sexual behavior

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What has the study of male and female sexual behavior taught us about gender? Compare and contrast existentialist, social constructionist, and integrative accounts of sexual desire. Why does it become more difficult, if not impossible, to establish an argument based on universal genetic grounds for how humans chose mates?

Male and female sexual behavior differs. Men’s and women’s sexual desires are not the same. While males have a higher desire for sex to the point where they are willing to have as many females as possible, females have a relatively lower sexual desire, with sexual attraction to only one male counterpart at a time.The females want a sole mate who can provide for the family and protect the wife and the children. However, sexual behavior has been changing with time, and today there are few differences between males and females (Barnett & Rivers, 2004). Existentialism is a term used by philosophers who contemplate the human condition as an important philosophical problem and who consider this problem to be handled through ontology.

In the societal context, essentialism is to recognize the responsibility we have for our existence. This philosophy analyzes relationships between the individual and things, or other human beings, and how they limit or condition choice. Existentialists believe that the sexual desire is only triggered by the environment in which one lives. Essentialists believe that people are free of choosing their sexual orientation; however, their surroundings have a big influence. The choice of such behavior accurately reflects an unchangeable reality which holds true for all cultures in all of history, and thus that a person’s homosexuality or heterosexuality constitutes an unchangeable essence rather than a socially constructed characteristic.

Social constructionists tend to believe that in a truly liberated society where everyone has the power to engage in any sexual behavior even in a society where there is seem to be some sort of dictated sexual behaviors to guide people on what is expected of them. Thus, they believe that to win queer rights we also have to teach hits to liberate their own queer potential. Social constructionists try to encourage queer rights by talking about other cultures where all members of the society are expected to have sexual relationships of their choosing, and by advocating for those for their choices. They imagine that young people can grow up in a society like that face and accept their queer potential and see their desires as a natural part of what all humans are capable of experiencing.

An integrative sexual behavior is where the biological, social and political factors blend well to influence on how people behave in their sexual desires. In most cases, the social and biological factors tend to dominate this blend, and the impact on the overall behavior reflects the biological and social impacts in the one’s behavior. It is very hard to support an argument of the universal genetic explanation of the sexual behavior because of different social and cultural diversities amongst people (Barnett & Rivers, 2004). People from different background have different biological, social and cultural dynasties. The food that we consume and the environment that we leave in, regarding the climatic settings have an impact on our biological makeup which makes it hard for people to have a uniform biological make-up of the body fluids. Different foods trigger the body to have a certain fluid composition that is by what the body is digesting.

Why can it be argued that gender roles are a myth? How have human qualities been gendered? What are some of the problems associated with seeing gender regarding opposites? What are the difficulties with treating gender as a “role”?

Gender roles are a myth as there is no practical prove of about the gender roles. The theological teachings believe that the as God created a man and a woman, He gave them different roles and going against the roles as assigned by God is sinful. Religious teachings expect their believers to adore and obey the commandment of their supreme being without question. For this matter, there is prove that somebody witnessed the Supreme Being assigning the roles and the existence of a supreme being is usually mythical to non-believers of a given religion. Furthermore, there is no scientific prove that explains gender roles. With changes that have revolutionized the world, gender roles have remained to be a myth as evidenced by today’s people of different gender able to perform the task that was believed that it could only be performed by a certain gender. Today, men and women can equally perform similar tasks when giving the necessary resources required to execute the duties.

Qualities have been gendered in a way that certain roles are so important in the society and they can only be performed by a specific gender. For instance, leaders in the society are essential figures that are highly needed to give life running smoothly with fewer difficulties (Johnson, 2015). For a long time in many societies, the leadership roles have been believed to be well suited by the males in a society. Leadership roles are so important in the society, and people who hold leadership; who have been males are believed to be of higher value to the society. Other roles are believed to be of less value to the society hence those who perform the roles are taken to be of less value. The idea of viewing gender as opposites come with difficulties. Today the world seems to be a place where different groups are fighting to see their influence impacting on the society. Females have been fighting for gender equalities, and this has made the male counterparts feel threatened and form groups themselves. It becomes like a gender war with each side opposing fighting another for dominance and survival. The other problem is where people view gender as opposite gender is when the

What are the paradoxes of patriarchy? What paradoxes specifically revolve around the fact that patriarchy even exist? What is the ”Grand Lie” that patriarchy is grounded in? What are the more serious consequences to men that Johnson addresses in chapter 3? What are the more serious consequences to women that Johnson addresses in chapter 3?

Patriarchy distributes power throughout society by channeling natural male competitive instincts in fathers toward keeping the bad behavior of other men in check, thus diffusing power to ensure the rule of law, instead of the rule of individuals. All men have instincts toward behavior inimical to committed fatherhood, so patriarchal structure must be rooted in a fixed moral law which provides the logical consistency and direction necessary to produce responsible fatherhood. Identifying such a law must be done by consulting actual fathers whose personal success as assets to individual women and children signal an understanding of true principles regarding fatherhood.

The paradox that patriarchy distributes power is the epicenter upon which patriarchy exists. Patriarchy does not distribute power in the real sense as one group must be more powerful and superior to another. The grand lie on which patriarchy is built is the advocacy of equality in the society (Johnson, 2015). Equality seems to be fictional as it is not easy for to have an equal society. Men engage in violence more than women, and for this reason, more men tend to be victims of such violence than women.

Patriarchy can feel problematic for many of us. But we can examine where patriarchies often fail and determine whether it is a failure inherent to patriarchy or a failure produced by a departure from patriarchy. For example, a double standard occurs when parents fear that chastity is too hard for their sons, so they hold a standard which tolerates a ”wild oats” phase for their sons while demanding a rule of chastity for their daughters. This rests on a false belief that young men can engage in ”sowing wild oats” without significantly damaging their ability to be good fathers later on. It usually entails an unjust assumption that men have no obligation to respect certain groups of women and their children. But such behavior severely damages a man’s moral character as he habituates himself to devaluing women and his potential children. Parents who hold a double standard regarding chastity do so to the detriment of their sons, and the father, in particular, is betraying his patriarchal duty to guide sons toward responsible fatherhood.

Genuine patriarchy is difficult to maintain and live consistently, so it is understandable that our society has become suspicious of patriarchy. Men and women, both in their reproductive decisions and as parents, have a host of natural inclinations that work against the successful implementation of true patriarchy (Stout, 2017). There are many opportunities for men to abuse authority when vigilance ensuring committed fatherhood lapses. But working hard to recognize involved and moral fathers as the only men fit for the task of governing society is a reliable way to ensure the feminine perspective is promoted.

Patriarchy gives women a greater ability to benefit their children, largely because of benefits they enjoy as mothers. Men are directed toward the more intelligent use of their natural masculine abilities and greater worthiness and participation in a larger project than their narrowest self-interest (Stout, 2017). Strong families form the basis of flourishing humanity which values children and is oriented toward the future. Unfortunately, the growing prosperity brought about by these benefits can lead to decay which threatens our continued existence. As we fail to renew our patriarchal heritage, our future will be subject to calamity as we descend from civilized life into a state of untamed human nature. We must reinvigorate our society through gratitude for our patriarchal heritage. We need to restore it as the foundation of true human prosperity and freedom.


Barnett, R. & Rivers, C. (2004). Same difference (1st ed.). New York: Basic Books.

Johnson, A. The gender knot (2005) (1st ed.).

List of Gender Stereotypes. (2017). Retrieved 25 January 2017, from

Stout, M. (2017). Paradoxical Patriarchy. The Millennial Star. Retrieved 24 January 2017, from

March 15, 2023
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