Americans and land

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The bond between nature and humans is a significant field in which many people have theories and may undertake study. It is important for people to realize that the environment is vital and that we are responsible for protecting it. The relationship between nature and humans is important to everyone; there is no escaping the fact that humans coexist with and depend on the soil. The tradition of land’s value to humanity will aid in the creation of responsibility codes that can unite citizens in using current technologies to solve ground problems. From the position of Kahn, Severson, and Ruckert, it is understandable that nature is fundamental to humans and the technological changes should foster its well-being life (Kahn, Severson, and Ruckert, 37). In general, American conceives their relation with land to be essential in the land use practices.
The Americans perceive land as a private entity for the material and economic wants and needs. Therefore, the area that was ’improved’ for homesteads, agriculture, and resource nonindustrial extraction was available for someone to own and utilize for personal returns. Also, the land is links to social structure and various classes in different American states. The land contains a degree of social status and economic security to the landowners, both of which are dominant in socially and economically stratified nations in the Europe. The relationship between land and Americans concerns the land tenure systems and the sustainable farm practices. However, the land covers and land uses in America evolve with time in reaction toward the change in the social, biophysical, and economic conditions. Most of the changes originate from the individual land managers and landowners and can be quantified on-the-ground observations, or from aerial photographs, satellite measurements, and records from the land users and owners and users. Over the past years, the most critical environmental developments within the Americans is the changes in the volume and types of the forest cover.
Since humans control the utilization of the land, the individuals, the land tenure and protection systems, businesses, governments, and non-profit organizations make the land laws to reduce and adapt to the effects of climate change. In the American states, the adaptation of the alternatives (those that purpose to address the challenges of climate change) includes the local mix of concrete and vegetation to check the levels of heat in cities or raising homes to limit exposure to flooding or rise in the sea level. The land-cover-related and Land-use opinions include increasing the forests cover to speed the removal carbon from the atmosphere, alter the way towns and cities are built and organized to minimize the energy and motorized transportation, and changing the agricultural management activities to boost the storage of carbon in the soil.
Through the article ’Americans and the Land,’ John Steinbeck depicts the impacts of the American settlers’ on the land. John Steinbeck denotes that the link between nature and humans was the act of immigrants living against or with nature, however, has over past decades the law in people depending for or on the land. Steinbeck portrays his observation on people being irresponsible in the utilization of land. John Steinbeck outline that Americans still utilize land with the notion of the past decades; ’there is a surplus of the natural resources.’ John Steinbeck writes that the American ’drained the streams, burned the forests and altered the rainfall cycle. Furthermore, the Americans set fire to the grass and eliminated the Buffaloes from the plains.’ (Steinbeck, 67).
During the period of the Indians, people attacked and defended themselves without the considering the consequences they were creating to their land. To address the thoughts of Americans about the area, John Steinbeck elucidates how humans went land-mad. The American population by then had surplus land, ’They burned grasses and also cleared forest forests to create space for agriculture; they overlooked the doctrine of kindness to the environment. They never put effort on in the maintenance of its usefulness’ (Steinbeck, 67). The concept of land preservation and management did not commence until after the invention of the heavy mechanical equipment and engines. Though, after the devices and advancement of machines, and people enjoying the outcomes and beauty of environmental conservation, most people do not embrace the sustainable use of the tools and engine in giving out light, keeping people cool or warm, or facilitating quick transportation. In response to John Steinbeck’s essay, it is not agreeable that in the past years human did not have the knowledge about their consequences on the earth. However, it is true from John Steinbeck’s notion that, people do not contemplate on the use and application of the available technology.
In the current years, the land conservation efforts help to create awareness about the impact of human on the land, but the humans are not at peace with the use of land like the Native Americans. It is important to learn from the Native Americans to develop responsibility code for land and nature. The article ’The Historical Roots of Our Ecological Crisis’ from Lynn White explains the bond in humans to their environment by raising the role of religion. In the conservation of land and nature, the essay describes the message of Christianity to people about their relation and functions to the environmental well-being. It is interesting that White raises the pigment of religion on humans to handle nature since it is an aspect that receives little attention. White eludes that Christians hold that God created them with power over life and that nature was to serve man.
The dominance aspect in humans has various challenges to the environment. People develop many feelings about the use of land, and so, most people tend to use land and nature to serve themselves. The concept relates to the exploitation principles of life. Although it did in the Genesis book of the Christian Bible, it is believable that Gods intention was different. It is agreeable that God has ultimate power over the earth and He expresses it through love and care. Therefore, He anticipates that the human must love and care the environment. Additionally, God reveals care in the make of the earth, and He expects people to conserve and manage the land. Therefore it is essential to teach Christians to develop logic in the words of God.
Peter Kahn, Jr., Jolina H. Ruckert, and Rachel L. Severson discuss the effects of on land. The discussion reveals how the human technological concepts and inventions are replacing the nature (Kahn, Severson, and Ruckert, 37). In their essay, they conclude that the technological replacement poses alterations in the psychological and physical well-being of man. Kahn, Severson, and Ruckert reveal that land is essential in human lives. The authors examine the condition the Environmental Generational Amnesia. The condition states simply, ’the adaption to the loss of nature and the adoption to the expanding technological nature; humans will limit the loss of environmental value across generations for what counts as the best check of the people’s experience and human development’(Kahn, Severson, and Ruckert, 37). In the study, Kahn, Severson, and Ruckert find out that the technological nature is preferable to no life at all. Also, they express that humans need to affiliate with the land, so it vital to either embrace the technical nature, The writers understand that environmental awareness is becoming harder since most people are not aware that they are the origin of the environmental problem. The study was famous elite people on the importance and necessity of nature conservation.
Today, communities have different types of land uses. The types include transport, recreational, residential, agricultural, and commercial. Recreational is the kind of land use that creates pleasure to humans. It includes museums, sports grounds, parks, and the settings of activities that are not important o life but are enjoyable. Most Cities often creates the recreation site to attract residents and visitors. Transport is the land use for railways, roads, railways, or subways, or railways. Transports boots the operation of the common land uses. Agricultural land use is the use of land for rearing animals and growing crops. It is the most native mode of land use; it provides the community with food.
The significance and the priority on the surroundings and to urban ecological development vary by people. Furthermore, it is probable to realize the disparities in the opinions on the environment at several legs. The evolution of the urban areas besides agricultural, social and economic stability is an essential signal for land development. Especially the process of urbanization makes cities to develop quickly in the sprawl and space over global land and to dominate economic and social and social use of the land in rural and urban communities. As a result, the natural resources outstanding within the urban zone enter the course of exhaustion. The process establishes itself with the unplanned and uncontrolled development mainly alongside the fast population growth in the cities
It is important to affirm that property faces pressure from human activities. In most of the American state, the increase in the population is causing an increase in demand for natural resources. The social pressure increases land degradation and causes the decrease in soil productivity. The situation in most of the American states is not sustainable, even though conservation and management efforts attempt to reduce the degradation. As a result of land degradation, the cultural and economic systems that depend on the croplands, forests, and pastures suffer. Also, land dereliction is causing an increase in the climate change. It also goes without saying that there is a call for formulating national and international institutions and policies to counter the progress of land degradation.

Works Cited
Kahn, Peter. Severson, Rachel. Ruckert, Jolina. _The Human Relation with Nature and__Technological Nature._ (2009). Technological_Nature.pdf
Steinbeck, John. _Americans and the Land._
White, Lynn. _The Historical Roots of Our Ecological Crisis. (1974).


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