The Real Steve Jobs in the Movie ’Steve Jobs’

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Although the acting Steve Jobs looks nothing like the real Steve Jobs, he is able to psychologically impersonate the real Steve Jobs.

“Rather than a literalistic rehash of the life and career of the man behind the Apple personal computing empire, ”Steve Jobs” creates an impressionistic inner portrait, a Shakespearean character study in three tautly constructed acts in which Jobs’s contradictions, demons and most searing primal wounds are revealed in constantly peeling layer” (’Steve Jobs? review: An impressionistic inner portrait of the Apple co-founder, 2015)

Rex Reed

Reed believes that Micheal Fassbender is able to successfully act out the real  Steve Job’s persona, one that many people do not know about.

”What you do get is a character called Steve Jobs who embodies the qualities of a man who is not worth making a movie about. Cold, obnoxious, neurotic, selfish, indifferent toward everything but his computers” (Aaron Sorkin’s Empty Jobs Search, 2015).

Benjamin Lee

The actor is able to reveal the confidence expected with the real Steve Jobs and the knowledge of the real Steve Jobs’ invention

 ”There’s undeniable craftsmanship here, especially in Fassbender’s confident and transformative performance,”  (Lee, 2018)

Anthony Lane

Micheal Fassbender is able to successfully show that although Steve was cold-hearted, he was also a genius who knew he could change the world.

”Buttressed by Fassbender, who is as meticulous as ever, ”Steve Jobs” delivers what has become a standard dichotomy: Jobs could be a monster, but he was also a genius.” (’Steve Jobs? Loves a Genius, 2015).

Summary Paragraphs

The article reviews reveal that the movie is successfully able to reveal Steve Job’s character as a cold-hearted person, but one who believed in his dreams. According to Hornaday and Lee, his cold character is mainly revealed by the fact he rejects his family. Reed associates this cold character with the fact that he was a genius and one can not be a genius and a decent person at the same time.

Other characters in the movie are also significant on development of the Steve Job persona. Despite the importance of this characters in the film, the appearance in the movie scenes and the choice of characters to play he parts is not so cleverly done. While Lane believes that Sorkin’s integrate the characters from Steve public and private life to create a dramatic charge of flow is unwise, Reed believes that the faceless and one-dimensional characters in the movie are wasted on supporting actors such as Seth Rogen.


Aaron Sorkin’s Empty Jobs Search. (2015, October 7). Retrieved from

Lee, B. (2018, February 22). Steve Jobs review: Fassbender excels but iWorship required if you’re to care. Retrieved from

’Steve Jobs? Loves a Genius. (2015). Retrieved from

’Steve Jobs? review: An impressionistic inner portrait of the Apple co-founder. (2015, October 15). Retrieved from

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