Wireless Network

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The primary goal of this research is to comprehend the benefits of a wireless network. It also seeks to ascertain the benefits that an organization may derive from switching from a wired to a wireless network. The research investigates the implications of switching to a wireless network or staying still. The investigation began by soliciting feedback from colleagues in my organization about wireless connections. A sample group within the organization was given questionnaires to fill out and convey their feelings about the plan. Several interviews with senior management in the organization were conducted, and their perspectives were recorded. Furthermore, the study was expanded to include competitive firms where the network is already in use. In these companies, employees were given questionnaires as well as the management in order to get their experience with the network, their attitude and what has changed since they shifted to the system. The managers were also engaged in face-to-face interviews to attain in-depth knowledge of what benefits they have accrued from the connections. Through the interviews, information on the suitability of the network was discussed, and the difference between the two systems came up.

The data from all respondents was then recorded and compiled. Both qualitative and quantitative data was used in making of the conclusions. The data revealed that the wireless network was more suitable than the wired network. The suitability was based on the advantages it had over the wired one. In addition, the conclusion was based on the views of most of the respondents since most gave positive feedback about the wireless network. Actually, the respondents who were already using the wireless network revealed that they would not go back to the previous system regardless of what. Consequently, the wireless network has proven that it is worth investing in for future benefits and for the sake of boosting the morale of the employees of our organization.

Letter to decision makers

Keith Hollie,

Po Box 3456-92200,

Texas City,


The Managing Directors,

Walbridge bank,

Po Box 3456-92200,

Texas City.


Dear sir/madam

As an employee of this organization, I am writing to request you to take action and assist our organization shift to a wireless network. The current wired network is becoming outdated and replacing it with a modern connection that is in line with recent development is a good idea. Currently, there is a shortage in the number of ports required for each employee to be efficient and productive. In addition, the wired network is less flexible and hence limiting regarding the places where employees can work from. The network does not also accommodate a large number of users at a go hence leads to time wastage. Further, the connection does not permit individuals to transfer information instantly. By retaining it, we shall face the challenge of failure to meet the expectations of the customers of this century who always prefer businesses where they can get access to the wireless network.

If our organization replaces the current system with a wireless one, we shall reap maximum benefits since we shall be able to deliver efficiently, attract customers and save on resources. This is because the wireless network will be able to handle many users at a go and gain the loyalty and confidence of clients. Besides, we shall be able to save money that would have been used to buy connection cables and pay for the labor. Further, the working environment will be more conducive with a wireless connection than with a wired one. It is so because there will be no cables all over the office. Further, we shall be able to evade problems associated with hitches in the cables since they are prone to breakage. The new network will also help us increase our profit margins, as it is faster, less disruptive and more efficient since it takes less time compared to the wired network.

I hope you will use your power to address this issue. By considering the shift, you will help our organization be more efficient, profitable and ready to adapt to future developments. Thank you for your time and commitment towards this team. I hope as always, you continue keeping the interest of the organization first and as you consider this opinion.

I look forward to a kind reply.

Yours sincerely,

Keith Hollie

Table of Contents

Letter to decision makers 3

Introduction 5

Methodology 7

Type of research 7

Sampling method 8

Materials 8

Participants 9

Procedure 9

Questionnaire 10

Results 11

Discussion 12

Conclusion 13

References 15


The purpose of this report is to examine the current network connection in our organization and to discuss the possible changes and improvements that the management should do to the network. Through a thorough examination and observation of the challenges experienced in our office, this report describes in details the problems and a possible solution that can be applied to curb the adverse effects of the problem.

Wired connection was discovered in the early 1980s and has been in use since then. However, people have done intensive research and made new discoveries. These discoveries are either new ways of doing things or an improvement of earlier inventions. The wireless network is one such discovery, which has been made by technicians and developers (Abrahamson & Brady 2014). Wireless connection is crucial in human life as well as to their businesses. In addition, it has brought various significant benefits to organizations that have already implemented them. Some of these advantages include easy sharing of files between different users, allowing flexibility in mode of doing things as well as enabled a significant number of employees to use the network at the same time without the use of cables. An in-depth analysis of the advantages of the systems and its drawbacks will be the basis of this report.

Several kinds of research have been done on wireless networks. Several researchers suggested that wireless sensor network was the greatest achievement and technological advancement of its time. However, they discovered that most people were facing challenges while using the network and found it easier to use wired network since configuring and managing the wireless connection was a challenge. In addition, most people lacked the skills of choosing parameters such as the channel. Further power control and placement of Aps was involving. Furthermore, they concluded that wireless network is a bit sensitive than the wired network since in wireless system the physical layer must be present. Contrary, as for the wired network the physical layer may be ignored. Another research carried out revealed that wireless system had lower power consumption as compared to a wired system and had distributed sensing. In addition, it contains error control system and a short-range transmission. On the contrary, the wired network lacks these features. However, up to date, there is no single research that has been conducted comparing the suitability of wireless network to our organization over the wired one.

