a letter of advice

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I am impressed with the tremendous efforts you have made in the distribution and promotion of Forever Living Company goods. You were able to access and sell the goods to individuals both inside and outside the country by using network marketing. I’m taking an interpersonal communication class. As a result, based on what I have learned as well as my personal knowledge, I believe it is critical to share with you how good interpersonal contact between you and your peers and clients will significantly enhance your career and relationships.

Interpersonal Communication

Interpersonal Communication is the process that we use to create relationship with other people by means of communication through efficiently understanding the conditions of others, passing out your massage in the right way, and giving others a chance to listen and take required actions (DeVito, 2013). Basically, the reason for communication if to arrive at a mutual understanding, at the end of the day, the purpose of communication is to reach an agreement, build an improved correlation, and agree on the actions to be taken if any (DeVito, 2013). The Interpersonal Communication may not only be by the way of speech, it can be an expression, gesture, or even body language. This paper is an advice you onto the importance of effective interpersonal communication at work and in career success.

Principles of and Barriers to Effective Interpersonal Communications

In order to have an effective interpersonal communication, it is essential that you consider its four principles. The first is that interpersonal communication is inescapable as DeVito (2013) points out. This means that the communication does not only occur through words but also other forms such as facial expression, posture, gestures, and tone of voice. Therefore, according to this principle, people can be in constant communication with each other (DeVito, 2013). The second principle is that interpersonal communication is irreversible. The point here is that what is meant to be passed to others once it comes out it cannot be revoked. In other words, the moment a person has communicated whether in words or any other form, the communication cannot be taken back.

The third principle holds that interpersonal communication is complicated as asserted by DeVito (2013). This means that different words have distinct meanings to different individuals. Moreover, theorists explain that there are six identity variables involved in interpersonal communication: who you think you are, who you think the other person thinks you are, and who you think the other person is (DeVito, 2013). Additionally, it involves who the other person thinks you think he/she is, who the other person things she/he is, and who the other person thing you are.

Lastly, the fourth principle is that interpersonal communication is contextual (DeVito, 2013). This points out to the fact that communication does not take place in isolation. Various contexts are included such as relational, psychological, situational, cultural and environmental contexts. These principles may appear simple to understand. However, it is important that you also master them because they play a crucial role in the effectiveness of your communication.

Effective interpersonal communication faces some obstacles which include physical barrier: this refers to absence of interpersonal proximity to others (DeVito, 2013). High walls and closed doors can lead the lack of effective communication interactions. Emotional hindrance is yet another obstacle: this can be lack of trust in someone, nervousness, fear, and a feeling that your colleagues will judge you among other things (DeVito, 2013). Cultural and language barrier on the other hand refers to the fact that people come from unlike cultural backgrounds demanding that individuals should conduct themselves in certain ways to gain acceptance. For instance, in some cultures difference in opinions is not tolerated and such can limit communication. Additionally, use of terminologies and jargons that are not known by your coworkers can also be a roadblock to effective interpersonal communication. Being in a highly completive workplace will tend to make you more inclined toward your career improvement than assisting and communicating efficiently with your colleagues.

To overcome these barriers, you should have a more open layout of the work environment without high walls and constantly closed doors to allow accessibility of each other while still ensuring personal space. The move will also eradicate the feeling that other workers have elevated statuses which in most cases prevent effective interpersonal communication between staff and supervisors (DeVito, 2013). The ability to regularly interact with others will also help build your trust on each other and reduce fear. Furthermore, you need to use simple term that can be understood by everybody when communicating.

Role of Communication in Developing and Maintaining one’s self-concept, self-image

You also need to understand the role of interpersonal communication in developing and maintaining one’s self-concept, self-image, and self-esteem.The term self-concept is used to describe how individuals evaluate, think, or perceives themselves (DeVito, 2015). Self- image means the view you have concerning yourself or how you physically see yourself. Self- esteem on the other hand is defined as the general sense that you have with regard to your personal value or self-worth.

