Honeycomb Method

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The honeycomb refers to a research tool that joins three concepts of the study with three other aspects to form a research methodology. These elements include the philosophy, approach, strategy, design, data collection, and analysis techniques (Blumberg, Cooper and Schindler 2011). It works by providing the stages that must be followed when creating effective methodology. The honeycomb basically shows the six primary elements that constitute the centre of the methodology when combined. Ideally, this approach is preferred in the upcoming study because it provides the typical structure of the research as well as indicates the relationship between six elements of the research. Honeycomb method is simple to apply and fosters collection of appropriate data from the target population. The six elements allow the researcher to effectively plan how to gather, analyse, interpret and present the findings (Blumberg et al. 2011). Nevertheless, the prime limitation in using this method is that there are difficulties in the analyses of the case studies and such will consume a significant amount of time which may ultimately culminate in the generalisation of information.


In this case, questionnaires will be used to gather information from prison offers since they will allow coverage of all aspects of the topic. Through questionnaires, I will be able to ask the respondents many questions that enhance understanding of various factors leading to low retention in the prison environment and potential strategies that should be embraced to reverse the trend. Other benefits associated with the use of questionnaires include enhance the collection of information from a large number of respondents, simple, economical, and will enable comparison of current work with existing studies (Molina-Azorin 2011, p. 12). Also, a qualitative approach is preferred for this study because it will enhance critical evaluation of the subject hence resulting in the simulation of more realistic results an objective that may not be achieved through quantitative method. However, there are several limitations attributed to the use of questionnaires including the inability to provide the meaning behind the response, dishonesty, hard to convey feelings and emotions, and lack of conscientious responses.

Focus Groups

Focus groups will be utilised because it will enhance the provision of deeper insights about the topic which is crucial in formulating appropriate responses for the study questions. Only 2 x focus groups consisting of 8 prison officers per group. Other benefits that will be realised as a result of applying focus groups include fostering interactive feedback and they are economical hence saving the costs (Molina-Azorin 2011, p. 18). On the other side, the limitations and negatives of focus groups include the elements of groupthink and inaccuracy of some of the data collected. Hence, moderators will be used to generalise individuals’ response into groups sentiments to ensure only accurate information is used in the analysis.



Blumberg, B., Cooper, D.R. and Schindler, P.S., 2011. Business Research Methods. London:


Molina-Azorin, J.F., 2011. ‘The use and added value of mixed methods in management

            research’, Journal of Mixed Methods Research, Vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 7–24

January 19, 2024

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