About Student Satisfaction Influencing Success

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Universities constantly struggle to draw in and keep students. Universities must recognize the problems that have an impact on student happiness for this to occur. The factors that affect a learner’s level of satisfaction with the institution include the campus environment, the quality of the education, and the student’s own perspective on perception.

The student’s field of study determines how satisfied they are (Noel, 2015-16). Studies on the student-to-staff ratio indicated that happier students were associated with higher staff-to-student ratios. It’s interesting that the overall amount spent on staff and student compensation did not appear to have an impact on student satisfaction. It was found that a student’s contentment was influenced by the standard of the student infrastructure. The quality related to skilled architectural structures build cater for the environment’s weather conditions, the cleanliness and physical appearance of classrooms. The responsiveness of a university’s administration to the academic needs of students greatly affects a student’s satisfaction and their lifestyle.

There are six key indicators of a student’s lifestyle experience. The indicators are; teaching quality satisfaction indicator, student support satisfaction indicator, learner engagement satisfaction indicator, learning resources satisfaction indicator, skills development satisfaction indicator and quality of overall educational experience satisfaction indicator. Attrition (student retention), completion of study and marks, are influenced by socioeconomic factors .Academic and social integration, are important factors that influence a student’s satisfaction.

Universities attempt to improve student satisfaction by introducing innovation around assessment. This involves the usage of online resources where a student can upload an assessment and receive similar kinds of work. This leads to attainment of higher grades .Universities and colleges are using technology to improve feedback provided for students .It helps them know exactly what kind of feedback to expect and when .In a case study of students who identified themselves as being ‘at risk’, were asked to choose from a list of thirty possible causes for their dissatisfaction. Majority of the students chose: health or stress, financial,workload, social and personal factors, disposition (attitude towards study) and institutional reasons.

Other universities aim to increase student satisfaction by responding to the increased students’ preoccupation with life after university .This is achieved by improving career service support. This takes the form of bringing work-related study into the curriculum. Job shops can also be availed where students can find employment during term time .Universities are endeavoring in the increase of their physical spaces. This involves introducing new kinds of furniture and technology. Satisfaction is also achieved by ensuring lectures theaters have enough space to allow individuals working on their own projects and those listening to a large-scale lecture. Universities are progressing in terms of retail facilities they have to provide and it is no longer just about academic progress. This improves the students’ experience by making it a place they want to stick around (Alexander Astin’s, 1984).

To improve overall satisfaction, universities seek to improve student experience by training the staff to provide better customer care services. The staff should also set expectations for positive interactions with the students. Such a practice will help student not be ‘run down’ around the campuses. The phone systems can be improved from the use of a virtual person to that of real people to facilitate better assistance. Universities are starting to involve students in building work decisions. Members of the student union have helped to choose university furniture.

The perception of your tuition being worthwhile can contribute to one’s campus climate satisfaction. Celebrating the institution’s strengths helps give the students a sense of belonging .It is also important to prioritize the students’ problems .Challenges can be defined as things of high importance but little satisfaction .Communication regarding changes that have been made around campus is important(Jumoke Sanusi, 2014 ) .

Universities and colleges are acknowledging mentoring as an important aspect to a student’s success(Moore, 1998). All students are assigned a mentor capable of providing guidance .The students are randomly matched with their faculty and staff mentors. The created mentor and mentee relationship begins at orientation .The mentors are trained .They are further required to be in touch with the mentees every week .Flexibility is encouraged where the students can change the relationship between them at their mentors and get new ones .

Mentors and young people develop their relationships as they participate in cultural, recreational and social activities .Community service projects and tutoring are also included .Mentoring takes place in activities that friends engage in .Regardless of the activity , mentoring provides guidance and support cementing an important part of a student’s life in college .

Mentoring as any activity has steps. First, one asses the need .One finds a problem and an additional service they can offer. One further convenes a planning board : campus administrators or the school personnel .Whether it is boosts self-esteem or reduces drop-out rates, one keeps in mind short terms goals at this phase .A development strategy is then drawn to help determine the strengths and weaknesses of the plan .It will also enable one to measure overall success . One then asses available resources and creates an infrastructure for their program (Laurie, 2009).

Participation in extracurricular activities is important to a student (Karen, 2009). They provide a break from studies, they help the student build skills outside the classroom, and they look good on one’s resume and provide social opportunities.


Student satisfaction affects the students’ performance and retention rate in universities. Mentoring helps greatly in student satisfaction as it helps give them a clear purpose and support in their challenges. A clear link has been established between a student’s satisfactions with his/her success rate. Students with positive mentors, also establish a higher success rate in universities.


Sodexo Student Profile Research


2. Noel Levitz,, 2015-16. National Student Satisfaction Report http://web.a.ebscohost.com.liucat.lib.liu.edu/ehost/detail/detail?vid=4&sid=8d6a3949-80b6-43f4-80fd 88416ac44069%40sessionmgr4006&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZSZzY29wZT1zaXRl#AN=16PU2360586764&db=nfh. http://blog.noellevitz.com/2013/10/09/ways-student-satisfaction-data-improve-college-student-retention/. http://www.ellucian.com/Insights/Retention-and-student-success--Implementing-strategies-that-make-a-difference/

3. Laurie A. Schreiner, Ph.D., Azusa Pacific University, 2009. College Student Affairs Journalhttps://www.noellevitz.com/documents/shared/Papers_and_Research/2009/LinkingStudentSatis0809.pdf, http://chronicle.com/blogs/headcount/the-science-of-student-satisfaction/27654

4. Moore, Jody, et al, University of Indiana in 1998. https://education.indiana.edu/graduate/programs/hesa/iuspa/archive/2002/2002-StudentParticipation.pdf

5. Alexander Astin’s, Dr.,University of Indiana,1984. Theory of Involvementhttp://studentdevelopmenttheory.weebly.com/astin.html

6. Karen Webber et al, 2009. Proquest Education Journals


7. Jumoke Sanusi, Scholars’ Press, 2014 .Alumni Satisfaction with university Experiences.https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/3639706269/ref=mp_s_a_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1510216082&sr=8-6&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=university+success+satisfaction&dpPl=1&dpID=517wWFyjXxL&ref=plSrch

March 15, 2023

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University Problems Student

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