The Relationship between Composers, the Music and Audiences in the 19th Century

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The Dynamics of Composers, Music, and Audiences in the 19th Century

The way that 19th-century composers interacted with performers and the audience depended on their time, professional level, and surroundings. In essence, there are dynamics that govern how composers, music, and listeners interacted in the first half of the 19th century. Focusing on Beethoven, Rossini, and Wagner compositions is necessary to discuss dynamics.

Beethoven’s Influence on the Changing Audience

The commencement of romanticism, which had an impact on music composition and performance, was accentuated in the 19th century. Wagner used the time period to engage his audiences. Wagner’s political bent accentuates his most controversial works, which are highlighted (Steen 468). A political audience thus developed to listen and perform his pieces and a section criticizing his work. Romanticism accompanied his political stand with audiences choosing his romantic composition and sidelining the political angle (461).

Rossini’s Diversification and Connection with Audiences

Rossini highlighted the standards of music by diversifying in his composition and positively connecting with his audiences. His pieces within the western civilization period majored on the comic concepts. This highlights an elevated style breaking away from the popular Mozart. L’Italiana in Algeri highlights a break from the popular style and adaptation of the comic aspect influenced by the changing audience shifting from the romantic presentation to the contemporary fusion (Mathew & Walton 96-100).

Beethoven’s Shift from Classicism to Romanticism

Beethoven highlighted two aspects of his compositions while connecting with the audience during the first half of the 19th century. The first half highlighted similar compositions and styles as those of Mozart and previous composers. In a bid to create his style, a shift form classism to romanticism is highlighted by symphony no. 5 and string quartet op.131 (Mathew & Walton 49-52). A shift highlights the changing status within the period and the focus on the public music as a way of connecting with the audience.

Conclusion: Dynamics of Composers, Music, and Audiences

In conclusion, the personal opinion, change in audience, a shift in status and the time factors highlight dynamics that underlined relationship between composers, the music and audiences during the western civilization period.

Works Cited

Mathew, Nicholas, Walton Benjamin. The Invention of Beethoven and Rossini: Historiography, Analysis, Criticism. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2013. Print.

Steen, Michael. The Lives and Times of the great Composers. New York: Oxford university Press, 2003. Print.

April 13, 2023

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