Message of Mass Media and It’s Influence

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In today’s society, the mass media influence is stronger than it was in the past. It has the power to disseminate information from all over the world and, as a result, it can exercise its opinion and effect on cultures. Every single day, without understanding it, we are subject to a lot of media reports that are both optimistic and negative. Messages distributed by media corporations will take a toll on culture at times. The growth of digital and mobile technologies that has quickly increased in the new era is sufficient proof that the impact of the media will inspire progress or encourage destructive behaviour in certain populations. As we grow up, we usually try to find our identity, and the images that are provided by mass media which can significantly influence us by shaping our ideals of the society as a whole. This essay will show the effects of the messages from mass media to the community.
Mass Media Influence on the Public by Distributing Certain Messages
The media influences us on a daily basis, when we watch television, read newspapers, and even when we log into social media websites, and it affects us without even us having the knowledge of it (Madden, 2015). Every media group delivers the news or things to their liking and one that will favor them. Advertising companies use celebrities to endorse their products to evoke interest in the people who view them. Different tactics are used to promote the sale of a product like humor which can stay on your mind all day or something that will keep you thinking about it. By using such methods, the media influences its viewers by making them believe that they need the product or services. The television stations are also particular with the commercials that they air during programs. For instance, children television stations usually have ads for child related things like toys and candies because they know that the children will ask for them. Television stations understand that if they show something that their viewers are not interested in then the purchase of the product will be less.
Traditionally parents, teachers, and other adult authorities used to be role models as children grew up and were trying to find their identity but mass media changed all that and now show case celebrities as being the new role models. This new change in role models has had a behavioral effect on our society today. By using celebrities to promote products, young viewers get encouraged to purchase the products because they are following in the footsteps of their celebrity role models and most of the time it includes attitude and behavior. Television shows have a way in which they play the role of men and women; men are usually portrayed as the breadwinners while women are portrayed as the ones who stay home to take of the children, cook, and clean (Madden, 2015). These images being represented by TV shows influence the younger audiences to think that they have to act and behave in a certain way. Some girls might grow up believing that they have to be a stay at home mother while the boys grow up thinking that they have to work in a suit and tie.
Even though the media has improved in the portrayal of these images of the ideal man and woman they still need to do a lot more. Media Women for Equality is an organization that was created in an attempt to improve how women are portrayed in the media as well as their status. Men and women are still being portrayed as unequal as men are portrayed as the stronger gender while women the weaker ones. In the recent years, there have been more and more racial discrimination and police brutality cases that are being heard of mainly because of the technological advancement that has made it possible for anyone with a camera or a Smartphone to take pictures and videos while the action is ongoing. These images have shown another side of the police that many have come to distaste and have been angered because of them. Many people have lost confidence in the authorities because of these raw images.
Unethical Influence on the Public
The adverse effects of mass media are spreading rapidly impacting the emotions, psychology, physical self, and even the spiritual stand of some individuals. There has been an uproar of harsh critiques from families, religious organizations, educators, and feminists. There have also been increasing concerns because the media has been spreading sexual and violent content. Even with all the criticism concern about sexuality and violence, the media still give pervasive materials to the public. The unfortunate thing is that media companies use sexuality and violence as a way of attracting viewers as they utilize it as a marketing tool.
The media institutions often show sexual and violent scenes in their broadcasts as an instrument in shows, movies, news, advertisements, and in other broadcasts (Felson, 2016). There is overwhelming evidence of the ability of media to influence the behavior of individuals especially the sexual attitudes and behaviors of adolescents because of the sexually related messages that are always being shown. It is crucial that people are cautious of the bad influences that are brought by the youth who have because they are easily targeted by the media (Lurigio & Rosenbaum, 2014).
History and Contemporary Roles Digital Media
Communications has proliferated and has become more sophisticated and powerful more so this being the century of communication. One of the most significant inventions of communication was the telephone. The motion camera was then invented in the 1880s where it was initially exhibited as a fairground novelty and later developed to become one of the most crucial tools for both entertainment and communication in the 20th century. The development of the radio in 1893 allowed for mass communication as information could now be transferred nationwide and internationally as well. During the war, the radio was used as an outlet by listening to the music, plays, and talk shows.
In 1927 the first electronic television picture was produced and was followed by fuzzy broadcasting images of a couple of shows in the 1930s and later in the 1950s cable television was developed and satellite television in the 1970s. Personal computers were the last to be introduced in the late 1970s and only became available to the public in 1992-1993. The widespread usage of internet and technological innovation was not very common until the end of the 1990’s. The children in the 1990’s who were aged between 2 and 22 were labeled as the ’Net-Generation’ because they experienced learning through the computer (Roberts, 2014). With time as the technologies became more and more familiar the children began to act differently as they were now capable of networking with people from different parts of the world. Individuals started behaving as if the technology was the only method of communication which resulted in the face to face communication being abandoned.
In the United States, the era of Post-World War 11 had created a new way for mass communication. For instance, the television was the only dominant broadcasting form of mass media that by 1940, there was 17,000 TV. Stations in the U.S. In America only, about two-thirds owned a television with in those seven years (Ukoha, 2013). With that, they only had three major networks to watch. It would cover news programs, live events, and sitcoms. However, after the Vietnam War in 1960, the military conflict was the first program that everyone saw in their Television sets. This brought about internal conflicts because all that showed at night was the images of war protestors and war footage. The radio and tv, in this case, had various effects of America’s imagination because it was impossible for the print media. Newspapers on the other hand including other print media also struggled to maintain themselves since they had to adapt to the new media landscape.
The impact of Technological transition to the Digital and Electronic Media
Technological innovation was there throughout history, but its defining years was the 1990s as it became more developed. These changes were also positive as they helped people to become more efficient and this made life easier and faster, and time could be saved. A lot of people enjoyed the changes that were taking place because technology was changing the behavior and operations of the society. The internet has promoted social interactions, activities, and organizing all because of the basic features of the invention of the computer with the access to the internet. The development of the use of digital phones has had a rapid increase all over the world. The creation of smart phones enabled us to access, share, and store digital media in the hands of billions of people. Today there are a number of electronic devices such as digital cameras and drones that are capable of creating, transmitting, and viewing digital media.
The way technology has shaped electronic and digital media it has become easier for news to be delivered to the public. This has also helped with entertainment and imagination. From the beginning, when the television and the radio were first invented there were limitations. Now the news and even the entertainment are at your very own fingertips. Technological transitions such as videos, communications, transportations, and even housing are the way society functions. Digital technology has an enormous influence in a few areas such as; social networks (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), advertisement, blogs, movies, video games, etc. (Roberts, 2014). It has become a known way of living with digital media. A few examples are, printing, chemical, digital, and electronic. The publication includes your magazines, newspapers, and books. Chemical includes your movies and photography. Digital technology includes your television, sound recording (music), and radio.

