The parable of the Rich Fool

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A Parable

A parable is defined as a brief moral story written in verse or prose that elucidates on one or more educational principles or teachings. Jesus employed parables in His essential teachings that were straightforward, contained imagery, were memorable stories, and each had a single point. Most significantly, Jesus utilized parables to fulfill a prophecy and to guarantee that only those who completely understood His mission received the message, avoiding those with political ambitions.

The Parables’ Sequential Order and Location Chapters

Two Debtors is a parable. Luke 7:41-50.

The story of the Good Samaritan. Luke 10:25-37.

The parable of a Friend at Midnight. Luke 11:5-8.

The parable of the Rich Fool. Luke 12:13-21.

The parable of the Barren Fig Tree. Luke 13:6-9.

The parable of the Tower Builder. Luke 14:28-30.

The parable of the Warring King. Luke 14:31-33.

The parable of the Lost Coin. Luke 15:8-10.

The parable of the Prodigal Son. Luke 15:11-32.

The parable of the Unjust Steward. Luke 18:1-8.

The parable said about Lazarus and the Rich man. Luke 16:19-31.

The parable of the Humble Servant. Luke 17-7-10.

The parable of the Unjust Judge. Luke 18:1-8.

The parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector. Luke 18:9-14.

Abstract of the Parables

In the Parable of the Two Debtors, Jesus brought the practicality of the relief one gets when relieved of his burden. Obviously, the one who is in deeper debt experiences more relief hence appreciates more than the one who is relieved of a lighter burden. Arguably, it is why the woman whom Jesus had forgiven and saved from being stoned to death felt much love for Him. The parable of the Good Samaritan directs believers on having mercy to the people who are in need and shows that a neighbor is one who needs help. Moreover, this parable depicts love as the most valuable characteristic of a Christian because ones can only be merciful when the person also has a loving heart.

The parable of the Friend at Midnight emphasizes the need for Christians to have audacity and persistence in worship and to pray to God. Notably, it demonstrates that if one is persistent enough, the person is likely to achieve whatever he wants, and by continuous prayer, God answers and grants our needs. Besides, Jesus taught that God would not give the believers less what they requested of Him for He cares for them. In the parable of the Rich Fool, the great message to the followers is that the earthly riches are not all that should take their concentration. In fact, when one believes in God, he gets providence from Him. Moreover, it demonstrates that after one’s death, however much wealth he has, they are no longer useful to the dead person. Therefore we should look into more important things like spiritual growth and righteousness.

The Barren Fig Tree is another fable whose instructive message to the Christians is that the character of Jesus should be seen in them. Essentially, there God should be impressed with their work of spreading His word to all people, showing love to everyone, being merciful and other fruits of the Holy Spirit. Pointedly, both the fable of the Tower Builder and that of the Warring King teach that once one decides to be a Christian, the person should maintain faithfulness to God by giving up everything and trusting in God. In other words, God should be the priority in one’s life.

Markedly, both the parables of the Lost Coin and the Prodigal Son exhibits the love of God towards the sinful humanity when one repents his sins. However, in the latter, Jesus shows that in as much as the sinners who repent and join the righteous in worshiping God is celebrated in heaven, those who are always faithful will also inherit the Kingdom of God. This point surfaces when the father of the prodigal son promises his other sad son that everything the father has belongs to him. In the Unjust Steward, Christians are reminded of the importance of being trustworthy with whatever property they own. Noticeably, the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus depict the effects of our deeds on earth is provided. Additionally, it warns against overlooking those in need of our help.

The next is the Humble Servant that actively discourages the Christians from exalting themselves or asking for favors in return for the good thing they do. The fable of the Unjust Judge also helps in focusing on persistence when we need anything. In fact, one should pray persistently to God for whatever he would like in his life. Finally, the parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector still dwells on our humility before our God.

List and Discussion of the Parables

The awareness to forgiveness of our sins. In essence, if we are aware that God has forgiven us our sins, our love towards Him will automatically exist. Moreover, we will surely be grateful knowing that it took God a significant loss to wipe away our sins through the death of His only son Jesus Christ. Connectedly, the two debtors, thank the one they owed after they debts are called off, but the one with more debts feels more love towards the forgiver because he understands the significant loss it took for his much debt to be paid.

The theme of mercy. Importantly, it is the heart that God looks at, and therefore it matters less how religious one is. In the parable, a Levite who was considered a priest and expected to be good fails to show mercy to the person in need. However, when a Samaritan shows mercy, Jesus instructs the lawyer to go and do the same. Therefore, Christians should be merciful to everyone who is in need.

Being importunate with God. Significantly, it encourages Christians to be persistent in prayer and will have their requests granted to them. Moreover, Jesus tries to eliminate the notion of bothering God with our request as we may think sometimes. He assures believers that the Father is ready to listen whenever we call on him.

Greed. Notably, the earthly possessions are not of any importance in the Heavenly Kingdom. In fact, it is more distractive than helpful. The man who comes to Jesus is so much consumed by the need for inheritance than the need for justice to be exercised hence a warning against all kinds of greed is sounded.