Words have for a long time impacted on people and have the ability to either build them negatively or positively. Your perception, attitude, and behavior are influenced by your self- concept that can be demonstrated through interpersonal communication skills. In order to have an effective interpersonal communication with your coworker and also clients, you have to understand yourself first and this is self- concept (DeVito, 2015). During communication, how you feel about yourself is disclosed to others and it then determines how people will respond.If you feel worthy, this will be reflected in your communication and will in turn attract positive reaction that lead to improvement of self- concept.

Interpersonal communication can also develop your self- image. Your view about yourself and your physical image is contained in your communication. For example, if your thought about yourself is that you are bad, then your colleagues who obviously know you so well will provide a reinforcement of this idea in their communications. You will, therefore, develop a negative self- image among your coworkers (DeVito, 2015). However, when you create a positive self- image about yourself through your interpersonal relations, others will confirm this leading to improvement in self- image. You should note that our social audience gives us our image just the same way we see our image by looking at a mirror.

Interpersonal communication affects your self- esteem. The kind of communication you receive and whatever meaning you associate with the information you get has the ability to either worsen or improve your self- esteem. You can, therefore develop your self- esteem by enhancing your communication skills and accomplishing individual goals that would make you feel proud of yourself (DeVito, 2015). All these are achievable through effective interpersonal communication with your coworkers. Interpersonal communication allows your colleagues to encourage and complement you in what you do leading to advancement of your self- esteem. People with high self-esteem are to be expected to have self- confidence and good friendships, and will most likely be successful in most of the things they decide to do. Even when things are not ok, with high self- esteem you will be in apposition to cope better. Therefore, it is essential that you all adopt proper interpersonal relations with one another that would have a positive impact on each one’s self.

Importance of Self-disclosure and Emotional Intelligence in Various Relationships

To have effective interpersonal relationship you will also need to have emotional intelligence which is the ability to identify, evaluate, and control emotions in interpersonal relationship. Emotional intelligence will play a vital role in shaping your personal interaction with others within the workplace by enhancing and boosting your interpersonal relationship (Yip & Martin, 2014). It will assist you in understanding individual requirement, feelings and motivation that facilitate effective communication in relationships, and also manage anger and confusion. Furthermore, it provides capability to differentiate between effective and ineffective communication, thus, enabling conversion of conflicts into opportunities. Emotional intelligence is the major source of drive, aspiration, energy, and belief system that improve personal relationships.

In enhancing interpersonal relationships, emotional intelligence operates through five domains which are: self- motivation, self- awareness, emotional maturity, quality communication, and empathic understanding (Yip & Martin, 2014). These fields will equip you with the ability and courage to face anxiety, anger, and fears and also provide the capability to breakthrough solutions in the process of decision making. Moreover, by being able to manage your emotions, have sensitive concerns and feelings, you will be in a position to build interpersonal relationships based on mutual trust.

Self- disclosure is yet another factor that will be useful in your interpersonal relationships. This term refers to the act of making others know about you. This action is crucial in beginning a conversation especially with a colleague that you have just known (Yip & Martin, 2014). It facilitates familiarization and commencement of a relationship. To have an effective interpersonal relationship, you must start with disclosing about yourself to the other party. But you have to know that self- disclosure is reciprocal and when it comes from only one person, possibilities of having a relationship are so minimal. You have to understand that both emotional intelligence and self- disclosure are essential in building and maintaining an effective interpersonal relationship with your coworkers,one that would enhance collaborative correlation with your colleagues.

Strategies for Using Communication Techniques to Resolve Interpersonal Conflicts

There are strategies for using effective interpersonal communication techniques which you can apply to solve interpersonal conflicts within your workplace. The Defusing Technique is an example. Visualize a situation where a coworker may be angry and comes with numerous arguments claiming that you have caused him or her some kind of problems. Though the accusations may be absolutely unreasonable, according to the technique you should just agree with the person in order to help control his anger (Umbreit, 2013). You need to recognize the fact that people see things in different ways. This should not imply that you are required to compromise your basic principles. What it means is that at times you just have to accept others’ position so as facilitate conflict resolution in a healthy way. This may be difficult to do especially when the accusation amount to violation, however, a sign of personal integrity and strength is the capability your immediate reactions for the purpose of accomplishing positive goals. In some circumstances there is need to lose in order to finally win.

