Model of Gifted Education: Acceleration Model

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Brief bio of the creator A Ph.D. holder taught classes at Columbia University. She was intrigued by kids with unique needs. One of her books, Gifted Children, was published in 1926. In 1936, a gifted school for kids was established in New York.

Practices like whole-grade acceleration and individual topic acceleration are used to make sure that pupils’ intellectual potential is utilized to the fullest extent possible (Davis, 2003). The justification for this is that it boosts motivation, improves students’ social wellbeing, and assures that all of their potential is utilized. A child with the capacity to read independently like one in school should be enrolled in a school (Pfeiffer, 2015). Consequently, the child’s skills will be maximally utilized.

Whole-grade acceleration

The feature involves placing a student at a higher level which suits his intellectual capacity. An example is putting a student in the third grade after completing the first grade.


Ensures maximum utilization of the student’s potential.

Students complete school faster and get into their careers.


A student can be put under unnecessary pressure capable of having detrimental effects.


The model is considered to be cheaper as it ensures that time spent by children in school is limited. The identification of students with exceptional skills is the only program that requires funding.


Colangelo, N., & Davis, G. A. (2003). Handbook of gifted education. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Pfeiffer, S. I. (2015). Essentials of Gifted Assessment.

Model of Gifted Education: Autonomous Learner Model

Creator: George Betts

Short Bio of Creator- Professor at Northern Colorado University.

Educational Philosophy of Model

Delegate the power to teach from the teacher to the students (Betts, 2006).

Model Features

Through orientation, the students can critically analyze the role of the school and consequently get to learn how they can play a vital role in directing their future (Betts, 1999)

Through seminars, the students can demonstrate knowledge and skills.

Strength-Students gain decision-making skills, their self- esteem is enhanced, and they become critical thinkers.

Weakness-Not all the students can adapt to such a model.

Feasibility -There are minimal interactions between the teachers and the students. Hence, only a moderator is required. Considerably cost effective.

References for Autonomous Learner Model

Betts, G. T., & Kercher, J. K. (1999). Autonomous learner model: Optimizing ability. Greeley, Colo: ALPS Pub.

Betts, G. T., Toy, R. E., & Vasquez, K. A. (2006). The young gifted child and the autonomous learner model: (K-3). Greeley, Colo: ALPS Pub.

Model of Gifted Education: Creative Problem Solving Model

Creator: Donald Treffinger

Short Bio of Creator- Sarasota center of learning director.

Educational Philosophy of Model

Enables students deal with complex challenges.

Model Features

Linking problems with instructions.

Individually addressing differences(Curry, 1985).

Strengths -Ensures that solutions to various problematic issues are easily reached.

Feasibility -Training is required, and the program may be expensive depending on the number of students.

References for CPS

Curry, J. (1985). A study to evaluate the effects of using the Creative Problem Solving process in conjunction with the training model of the National/State Leadership Training Institute on the Gifted and the Talented.

Model of Gifted Education: CLEAR

Creator: Carolyn Callahan and others

Short Bio of Creator- Author and professor in Curry School of Education.

Educational Philosophy

Institute a rich curriculum to enhance student learning.

Model Features

Assessments identified learning goals, information-driven learning and rich curriculum(Davis, 2013)

Strengths -The students are more focused and motivated.

Feasibility-Expensive as a task force has to be set. The program is also intensive as the only relay of crucial information is encouraged.

References for CLEAR

Callahan, C. M., & Hertberg-Davis, H. L. (2013). Fundamentals of gifted education: Considering multiple perspectives. New York: Routledge.

Model of Gifted Education: One-on-One Model (Homeschool –Tutor)

Creator: John Dewey

Short Bio of Creator- American Philosopher and psychologist.

Educational Philosophy

Maximize the potential of a student through intensive and quick learning program.

Model Features

Direct contact with the student(Pluta, 2016).

Strengths-Students get to learn quickly as more attention is on them.

Weakness-The model has detrimental effects to the student’s social life.

Feasibility-A parent has to hire a tutor for their child and hence the program is expensive.

References for Homeschool

Tseng, M., & Pluta, R. M. (January 01, 2016). Educating Students with Chronic Illness.

Model of Gifted Education: Purdue Three-Stage Enrichment Model &Pyramid Model of Talent Development

Creator: John F. Feldhusen & Penny Kolloff

Short Bio of Creator- Education Psychologist.

Short Bio of Creator-Professor at Bloomington State University.

Educational Philosophy

Differentiation based on the learner profile.

Model Features

Cluster groupings


Ease of implementation

The model addresses the product and the content(Stoltzfus, 2012).

Weaknesses-Requires highly qualified teachers

Feasibility -Low cost.

References for Purdue

Stoltzfus, R. A., & IUPUI ScholarWorks. (2012). Experiencing narrative pedagogy: Conversations with nurse educators.

Model of Gifted Education: School-wide Enrichment Model

Creator: Joseph Renzulli

Short Bio of Creator- Education Psychologist.

Educational Philosophy

Expose the students to content.

Model Features

Critical thinking and knowledge application.

The model advocates for the creation of products and field contribution(Davis, 1997).


The model engages as well as challenges the students.


Weakness- Hard to implement.

Feasibility-Expensive as it involves the whole school.

Reference For SEM

Colangelo, N., & Davis, G. A. (1997). Handbook of gifted education. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Model of Gifted Education: Talents Unlimited Model

Creator: Calvin Taylor

Short Bio of Creator- Author Multiple Talent Theory(1985)

Educational Philosophy

Aid the students in critical thinking and development of skills and enhancement of talents.

Model Features

Teachers considered talent unlimited must have completed the training, be critically evaluated and successfully practice the model for not less than two years(Davis, 1997).


Compatible wit the other models.

Useful to a wider group of students.

Weakness-Fails to address ways to adapt in case a student transfers to another school.

Feasibility - Inexpensive because most schools have budgets that include professional advancement.

References for TU

Colangelo, N., & Davis, G. A. (1997). Handbook of gifted education. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

February 09, 2023

Learning United States

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