A PDSA Cycle

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The quality of the keyboard, size of the laptop, screen quality, CPU, capacity of storage, RAM, life the battery, price of the laptop, type of operating system, processor, and hard disk.

Question b: “Wastes” encountered on a Daily Basis

- Complaining – waste of trying

- Gossip – waste of energy

- Eating junk food – waste of getting the body in motion

- Solving the same problem, again- waste of repetition

- Looking for misplaced things – wastes of searching

- Piling instead of filing – waste of understanding

- Not capturing ideas – waste of idea

- Answering the phone – waste of convenience

- Waiting for something to happen- waste of waiting

- Making empty promises – waste of lying

- Procrastination – waste of inaction 

Question c: A PDSA cycle

Figure 1: A PDSA cycle for swimming activity

Plan – practice in swimming makes perfect.

Do – I will continue practicing swimming with my friends every day.

Study – check on the swimming experience

Act – adjust improvement my expertise.

Question d: Fish Diagram

Figure 1: Bone Fish Diagram of Possible Causes of Car Failure

As can be seen, some of the possible causes of car failure include environment, people, machines, and materials. The method of failure can include the gear being in the wrong position.

Question e: 5 Whys Method that the Car will Fail

First Why – the car is out of fuel

Second Why – starter is broken

Third Why – the gear is placed in the wrong position

Fourth Why – overheating of engine

Fifth Why - fuel gauge is broken

Question f: Poka-Yoke Examples

- An earth pin in electric plugs in longer than the others

- Circuit breakers

- Washing machines cannot start when the door is open

- Micro-wave oven begins only after shutting the door

- One way of plugging in electric sockets

- Overflow outlets

- Retractable blades in the box cutters

- Child resistant tops for household chemicals and medicines

- Safety bar on lawn mowers

- Sensor on the elevator doors

October 30, 2023
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