Empathy can also be employed to enhance interpersonal communication. This is where you put yourself in the shoes of others and see the situations from their perspective. This technique allows for listening which gives an assurance to the other party that he is being heard. There are two kinds of empathy: thought empathy and feeling empathy (Umbreit, 2013). Thought empathy will providethe communication that you understand your colleague is attempting to say.This can be done through interpersonal communication by giving paraphrased message to the other person. For instance, “I agree with you that you find it difficult to understand me.” Feeling empathy on the other handis your recognition of how the other coworker possibly feels. In the case of interpersonal conflict, you can use either thought or feeling empathy or even both to help arrive at a solution.

Impact of Gender and Culture on Interpersonal Communications

You also need to take into consideration the effect of gender and culture on interpersonal communication. Culture is a system of information shared by a reasonably large group of individuals. Gender refers to either the female or male division of a species, majorly as distinguished by cultural and social conduct and roles. The gender- related issues that you need to be keen about during interpersonal communications are involvement, awareness, and understanding (Griffin, Crossman, & Bordia et. al., 2013). However, awareness is the most significant in ensuring gender equity in interpersonal communication. Gender awareness will make you to or not to touch others as you talk. It will also help you make decisions on whether you can invade a colleague’s personal space or not. Report has proved that in most interpersonal conversations, women touch men more than men touch women as they talk (Griffin, Crossman, & Bordia et. al., 2013). Moreover, women prefer standing closer to fellow women as they communicate as opposed to when they talk with men. Therefore, having an effective interpersonal communication with your coworkers will demand that you be aware of these gender behaviors.

I know you have different cultural background mostly based on ethnicity. These cultural variations trigger emotions and feelings which lead to creation of either a positive or negative environment for interpersonal relationships. Culture will remind you that your coworker have different expectations (Griffin, Crossman, &Bordia, et, al., 2013). For instance, you will realize that boy gestures, eye contact, and other aspects of significance will be differed on and this variation will be due to culture and gender. It is probable for you to recognize that the value, communication style, behavior, and attitude will vary when interacting with others.In your interpersonal communication in the workplace; you need to give serious consideration to the racial and ethnic diversity in your workstation. This will enable you to communicate and respond effective to your coworkers.

As I conclude, I want to remind you that effective interpersonal communication among yourselves as coworkers is significant as illustrated above. However, this can only be accomplished if you pay attention to the principles of interpersonal communication and identify the barriers to interpersonal communication and to overcome them. Additionally, it is necessary to note that interpersonal communication will help you develop your self- image, self- esteem, and self- concept. You can also apply appropriate interpersonal techniques in resolving interpersonal conflict at the work place for example empathy and the defusing technique. Furthermore, you will need to have emotional intelligence, self- disclosure and consider the impacts of gender and culture during your interpersonal communication.

Yours Sincerely

Student’s Name


DeVito, J. A. (2013). Interpersonal Communication Book, The, 13/E. New York, NY: United.

DeVito, J. A. (2015). The interpersonal communication book. Pearson.

Griffin, E. A., Crossman, J., Bordia, S., Mills, C., Maras, S., Pearse, G., ...& Shanahan, D. (2013). A First Look at Communication Theory, Em Griffin.Details: Boston: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2009., 230-265.

Umbreit, M. (2013).Mediating interpersonal conflicts: Approaches to peacemaking for families, schools, workplaces, and communities. Wipf and Stock Publishers.

Yip, J. A., & Martin, R. A. (20014).Sense of humor, emotional intelligence, and social competence.Journal of Research in Personality, 40(6), 1202-1208.

December 08, 2022

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