God is long-suffering but not forever. Pointedly, this theme surfaces when the fruitless tree is spared and given more time on one condition that it bears fruits. Moreover, it is clear that when God extends privilege, He also expects returns.

The twin parables both have the theme of the cost of Discipleship. Markedly, the two parables questions the commitment of Christians to their faith. Significantly, Jesus finishes by saying that one ought to forsake everything to disciple Jesus.

The Father’s love for the lost. Evidently, it is depicted in the joy that the heavens experience when a single sinner repents. Furthermore, we are encouraged to seek and welcome the lost.

The love and forgiveness of God. Pointedly, the prodigal son is forgiven and happily welcomed back home. It, therefore, shows the readiness and love of the Father to forgive and welcome the sinners who repent.

Generosity. The theme comes out clear in the shrewdness of the unjust steward. The steward decides to take upon himself parts of some debts owed to his master so that he impresses those who owe the master. Also, Jesus finishes by saying that we should try and make friends through the earthly wealth which will not be important in the Heavenly Kingdom.

The evil of worldly wealth. Jesus mainly focused on disregarding the notion that the Pharisees had that one can buy righteousness by his riches. In fact, it is shown how riches may make one overlook things that he should do and lack mercy towards those in need.

Humility and obedience. As a servant, we have no right to expect anything from our Master, God, because of the things we do. However, we should always be obliged to act as per His word with all our heart willingly.

Persistence. We see the widow’s persistence enabling her to achieve what she wanted. Moreover, we are encouraged to seek God persistently at all times.

Prayer. The Pharisee and the Tax collector are two different characters when before their God. The former is obsessed by his virtue while we should be like the latter who in humility accepts he is unworthy and sinful and asks for forgiveness.

In the themes, some reappear in more than one parable while others overlap like the love, mercy, and forgiveness of God can apply in one parable.

Examples of the Themes in Other Locations in Luke

Forgiveness is one of the leading issues that Jesus concentrated on teaching as recorded in Luke. Beginning in chapter 1:76-77, the children of God are tasked to deliver the message of forgiveness to the non-believers. Additionally, in chapter 3:3, John the Baptist urges people to repent assures them of God’s forgiveness when they are baptized. Elsewhere, in chapter 5:20-24, Jesus shows the disciples that when one repents and has faith, his sins are forgiven. He commends a man and assures him that his sins are wiped away. Also, in chapter 5:32, Jesus affirms to the complainants that He came to forgive and urge the sinners to repent. The theme of mercy is also portrayed in chapter 1:50, 54, 72, and 78 as an unfailing trait of God. In fact, the tender mercy is compared to a dayspring.

Importunity is one trait that is encouraged in Christians’ lives. In Luke 18:1-8, Jesus taught about persistence in worshiping God by using a parable. Also, chapter 24:53 shows the joyed disciples persistently praying as instructed by Jesus as they waited for the Holy Spirit. On the other hand, Jesus also never ceased to warn the disciples about greed. In fact, greed and earthly wealth are two themes that overlap each other. Essentially, Jesus, in chapter 6:24 and 25, declares that the wealthy and greedy are unlucky for they shall mourn, hunger, and weep. Moreover, in chapter 18:24, He discourages greed for wealth by saying it is almost impossible for the rich to go to heaven.

Another theme is the love of God for the sinners who repent. This theme is demonstrated most by the parables in chapter 15:3-5, 15:8-10, 15:11-32, 19:1-10, and 23:39-43 which involve the lost sheep, coin, and the prodigal son. The happiness that is felt when the lost are found shows the love of God. Moreover, even in the house of Zacchaeus who was considered unworthy and sinful, Jesus declares He had come for sinners. Additionally, at the cross, Jesus instantly forgives the repenting thief and assures him of paradise. The theme of prayer is also presented in several instances. In fact, Luke presents Jesus as prayerful in the chapters 3:21, 5:16, 6:12, 9:18, and 29. Also, He encourages the listeners to pray without ceasing and with persistence as in the parable in chapter 18:1-8.

Part 5

Luke presents Jesus as the only perfect human representative of the sinners in the presence of God. Moreover, his choice of themes enables the leader to see the main aim of Jesus as saving the sinners because of His unconditional love. Fundamentally, it nourishes the readers spiritually through showing the deep love of God expressed to us through His Son. Besides, the writer focused on showing how Christians should live their current earthly lives in preparation for the eternal lives. Importantly, the message is still as relevant today as it was to the proud Pharisees and the sinful people of the past because it addresses all the virtues needed in life. The primary trait of Jesus seen is love and endearing. On the flip side, the Christians are presented as unworthy and only dependent on the love and mercy of God. Based on the data in this gospel, Christianity is founded on the virtues of love to both God and neighbors. It makes me feel that God, who is love and cares for all, is always watching and when one persistently prays, He listens as He has promised.

June 12, 2023
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