Therefore, the current research will help us understand the suitability of wireless network. It will also help us identify the benefits that our organization will reap from shifting to a wireless network connection. Another aspect it aims to investigate is the effects of changing from wired connection to the wireless connection on the attitude, efficiency, productivity and morale of workers.


Type of research

The kind of research I used was both the qualitative as well as quantitative. The quantitative research aims at getting the actual number of people who are in support of the wireless network. In addition, it also provided some information about why they prefer either of the networks. Contrary, the qualitative research aimed at getting an in-depth understanding of why people prefer a wired network as opposed to a wired network. This information was gathered through a combination of methods such as interviews and questionnaires. The information was also being collected through face-to-face conversation with various players in the industry.

Sampling method

The research sampling method used was random sampling and then the information generalized and used to represent the entire population. From among my colleagues, I interviewed ten of them to represent the rest and gave questionnaires to ten others. Besides, out of the nine managers three filled-in questionnaires while two had an interview with me. From an organization of choice where they have already started using the connection, I interviewed the managing director and issued questionnaires to five employees in the facility. In order to incorporate everyone in the organization, the research was conducted within working hours and throughout the organizations. The research was also gender sensitive and included an equal number of males and females who provided the information required. The research also cut through all the ranks in that I interviewed people at the managerial positions, the junior employees as well as the subordinate staff.


The materials that were used in these research-included computers, hard copy papers, and software. The computers were vital in recording and compiling of information collected from respondents. The papers were used to print the questionnaires that contained the questions on information being gathered. Printers, money, and telephones were also among the materials used to make the research successful (Rahman 2014).The printers were essential in printing out the papers while the phone were instrumental in communication. The software was used was mainly used to perform calculations on data collected for decision-making and for making conclusions. The computers were also used to prepare the questionnaires and perform calculations on the data.


The respondents of this study came from different places and ranks. During my research, I interacted with my colleagues in the workplace to determine their views about wireless network. I also enquired about the problems that they encountered while working with the current network connection. I also enquired from them about what their reactions would be if the management changed into the wireless network. Further, I talked to the management about their views on shifting to a wireless network connection. In addition, I asked them the cost implication of the shift and whether the benefit emanating from the change would offset the cost in the long run. Finally, I visited some of the competing organizations that were already using the network to learn more about how it works, their experience while working, the benefits they get from using the connection and the difference between the wired and wireless network (Movassaghi, Abolhasan, Lipmann, Smith, & Jamalipour 2013). I also seek to understand the preference of each individual and that of the entire organization.


I started by performing my research through informal means within my workplace among my workmates. I seek to understand their views and opinions about the wireless network as well as the wired network. I then used questionnaires to conduct a survey and get the actual number of employees who would prefer a wireless network and those who would wish to continue using the wired network. Further, I held interviews with top management officials in our organization in order to know their preference, the reasons they support their stand and their attitude towards the wireless network. I also prepared questionnaires for managers, which I issue to them to get detailed information about their position on the shift. In addition, I visited various organizations that use wired connection. I interacted with some employees informally and got to gather information about the network. Further, I issued some of them with questionnaires, which they filled independently. I also held interviews with their leaders who are instrumental to the study and have ample knowledge on the subject matter under the study (Assefa, Garfield, & Meshesha 2015).

The respondents filled the questionnaires in privacy to avoid sharing of information or influenced responses. To achieve secrecy, I gave each participant their questionnaires and assigned them a private place where they could fill the questionnaires without disturbance from colleagues. They filled the questionnaires all at the same time but at different locations to save time. The answers received were confidential, and therefore respondents were not supposed to write their names on the questionnaires. After everyone was through with his or her response, I collected all the questionnaires and mixed them up to assure respondents that no one would know who filled that particular survey.


The survey mainly concentrated on information regarding individual’s view of the wired and wireless network. Further, it targets to know the opinion of each person regarding the wireless network. It also aims at gathering views on whether a shift to the system would be advisable. Besides, it seeks to know the effects of the new network connection on the morale of workers, their attitude, productivity and their efficiency. In addition, it mainly aims at understanding the disadvantages, advantages, and benefits of the wireless connection (Moradpoor, Parr, McClean, & Scotney, 2013). The questionnaire also allowed individuals to give suggestions about any necessary help that could be accorded to them in order to feel comfortable with the network that they did not like.


The rate of response to the questionnaires generally was 85%. In the competing organization, the rate was 80% while in our organization the rate of response was 90%. The interview response and cooperation rate were 100% as there were no meetings canceled or denied. The results revealed that the wireless network connection was most preferred in comparison with the wired one. In addition, it was evident that the advantages of the wireless connection are more than the disadvantages. Some of the benefits mentioned by the respondents included the ability of the network to accommodate a large number of users; there would be flexibility in doing business, and the network is cheaper since it requires no cables among others.