 While technology is advancing throughout society, it is proven that mass media affects behavior. Americans increasingly feel they are living in a more violent society. These feelings are provoked by the images and portrayals of violence they see in mass media like video games and television. In return, the media is made to believe there is a greater need to have the precautionary tools to protect themselves (Kaplan, 2012). People in the country have found mass media products like candy, irresistible which can cause destructions to local values and traditions; fast fading them into oblivion. Society is becoming more dependent on mass media, which mass media more influence young children than their parents. It is feared that our nation’s mass media will establish cultural imperialism (Vivian, 2013), and corrupt the people of our society.
In the essay, we have elaborated how mass media influences the public through the different message. Mass media is also seen to have a big effect on the nation to the point that it manages to change the imagination of everybody. It does not matter the mode used, but so long as it’s meant for everyone, it can bring diverse changes. We have also determined that there are unethical influences to the society as seen is the contemporary and historical roles of the digital and electronic media. It is true that the progression of technology significant advancement communication, educating young adults, and health care, and corporate greed.
It is also proven that technology affects behaviors of young individuals. People in the many countries find that the mass media produce a candy that is irresistible, which cause destruction to local behavior, traditions, values, and culture. This conclusion points in favor of the catalytic theory, which indicates that media can only influence persons who are predisposed to their environment or other personality disorders. These factors include education levels, upbringing, over exposure, and whether or not the negative behavior is rewarded.

Kaplan, A. (2012). Violence in the media: What effects on behavior? Psychiatric Times, 29(10), 1-8, 11.
Felson, R. B. (2016). Mass media effects on violent behavior. Annual Review of Sociology, 22, 103-128.
Lurigio, A. J., & Rosenbaum, D. P. (2014). The effects of mass media on crime prevention awareness, attitudes, and behavior: the case of crime stoppers. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 15(2), 82-105.
Madden, M., Hitlin, P., & Lenhart, A. (2015). Teens and Technology. Retrieved from; /
Roberts, G. (2014). Technology and Learning Expectations of the Net Generation. Retrieved, from; publications/books/educating-net generation/technology-and-learning-expectations-net generation
Ukoha, e. K. (2013). Media violence and violent behavior of the Youths: intervention strategies. Ife Psychology, 21(3), 230-237. Retrieved from;
Vivian, J. (2013). The Media of Mass Communication (11th Ed). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

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