Summary of Program's Claim on ADHD-related benefits

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According to the BrainTrain Program

The IVA+Plus may accurately detect ADHD in children. The benefit of adopting IVA+Plus, according to the program, is its capacity to give objective data on attention and response control that doctors may use as part of a thorough ADHD assessment. IVA+Plus can be used to diagnose people aged 6 to 96, and it includes test scales to help identify potential malingering. According to a poll performed by BrainTrain of doctors who use this test, IVA CPTs generally agree with the final diagnosis 70% to 90% of the time. Convergent validity of the Integrated Visual and Auditory Continuous Performance Test (IVA+ Plus).

In this article

Arble, Kuentzel, and Barnett, D. (2014) sought to establish how IVA+ plus scores relate to measure of cognitive ability, for example IQ or to academic achievement of children. To establish the validity of using IVA+ Plus tests, the authors hypothesized that correlations in the expected direction between IVA+ Plus scores and Working Memory Index (WMI) would be an indicator of validity. By using a sample of 90 psychoeducational evaluations, the study found that scores from IVA +plus correlated to Working Memory and processing speed in significant way. Despite the fewer and weaker correlation recorded with regard to behavior ratings scale, the overall pattern or relations was supportive of the validity the IVA + Plus. The study however indicated that interpretation need to take into account the intelligence account. The findings of the study therefore supports the BrainTrain program claims.


Arble, E., Kuentzel, J., & Barnett, D. (2014). Convergent validity of the Integrated Visual and Auditory Continuous Performance Test (IVA+ Plus): associations with working memory, processing speed, and behavioral ratings. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 29(3), 300-312.

April 19, 2023



Mental Health Illness

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Adhd Doctor Mental Disorder

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