Creating Awareness on Drowsy Driving

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Finding Solutions to Driving While Fatigued

Finding solutions to this ongoing issue is only appropriate after recognizing the effects of driving while fatigued and the risks it poses to the driver, the passengers, and other road users. Finding solutions is essential to avoiding additional traffic fatalities because the statistics on accidents caused by driving while fatigued are tragic. The primary issue being researched in regards to its impact on causing accidents while driving is drowsiness and sleeping while driving. The answer to lessening the associated road carnage is to find a remedy that addresses the issues of driving while fatigued. Application of appropriate measures to aid in addressing drowsiness is critical in the pursuit to end accidents caused by drowsiness while driving. Currently, several measures have been implemented in the world to assist in dealing with the long and persevering problem of drowsiness while driving that affects most road users. Phillips and Sagberg (2013) argue that drowsiness while driving is an avoidable problem and can be prevented among the road users. Therefore, employing some measures towards preventing the problem is a step in the right direction to creating awareness and prevention of the problem.

Change of Behavior

According to Smolensky, Di Milia, Ohayon and Philip (2011), the most common cause of drowsiness while driving is the lack of enough sleep by the driver of the vehicle. Having understood the fact that sleep deprivation among drivers who are involved in the operation of an automobile is the main cause of drowsiness while driving, finding a solution towards addressing sleep deficit among the drivers will provide an answer towards curbing drowsy driving. It is imperative for drivers to be made aware of the importance of sleep and the dangers of having less sleep if they are to undertake driving responsibilities. Providing drivers with the necessary education and awareness on the importance of sleep prior to taking the wheel, is an effective approach towards reducing the accidents caused on the roads as a result of drowsiness while driving. Ruggiero and Redeker (2014) point out that, taking short naps has been known to improve the subsequent performances of people who are sleep deprived. Prevention is the best way to avoid accidents that are caused by drowsy driving, thus, it is proper to ensure that before driving one is able to get enough sleep before they embark on a drive.

Another challenge that comes up is experiencing drowsiness while on the road before reaching the set destination. For this case, it is possible for the driver to pull over and gather some sleep before they continue their journey. Once a driver starts to experience tiredness, it is crucial to stop and rest even before they start to experience signs of drowsiness. By being able to prevent the latter stages of drowsiness affecting the driver, it is possible to prevent many accidents on the road. Drivers should be made aware of the lack of concentration that is caused by tiredness while using the road (Smolensky, Di Milia, Ohayon & Philip, 2011). The lack of concentration makes the driver be less alert and makes them susceptible to veering off the road, unable to maintain the driving lanes and late braking and turning while they drive in the condition of drowsiness. Drinking while driving is also a danger that causes drowsiness to the driver. Driving under the influence of alcohol makes the driver feel tired and lack the required attention to be able to concentrate on driving (Williams et al., 2012). The driver can also be affected equally when they are under some type of medication. It is important for drivers who are under medication to be aware of the effects of the medicine that they use. Consulting a doctor on the effects of the drug is vital in ensuring that it does not cause undesirable effects that may endanger the driver while using the road.

Another Behavioral Change

Another behavioral change that can be realized to ensure that drivers are not affected by drowsiness is by the consumption of caffeine. Scientifically, the consumption of caffeine in low doses has been known to increase considerably alertness in people who are being confronted with sleep (Rodgers et al., 2013). The consumption of caffeine is possible since it is widely available in a wide range of consumable beverages in the market. Therefore, ingesting caffeine is a proper way to ensure that the driver gets a short-term boost to be alert and concentrate on the road. However, it is important to note that the use of caffeine should not be used a replacement for sleep since the effects of caffeinated drinks usually fade off after a while. A change in behavior is the most practical approach that can be used in realizing the goal of preventing drowsy driving among road users and a sure solution to preventing accidents caused by drowsiness while driving.

Medical Interventions

There are also additional measures that can be used in the prevention of accidents caused by drowsy driving amongst road users. Some of the drowsy drivers may be victims of sleep disorders that have not been identified or treated mostly due to the lack of awareness. Smolensky, Di Milia, Ohayon, and Philip (2011) explain that the lack of basic education and awareness of sleep conditions has been a hindrance towards realizing if one is a victim of these sleep disorders and the appropriate treatment methods to adopt. Sleep condition can affect the driver while using the road since they result in a lack of concentration and attentiveness while driving that can be fatal for the driver and other road users. These conditions include insomnia, narcolepsy, and obstructive sleep apnea and can cause harm to the driver while they are on the road. However, the efforts in research and medicine of the sleep disorders have made it possible to diagnose these conditions and find appropriate medications to treat the patients (Smolensky, Di Milia, Ohayon & Philip, 2011).