Moreover, the survey showed that the benefits of wireless connection were more than wired connection. 90 percent of the respondents were in favor of wireless connection while 10 percent still preferred the wired network. Of the total number of respondents, the percentage of those who felt that the wireless connection boosted their morale, efficiency and productivity were the same as that which preferred the wireless network i.e. 90 percent. Two percent of them were undecided on whether the network would have any effects on their morale, efficiency or productivity. Eight percent of respondents said that the network did not have any effects on any of the three aspects. The highest percentages of those who favored the wireless system were youths between the ages of 21-35 years. For those who chose to remain in the wired connection most of them were the elderly of 35 years and above. The participants who favored the wired connection gave their main reasons as that they were used to the system and transition from the wired to wireless connection was hectic and demanding to them. On the contrary, the respondents who chose wired network over wireless one said that the network was far much easier to understand and use as opposed to the wired system.

The study also gave participants a chance to express the kind of help they would require researchers adapt to the network they did not think was good enough. From the survey, those who favored the wired network said that if that if they were given enough training and ample time to familiarize with how the system works, maybe they could be comfortable with it. The participants who had preferred the wireless network said they would not shift back to the wired network but would integrate the two.


From the results, it can be seen that wireless network is better than wired network and would, therefore, would be appropriate for any organization aiming at growth. However, it is evident that not all people prefer the network connection. 90% of the respondents considered the system efficient and hence preferred it while 10% thought the network was not good enough. It is also evident that most of the interviewees were aware of the benefits of using wireless network over wired network some of which include efficiency, flexibility and less expensive (Saha, & Sridhar, 2013).

These results were consistent throughout the survey since the percentages from within our organization and those of the other firms under study were in rhyme. The study was also consistent with other studies carried out comparing the two networks. For instance, a study by Xie, Chong, & Guan, (2013) concluded that the wireless system is more suitable for any organization and it assists in increasing profit margins. Further, the network saved time and resources and assisted in performing business in the field (Xie, Chong, & Guan, 2013). It is also evident that the network has a direct effect on the morale, efficiency, and productivity of workers and hence the overall performance of the organization as found out by Assefa, Garfield, & Meshesha, (2015).


Clearly, the wireless connection is suitable for most organizations of our nature. Therefore, the management should consider the move of shifting from the wired network to the wireless one. It should consider the benefits that the organization will gain from the shift and not the initial cost. In addition, it should not do away with the wired network completely, but instead, it should merge the two for some time. Merging the two networks will be to the advantage of the organization since if one is not functional, it can use the other network. Besides, integrating the two will ensure that those who were not convinced of the wireless network approach are not left feeling left out and dissatisfied.

After a thorough analysis of the situation, I came up with some recommendations that would help our organization. I recommended the management to come up with a plan describing how the shift will take place. First, the plan should recommend a move to the wireless network. Secondly, it should suggest that all employees be trained on how the wireless network operates in order to help them adapt to it without difficulties. Thirdly, it should suggest that the shift be gradual and not sudden to allow people to adjust and familiarize with the network for a smooth transition. Fourthly, the wired connection should remain operational for some period before fully doing away with it to ascertain that the new system is serving the organization efficiently. Finally, the plan should be implemented within a given period. Giving it a specified period will ensure that the shift does not take too long to happen and ensure the management is kept on alert.


Abrahamson, L., & Brady, C. (2014). A Brief History of Networked Classrooms to 2013: Effects, Cases, Pedagogy, and Implications with New Developments. International Journal of Quality Assurance in Engineering and Technology Education (ijqaete), 3, 4, 1-51.

Rahman, H. (2014). Innovation in Learning and Rise of the Internet. IGI Global.

Movassaghi, S., Abolhasan, M., Lipmann, J., Smith, D., & Jamalipour, A. (2013). Wireless Body Area Networks: A Survey. Ieee Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 16, 3, 1658-1686.

Assefa, T., Garfield, M., & Meshesha, M. (2013). Enabling Factors for Knowledge Sharing among Employees in the Workplace. Building a Competitive Public Sector with Knowledge Management Strategy, 246.

Moradpoor, N., Parr, G., McClean, S., & Scotney, B. (2013). IIDWBA algorithm for integrated hybrid PON with wireless technologies for next generation broadband access networks. Optical Switching and Networking, 10, 4, 439-457.

Saha, D., & Sridhar, V. (2013). Platform on Platform (PoP) Model for Meta-Networking: A New Paradigm for Networks of the Future. International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking.

Xie, L. F., Chong, P. H. J., & Guan, Y. L. (2013). Routing strategy in disconnected mobile ad hoc networks with group mobility. Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking.interviews

May 10, 2023

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