanent retention and applicability of cognitive skills during training and transfer training which will be portrayed even after the training program (Green et al, pg. 760). This combination also makes training simpler and efficient bearing in mind aspects of time and skill development.

Despite the existence of these benefits in such training, many trainers do not prefer this system due to the existence of different capabilities among the learners. Some leaners are considered to be slow learners and exhibit poor transition characteristic between one training to another making it difficult to have an efficient and well-trained class (Eneh, Inyang, and Ekpe, pg. 57). In addition to that trainers sometimes lack effective ways to gauge the position and impact of such a program before transfer training is done. Since some learners have different capabilities, it implies that gauging how each or all of the learners have performed becomes very difficult hence the fear of adoption of this system. Therefore trainers have to apply this system through understanding the each and every learner’s ability first which should be followed by implementation of this system while paying more attention to those learners who exhibited weakness in effectively managing this system. It is true that even a few of the weak learners will be unable to exhibit the expected performance they will be able to develop some skills in the long run which are essential in the training process.

Question 2

Most organizations make the on job training program a rush program which aims of having quickly having employees to utilize the resources available (Green et al, pg. 760). Therefore these organization end up making the On-Job-Training program as brief as possible with is very ineffective due to the different capabilities endowed by the workers. In addition to that, this creates disturbance starting from day one and also creates doubts in the entire program which is very crucial for employee development as well as the long run performance of the organization. An organization may use that with aims of being productive by utilizing the employee at the same time offering training (Eneh, Inyang, and Ekpe, pg. 59).. This usually leads to monotony as well as creating accidents since the employee is always on under pressure to fulfill the two demands, being trained and being productive at the same time. This leads to accomplishment of either, all the objectives or one of the objectives by the company.

For the on-job-training to be effective, there should be little emphasis placed on the productivity of the organization (Eneh, Inyang, and Ekpe, pg. 60).. It should be declared to the trainees as two different objectives and employees have to focus on the training. The program should be categorized and classified into sections which do not relate with the production process in that the program may not be meant to improve production for the company (Eneh, Inyang, and Ekpe, pg. 60). Working hours and training hours should be distinguished by the management where each of these activities has adequate time allocated to them so as to prevent the management and the trainees from conflicting.


Training being an integral element in the organization not only for the achievement of the desired level of production but also as an employee motivational tool, needs to be handled in the appropriate manner so as to exhibit the expected results. Encouragement of errors and incorporation of random training practice is essential in ensuring employees develop the desired skills appropriately and have a permanent retention capability at the workplace. The on-job-training, on the other hand, has to be appropriately carried out by the firm having complete different objectives, training, and production. This is because some firms handle the program as a rush program with emphasis placed on the productivity of the organization than the training program itself.

Work cited

Eneh, S., B. Inyang, and E. Ekpe. “The Effect of Job Training on Workers’ Efficiency and Productivity: A Study of Pamol Nigeria Limited, Calabar.” International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research (IJMSR) 3 (2015): 57-65.

Green, C. Shawn, Tilo Strobach, and Torsten Schubert. ”On methodological standards in training and transfer experiments.” Psychological Research 78.6 (2014): 756-772.

Jaeggi, Susanne M., et al. ”The role of individual differences in cognitive training and transfer.” Memory & cognition 42.3 (2014): 464-480.

Melby-Lervåg, Monica, Thomas S. Redick, and Charles Hulme. ”Working memory training does not improve performance on measures of intelligence or other measures of “far transfer” evidence from a meta-analytic review.” Perspectives on Psychological Science 11.4 (2016): 512-534.

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