Creating Awareness on Drowsy Driving

The subject of drowsiness while driving has not received the appropriate attention that it requires concerning its awareness among drivers and other road users. It is important to note that drowsy driving is a problem especially among the youth due to their lifestyles that often deprive them of sleep. As mentioned earlier, sleep is important for a driver or any machine operator since it allows them to be refreshed and be attentive throughout the operation process. It is the mandate of the concerned authorities to spread the information about the dangers of drowsiness while driving, the causes of drowsiness, and how to prevent its occurrence for the driver using the roads. Holding campaigns and awareness programs geared towards educating drivers using the roads is a step towards solving the problem. In addition, the use of advertisements along the roads used by the drivers will also spread the information on drowsiness and its effects to the road users.

Emerging Trends

Statistics have shown that the effects of drowsiness among drivers have not slowed down. According to Vnlaar, Simpson, Mayhew, and Robertson (2007), through research, they have been able to discover that 176,000 casualties that took place in accident-related cases on the roads were because of drowsiness while driving. The technology sector has been a leader in investing to prevent accidents caused by drowsiness while driving. As disclosed by Koscher et al. (2010), vehicles being produced in today’s market come with an array of security features that can make the vehicle maintain its lane, brake, communicate with the driver, and monitor the driver’s attentiveness, while driving. These features serve to offer safety to the driver and prevent them from causing accidents.

Other realizations in technology are devices that monitor the heartbeats to able to detect when the driver is losing concentration or drowsy and deliver a slight shock to wake the driver. The health sector has not been left behind as a lot of investment has been channeled to research ways to treat and cure sleep disorders. This solution will provide the drivers who have sleep disorders with relief since they will be able to use vehicles on the roads without fear anymore. Additionally, there are signboards that offer educative messages that encourage the drivers to take the matter of drowsy driving seriously. These boards are erected along the roads to create awareness of drowsiness while driving, its effects, and how to prevent it from happening. The importance of sleep has been emphasized on the boards encouraging drivers who have driven long distances without sleep to take a break and nap. There have been pit stops on the roads that have been built for the purpose of encouraging drivers to pull over their vehicles and be able to nap. These have become popular in America and among the most frequented spots by long distant truck drivers.

Missing Approaches

The approaches used to prevent drowsy driving are for the purposes of preventing fatalities on the roads. While they have proven to be successful, the problem of drowsy driving still exists. Which could only mean that a lot more can be done? The operation of a vehicle on the road lies solely with the driver, thus, they should be liable for any damages that result during their driving. Currently, the laws and legislation on drowsy driving are not well known and to some drivers, these laws are not taken seriously. The penalties for drowsiness while driving are quite lenient consequently; drivers are able to afford them without breaking a sweat. For any change to be realized, the laws on drowsy driving need to be improved so that drivers using the roads can take them seriously. There should be stiffer penalties imposed on drivers who are caught violating the laws on driving while drowsy to discourage drowsy driving and other drivers.


The issue of drowsiness while driving has become common in America and there is a need to address the problem. Most of the survivors of accidents caused by drowsiness rarely are able to explain what actually happened since they were not concentrating enough. Most drivers do not take the issue of drowsiness while driving seriously and as a result, they fail to understand that drowsiness causes sleep that often results in the inability to operate the vehicles. The effects of drowsiness include the inability to focus on the road while driving, causes distraction and unclear sight, which limits the driver's capacity to drive. However, the condition is manageable should the driver take the necessary preventive measures before they take to operating a vehicle. These prevention measures include getting enough sleep, taking caffeinated drinks, taking breaks and naps while driving long distances, and seeking treatment for sleep conditions that may affect driving, among others. Technological developments to curb sleeping and drowsiness while driving has made significant steps in reducing the accidents caused on the roads. It is imperative to have preventive measures known by road users to reduce and prevent accidents caused by driving while drowsy.

June 19, 2023



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